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Posts posted by psyanide

  1. The new sound is terrible when compared to what you guys had there. Completely put me off. It was, honestly, my favourite gun in the entire game and I would always come back to it when I felt sick of levelling up weak, airy sounding guns. Didn't matter that the stats make it a middling sort of weapon, it FELT powerful, the sound matched the action of enemies getting torn to shreds by high velocity rounds (high slash damage, so pretty XD), so I would use it over and over, just cuz.

    Please, DE, let me buy the old sound back for Platinum or something. I honestly don't mind paying you to facilitate this. It directly affects my enjoyment of the game, along with quite a few other people on here, as far as I can see.

  2. It's bad design. It's ill conceived. Stop defending stupid decisions. They should have given Red Veil the Ignis and like, the Embolist (since THAT happens to be the weapon they dedicated a syndicate mod to). Their theme is fire, fear and violence, they want to purge the galaxy of the rot currently infesting it through a massive application of force. 

    When did they become covert operatives?




    A Concerned Red Veil Operative

  3. What exactly are you expecting from DE? This is not an RPG or RTS. Warframe is just a horde slasher, like "Orcs must die" or "Diablo". I have never seen people complaining about weak AI in those games. AI in Warframe does its job well enough. Enemies try taking cover, no comments on how effective they do it, and group together. Heavy units stay behind swarms of lighter units.


    I get that the AI isn't all that great right now, but DE seems to want to push this game beyond what it currently is. All the tweaks and changes to balance that they keep doing, all the new movement and fighting animations and game modes - to me it REALLY seems like they want to make it more than just another Horde Clicker, but there is a lot of work to be done there, since they initially built the game as such. Almost all of the old enemy units here need to be re-designed. 


    Even Diablo 2 had the Fallen units that would run like hell from you as soon as you killed one of them, making you chase them around, trying to distract you from their Shaman who would be doing his best to raise as many of them from the dead as possible. And you had those damned little pygmies that had melee units that would swarm all over you while their dart-blowers did their best to keep impassable terrain between themselves and you. I could go on. The AI WAS simple, but it still managed to create the illusion that each of those unit types had some unique behavior patterns that made you hate them in unique ways.


    Then we have WarFrame, where there is ZERO difference between how a Sniper Crewman behaves and how an Elite Crewman or even a Nullifier behaves, apart from the gun that they shoot or the single ability they use (Create Shield, Throw Grenade). Zero difference between the aggression of an Elite Lancer and an Eviscerator. Even an Eximus unit is just a copy of a standard unit that has a passive aura slapped on.


    That said, they recently introduced Grineer Manics, who display a very welcome change from the standard that had been established. They FORCE you to pay attention to them, not because they are flashy, but because they jump around, disappear and strike from odd angles. That laugh of theirs is freaking ICONIC. It's AWESOME! Even if they can be blasted away easily with your super powered guns, they change the flow of the game. They change the HOW instead of just the WHEN.


    They recently added in deployable cover that standard Grineer troops can lay down, Turrets that the AI can make use of (sometimes to devastating effect!) or be slaughtered by. 


    THESE are the kind of elements that can make a game like this more than just a horde clicker. At the moment, it very much resembles one, but we are here in the hopes that DE keeps shooting for something bigger and better than that. All those nerfs happen because somebody has a vision of something more than mindless slaughter. 


    My apologies for being rude and insulting earlier, but I honestly have seen too many one line posts that aren't even good for a laugh. I get that the system is working as WAS intended, but I (we?) keep investing money in this game in the hopes that it continues to evolve. EVOLVE, not just have more content tacked on, mind you. I have been at this for... three years now? And I can honestly say that the experience is MUCH deeper than how it started out with its single tileset and generic space enemies. It didn't get that way by the players and DE accepting everything as 'just fine' or 'working as intended'. 


    I am here and you are here and we are here to keep the night in motion...

  4. Example of something that would change up your typical defense : Have specific units spawn that are protected by the others. Their sole purpose is to construct a device somewhere close by that starts slowly siphoning off/disables the objective's shields. OR it starts stealing ammo drops and disables your team's ability to drop Health/Ammo/Shield/Energy replenishers (they malfunction while a working device is in play).


    This forces you to go out and deal with the threat before the attrition becomes catastrophic. 


    Hell, at higher levels the buggers could construct a device that does that AND has gun emplacements to deter your heroic efforts at destroying them. 


    If two devices manage to get set up at once, a timer starts counting down. At 0, you lose the round as they bombard your objective with long range impunity.


    Imagine defending an objective on a planet surface, then you spot dropships flying in to deliver enemy engineers, equipment and reinforcements (that do not count as wave spawns) to a random corner of the map where they will dig in and cause hell if someone does not move out and deal with them forthwith. 


    Could be a crap idea, but it is merely something that I took 5 minutes to thumb suck. At least it's a little more original than the "Stay here and defend this one thing" schlepp that we have seen a thousand different iterations of with little in the way of diversification.


    What about, during a Survival, events occur like finding civilians or Syndicate members that are pinned down by enemy fire, and escorting them to escape pods successfully gives you some sort of bonus but letting them die after agreeing to help them takes away Faction Rep etc.


    I think adding in more stuff to do will take away the need to overwhelm us with numbers. Give us new ways to lose, new ways to bleed.

  5. The issue is ... well for lack of a better way of putting it that it's working as intended really.  The entire point of scaling at all is purposefully to force players to hit a wall, a hard stopping point where they are no longer effective.  Otherwise endless really would be endless.


    While I could go on a lot about this I'll keep it brief.  Scaling forcing a player(s) to stop and leave due to their kits becoming ineffective is precisely what is supposed to happen.  Now mind you what can be discussed as a point is WHEN this stop point would occur.  Possibly suggesting that spawn mechanics become more controlled in a way that reduces this Ancient issue along with the "Bubbles in yo bubbles in yo auras." thing which can occur.  But still a point would need to eventually happen where the enemy equivalent of a concrete turducken sculpture rears itself.


    Or in just one line;  When should endless hit an effective end?


    You make an excellent point. We should hit that wall at some point, but it should not feel like we're being cheesed in order to get us to bugger off. 


    Personally, I like it when I play a game and it feel like there is a person/people behind the experience. Whether it's an illusion or not, I want to feel like I am somehow outdoing intelligent design rather than arbitrary algorithms. Nobody cares about overcoming numbers in a sequence. It's a hollow experience without even the illusion of a point. Something as simple as better controlled spawning of enemies is a step in the right direction.


    I want to be creatively beaten by an insidious intelligence. We are Superman types - usually unable to be taken out in a straight up fight. DE needs to take on the role of Lex Luthor or The Joker i.e. coming up with creative workarounds to our strengths.


    Not just by nullifying everything we have into the dirt and then steamrolling us with superior numbers (kryptonite is the lazy story teller's tool). At least not EVERY TIME.


    If I wanted to go back to that I would still be playing WarCraft 3 RPG or Hero Arena mods of old, which is sometimes what this game reminds me of. Play MOAR to see MOAR numbers, it doesn't matter, everyone dies in the end.

  6. Nope. They work as intended.


    Oh look, another generic forumite who thinks he has something to say.


    Congrats, with your statement you have shown your propensity for inanity.


    Your input is not funny, clever, insightful, useful or indeed possessing of any point whatsoever. Please keep your lack of capacity to argue intelligently (or at least entertainingly) to yourself.

  7. You can't prioritize anything if the majority of the enemies spawning call for prioritization 


    At around that level (actually almost anything past lvl 50), every other unit that spawns is either an Eximus, a Corrupted Ancient or both. Oh, and the real crowd pleaser? A Sanguine Eximus Corrupted Ancient and a Guardian Eximus Shield Drone at the same time - INSIDE the nullifier field of an Energy Leech Eximus Corrupted Nullifier.

    Yo Dawg... 

    WHOOOOPEEE!!! More thoughtless RNG please, DE! We surely haven't had our fill, yet, have we, boys?

  8. I agree it should be optional, and should have performance considerations. I would not however have DE waste time taking it to Killing Floor levels of gore. Just, back to what they had would be sufficient. That strikes the right balance in my opinion, without distracting from the core themes of the game, to which gore is only an element, not a feature.


    Waste time? Oh yeah, sure, I would much rather have them using that time designing and deploying yet another set of completely superfluous weapons that are boring as F*** to use. Why are they boring as F***? Because no matter what type of damage they do and however they do it, enemies always die the same boring @(*()$ way. 


    Are more weapons really what we need from the design team :\  At this rate we are going to have more goddamned guns than Borderlands does coupled with ZERO reason to change your loadout apart from MOAR NUMBERS. Numbers are not the friggin' reason I am playing a shiny, anime inspired, fast paced Third Person Action Shooter where 90% of the time inflicting all manner of violence upon the enemy IS the game. People like myself, and apparently many others, need fluff to distract from just how @(*()$ mundane and reptitive this game has become, as there is no deeper message to ponder here, there is no philosophy to be challenged or discussed. In WarFrame, even more so than WarHammer, this line rings true: 


    "There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."


    Give this to us, DE. We thirst for blood and you thirst for money. We can make a deal...

  9. Seriously am I the only one that turned gore off, it was just got old and excessive far to quickly for me to want to keep it on.  


    Ummm, yes?


    Not to say there's something wrong with your opinion - if you don't want blood showers and flying limbs then the ability to turn it off should still be there, as has been the case with many other games in the past. Just stating that you seem to be in the minority here, is all.


    Where there is death and dismemberment, there should be blood and bits and screaming. This game used to have that in spades. At some point they started screwing with it - BEFORE damage 2.0 there were instances where I was ragdolling enemies across the room with my Cronus, dismembered corpses would magically spawn 3 heads attached to a 4 or 5 arms... Disconcerting stuff.


    I get the feeling that DE took their maligned "Ooops, this is too hard, screw it" attitude and applied a band aid, simplifying everything related to the issue and making it boring rather than fixing it properly. Same with PhysX particles, same with APEX cloth effect on Syndanas. I hope like hell these are all issues that are going to be re-visited at a later date. Then again, they haven't even been able to figure out a cohesive manner to balance the different damage types so far, so forgive me if I sound a bit hopeless here.

  10. *snip*


    p.s. if you play on dedicated server with a ping of 250 there are only two reasons:

    1) you picked a wrong server.

    2) your ISP suck.


    Or you live in southern Africa which hardly ever gets any local dedicated servers for anything, Mr. Cynical Know-it-All. You're adding nothing to this topic. We are suggesting changes for the better and all you want to do is moan about what's currently wrong. WE KNOW that things are wrong at the moment, that's what we're all discussing solutions to here. If all you want to do is piss on parades...


    Actually, whatever, I am done interacting with your type. Piss away, troll.

  11.  what if one premade can't do anything because of laggy host. please do not use therm 'competitive' for the game that using peer to peer connection.


    ... Yeah, you made no sense whatsoever there, dude.


    If someone's lagging the game, they should be able to be vote kicked. Did you read and comprehend my post? Please don't just derp out words without stopping to ask yourself if you actually have a point to make?


    Quake, Unreal, Counter Strike - for years we played 'competitive' games with listen hosts, LAN or otherwise and it worked just fine when we just wanted some practice for the real thing. Your basic understanding of p2p traffic seems to be a little lacking - you seem to have absorbed the general "p2p is bahhhhd" mentality of the internet and regurgitated it here in an attempt to be snarky. There have been TERRIBLE executions of it in many games, but it only really kills the game when lag comp is bad and broken matchmaking is throwing randoms of all different pings and levels together.


    Dedicated servers are great and needed if ever DE decides to start doing tournaments etc. but since some people will have the resources to run a small private match without lag, what is wrong with having the option? I live on a continent with TERRIBLE internet, so we get together and LAN this game - with 0 noticeable lag, it becomes so much better. Forcing Dedi servers on even unranked matches is going to screw us guys down here out of that experience. 250ms constant really, REALLY sucks in a game as fast as this.


    Regardless, what is wrong with wanting to see PvP progress into something better than it is? Is that not what we are trying to help DE do here? Honestly, the fragging negativity in here sometimes...

  12. It would be really awesome if this could be addressed - moving forwards proper matchmaking (and pre-made custom match creation) as well as the the ability for voting (player kicking, map changes etc.) are essential to being able to create an engaging and consistently competitive PvP experience.

  13. I like OHKO's existing in-game, but only as results for skillful play such as scoring headshots with slow firing weapons (slow like Bows, not AkLex!) or nailing someone with a Volt No.4 while they are within 3 meters of you (i.e. you would only take 1/2 damage when out of that range but still getting hit). These kind of things can't be spammed, they require forethought when you approach a target. Miss that arrow and you likely get punished while you try and load up another one. Trigger your Volt No.4 at the wrong time and only do half damage to your target? They should be able to shoot you out of the air during your recovery animation. 


    If you can pull off a charged-bow-headshot on a non buffed (e.g. no Rhino Skin) target, it feels thankless if the target just keeps on trucking- skilled shooting is not rewarded and THAT encourages people to just aim center mass and throw lead down-range with no variation.


    We're trying to encourage variation and skill based individual play styles here, not create a new chapter of power-creep with straight up progression. That said, a skill that has no cooldown, is not hard to hit with and costs only 25 energy should not have that much offensive ability. Maybe Slash Dash could cause reduced damage and cause anyone hit by it to be stunned for 1 second, or have melee disabled for a few seconds? I like the no melee idea because it suits Excal's melee theme and also turns SDash into more of a utility/mobility skill than a damage one. People could still roll away and continue to fire on him if they react fast enough, and shotguns would hard counter him something awful XP

  14. Interesting how these half baked nerf threads get all the attention with parrots repeating the3 same thing as the others but the buff threads barely get any attention and must be bumped.


    No wonder things get nerfed by request, the idiots can't help but flock the thread constantly bumping it saying the same thing as the dudes above him rather than ignoring it knowing what he said has been said. Then an argument happens and in the end, the guy need not bump his thread, only start an argument and the rest fall in line. The end result, a nerfed warframe, weapon(ex. Gammocore), etc


    Remember that extra large iron Skin nerf thread? Do ye remember any buff thread for Rhino back then?


    It would be better to let these nerf threads die then to engage. Let them bump their own threads and bump them buff threads improving them ideas. For example, that huge parkour thread which does not discuss removing or nerfing anything, but improvements.


    It's no wonder things hardly get buffed, you guys are too busy infesting these nerfs threads and not enough bumping buff threads. Only a few buff threads get bumped. VERY few such as them passionate Frost players.


    Seems there are more nerfs than buffs, now you know why. You only have yourselves to blame. Fueling the fire.


    You are correct, of course. It's just that I used to be extremely @(*()$ passionate about this game, and so were the devs back during closed beta. Hell, Steve would post regularly and banter ideas back and forth with the small community we had. Now WF is the popular kid that forgot about his first friends and is losing his identity by trying to please everyone at once. I realize that this is the natural progression of things, I hardly care. 


    We have so much more content than we used to, but it's less exciting every time because the more that gets added on, the more things appear as a confused mess e.g. Game is focused on faster gameplay than most others. Quick and decisive reactions make sure you stay on top feeling like a badass. People that liked the style made the effort to get into the beta and came around the forums asking for more of the same. Yes please! 

    Game opened up as F2P and suddenly who do you attract? Mostly broke arse mofos who want the entire experience changed - slowed down because they suck at it and are jealous of the people that don't. So they come here and demand leashes be put on the players that are better than them. DE responds by putting in all sorts of stupid fluff to artificially slow you down - locked doors that need a teammate to open, a @(*()$ CAMERA that needs to be used HUNDREDS of times by switching to it, aiming accurately at something (that is probably SHOOTING you) for a solid 2 seconds before switching back to your weapon and killing the damned thing you just took a picture of, like some kind of genocidal National Geographic camera crew...


    "Oh AWESOME! I got wings that allow me to break the sound barrier and wield guns big enough to destroy a starship! Lemme grab my camera really quick, because what I ACTUALLY want to do with all this new hardware is take pictures!" 


    These nerf whiners and nay sayers have been the bane of this game since it came out of closed beta - forcing the devs into trying to create 2 different games at the same time. They DO have influence, because there are so very, very many of them. They create the general message on the forums - things need to be slower overall for these small minded individuals who come from a generation that played too much CoD and think that gives them all the greatest ideas when in reality they're all just sucking on Bobby Kotick's sweaty nutsack.  

  15. Gawd, there are still people on these forums calling for nerfs? Get some hours under your belt first, dude. By that I mean at least 300 before you open your gob about massive changes to frames that you likely do not even own and have 0 first hand experience with. You confuse the devs with your loud lack of experience.


    Maybe do some high level Void where your 5x Forma weaponry is not doing bugger all damage to the level 100 enemies, semi invisible rockets are throwing your homies around the room and Nullifiers are cancelling out your team's AoE effects at all four points of the compass at the same time. Then please, come back and tell us more about how our 'Frames are 'Overpowered' instead of 'Necessary'.


    BTW, Nyx can make an entire map of enemies start killing each other for less than 100 energy, but you seem to be OK with that...


    They are Ultimate abilities. They are meant to be F'ing stronkbad, they cost a lot of energy to cast when you suddenly need to be casting them 3 to 4 times per wave. They are a necessary tool in high level content.


    ... I wish DE would release a "No Ulti" mode where everyone has their No. 4 disabled (and No. 3, in Nyx's case). Then the whiners can go and happily jerk each other off without screwing the rest of us around.

  16. I wasn't distinctly saying that a Prime or Vandal weapon should get more glory because of it's status. My comparison was more against the Mk1 weapons. There is a decent change from normal to prime or vandal, but it's not massive, and usually it has it's trade offs. I don't mind that. I mind what should be downgraded weapons having comparable, if not better, stats to the regular weapons. They are supposed to be downgrades for a reason, that should be seen more in PVP, rather than making it look like a weapon could be just as good if not better than the one you could possibly upgrade to.


    Fair enough.


    Idea -  Perhaps MK-1 Weapons should be the only usable PvP weapons to user accounts under level 4 or 5 or something like that - and all those account holders have their own matchmaking queues when it comes to PvP. Once you hit a threshold Account Level, you get put into the higher queues and you are forced to switch to non MK-1 weapons. 

    MK-1 and proper weapon variant PvP damage numbers become moot as they no longer have any interaction.


    Not to say that the MK-1 numbers shouldn't change - all kinds of ridiculous going on there... But if the weapons were for newbies only they could be balanced independently for the best newbie (I have no Mods and I must Scream!) experience in that respect. 

  17. While I am in love with the way you guys at DE decided to handle PvP here, I realize that it is going to be a long process. It should be. Much consideration must be given to all aspects of balance when it comes to anything PvP.


    That said - the numbers on the weapons are a bit off, in my opinion. (Slower firing)/(Slower swinging) weapons with either a smaller clip or that use more stamina per swing should do more damage when registering a hit simply because it is generally harder to hit a target with them. Exceptions such as the weapon that has worse stats brings something extra to your arsenal (such as being able to copter further) could exist and bring more fun to the party, though. That is a large part of what weapon balance is all about. Make it different but the same, if you get my drift...


    I also think the variation weapons (Primes, Vandals etc) should never be simply better or worse from a pure damage perspective and then equal on other aspects. Tweaks to accuracy, fire rate, clip size, bullet travel time etc along with damage number tweaks are better in this case IMHO because they change the way you play with your weapons rather than just raising your DPS.

  18. Why wouldn't I play with powers? I dunno, maybe because I am not totally crap at playing shooters? I simply don't need them apart from very specific circumstances, like defense missions.


    Besides, the Emperor would frown upon me using the warp to further His will. Chaos has always offered power, but only the unfaithful submit to its machinations. My soul remains free of such taint.




    Nah but seriously - using powers in WarFrame is the equivalent of using the bomb in every 'bullet hell' game ever made - it allows everyone to have fun, but as you get better you tend to need it less.


    ... Except for those powers like 'Fireball' and 'Soul Punch'. I mean... hahahaha hohoholy sh1t DE, are you high? THAT is what I am having forced into my repertoire? 


    What's next? Replacing Loki's 'Decoy' with 'Card Trick'? Aggro every enemy in the room as you stun one NPC with your mad sleight of hand skillzzz...


    *sigh* ye know, now that DE is owned by Chinese chicken company overlords, the only thing left related to them that can surprise me are the users on these forums.



    • Added in a new SMAA Antialiasing option (this has better detail preservation than our FXAA option). Note:  This new option is on by default. This antialiasing option is slightly more system intensive than the current FXAA option, and if you experience performance issues you may want to switch to the old FXAA option.



    This is all I saw, honestly speaking. I immediately started singing "You're the best, AROUND, noone's ever gonna bring you down!" and skipping around my office, ignoring the confused looks of everyone else there.


    Thank you, DE! You have made my day! Even if it's not that great and needs to be optimized and ohwhoamIkiddingIdon'tgiveadamn SMAA BIATCHES!!!


    No more (game-breaking) custom WarFrame/nVidia profiles for me!!! Decent AA is here!

  20. Its. Not. Just. About. The. Name.


    Some people dont just load up max everything and go, some folks have mods *gasp* that are not fully leveled and they create builds based on specific bonus numbers that now you cant see because all the info you get it's rank when it comes to what a mod can do.


    So now you have to remember what's the bonus of each single rank of every mod?


    I seriously, dont understand the reasoning for some of these changes because it just doesnt make sense.

    Not going to use the "It's Beta" argument but i think i am going to something similar "It's a testbed."

    I think Warframe is just a game DE is using to test a bunch of stuff in their engine for other games they are working on.

    That's the only explanation because there is no actual reason any of them can give to have the UI be LESS helpful and require MORE work to use.


    The day has come. I am in full agreement with Mak_Gohae. What happened, I have no idea, but a big +1 from me. I was looking at the designs in the previews and thinking to myself, "Surely this is not the end product? Nah, can't be - wouldn't make sense to take even more info off of the card display..."


    And yet, there it is, staring me in the face.

    Game's starting to resemble a console port a bit more with every UI update, instead of the other way around.

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