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  1. Absolutely NO toggle, NO hold etc... Make the ability work like it's supposed to!! That means fix the light, or perceived light sources for the ability. Option 1: That Entrati lamp SHOULD provide 100% next to it, the further away you are to the light, the less it works - the higher the defence becomes (dark). So a gradual change between the light and dark that goes up and down with the luminesce of any given area. Stand in the middle: 50/50 on both attack and defence. Option 2: Wherever there is light 100% light, wherever there is shadow 100% dark count. Personally I'd go for Option 1, it's the most fun, realistic and game-mechanicy version. Please don't shy away from this way of fixing and choose for the cheapest and shortest cop out by listening to power hungry 'easy' people that only want max everything without gameplay, gimmicks or cool stuff...Like I said, make it lore friendly, make it like it how was supposed to work, like how it was intended.
  2. Happy Tennotober! Done with Ballpen (black and Blue for some contrast) Day 6: Throwback Day 15: Uplift Day 25: Hammer Day 30: Prison Day 31: Faceless
  3. I just want to add that I could claim 5 drops (30min, 1hour, 1.5h, 2h and 2.5h watch time). After claiming 2, the remaining 3 DISAPPEARED from Twitch! Please tell me where to go to make them fix this, if this is a Twitch problem, if not, I guess it's noted here! (Watched and claimed on my phone, have had no problems for years)
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