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Everything posted by (PSN)wolfforever5

  1. At random occurences during gameplay, Yareli (on her Merulina) will have no abilities work, nor can she shoot her weapon. She is permanently stuck in this state. Upon going into operator mode, Yareli (and any companion, if you have one) will actually *die*. You will be permanently unable to go back into warframe mode, with the game saying "ability not ready" constantly. Gear wheel ceases to work. Dying in operator mode in this "no-warframe state" leads you into spectating your teammates. Without an ability to revive, which is most interesting. Extracting as the operator leads to a blank results screen with no weapon progress or loot shown. Reviewing mission progress in orbiter shows barely some of the loot. Not all of it. Lastly, this was *not* a one-time occurence. As of writing this post, this issue has occurred *four* times in the last week. This is why I have so much information. I am unable to provide the source of the glitch however, as I truly have no clue. Only the afterward effects. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, Yareli is way too fun for glitches like these.
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