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Posts posted by A7roboBOT

  1. 18 hours ago, musicalsocks23 said:

    TYPE: In-Game, Railjack, Mission
    DESCRIPTION: Locked out of the Corpus Stanchion
    REPRODUCTION: One Tenno enters the Stanchion, but cannot progress the mission or leave without the other Tenno but the other Tenno cannot enter the Stanchion after the countdown has finished. If the other Tenno recalls the stuck Tenno, then both Tennos are stuck outside of the Stanchion preventing the mission from being completed.
    EXPECTED RESULT: Tennos are able to both enter the Stanchion
    OBSERVED RESULT: Cannot enter the Stanchion to complete the mission
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Consistent.

    I've noticed the same bug. If you leave the objective area or if another player fails to be teleported in, people can be stuck outside. As a workaround, you can still shoot yourself through the door with the archwing slingshot.

  2. Thanks for the update!

    8 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Fixed being unable to detonate Glaives using Heavy Attack while controlling it with Ivara’s Navigator.

    Any chance we could get some QoL changes for people who have heavy attack and alternate fire bound to separate keys? The new glaive controls while dual-wielding are not consistent in this case (you detonate the glaive with alt-fire instead of heavy attack when dual-wielding). Also, could we get the ability to perform a heavy attack without first performing a regular attack?

    • Like 9
  3. I thought I'd give this a try and also challenge myself to use a medium I've never used before. This was all done in acrylic ink with only a small liner brush. It turned out kinda crappy, but Inktober is partly about challenging oneself. Also, I'm not great at freehand work to begin with.

    Days 1-16 (all one page):




    • Like 2
  4. MLG = Megan Loves Gaming

    This all started from a random comment I made during the GCX charity stream, and Rebb and Megan just kinda ran with it. Now it needs a logo.

    I had originally intended to make a parody of the Major League Gaming logo, but it wasn't well suited to a tricolor design, and their newest logo is just boring.

    The logo and typeface were created from scratch in Inkscape, with colors inspired by Megan's fashionframe.

    I wanted to submit this to FanForge as a mousepad, but the deadline for that was a couple days before MLG's inception.


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  5. With Dynamic Resolution enabled, there is a major bug with shadows on the Plains of Eidolon. There are dark bars along the bottom and right edges of the screen where everything is shadowed. The width of the bars depends upon the difference between the dynamic resolution and the native screen resolution, with the bars disappearing when the game is rendering at the native resolution.

    Screenshot with Dynamic Resolution: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1267148871083499173/4363DB7D90A75FCB698D96085D4FDC73573AA08A/

    Screenshot at native resolution (no Dynamic Resolution): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1267148871083499784/7F514F46A7D829FB5668B0B006A721691D641256/

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