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Posts posted by orglow

  1. Be nice if there was something akin to another set of "smugglers" with a 3 hour rotation that rolls a mix of 300-500 uncommon resources, rare resource 2-packs, built lower tier weapons (the Karak for example), Forma BP, and T3/T4 keys. Everything is credits only, but fairly stiff prices and one purchase per customer per rotation (Thereby preventing mass dumping credits to ruin plat sales of high demand items on really good items getting rolled).


    It would be something more aimed for mid-game and beyond players. Since most of the smuggled items that are anything better than uncommon resources would have price ranges of 150-350K credits. (So a 300 pack of Plastids or Oxium may cost ~50K and a two pack of rare resources might weigh in at ~150K, but something like the pre-built Karak would cost you around 250K. Then there would be the "rare" trades if they want to put anything like a pre-built Exilus adapter in for a cool half million credits.)


    Instant credit sink for those with extra disposable credits and no desire to farm, a mid-level safety valve that lets players potentially get decent weapons for only credits if they are getting hosed on Neural / Neurode drops for their crafting (but it is random and may not be a weapon they were initially planning on getting anyways!), another method of randomly having a chance at T3 or T4 keys without having to poke at interception or excavation, and maybe the occasional hot-ticket item for a feeding frenzy of higher level players blowing a half million on something "good".

    maybe instead of 3h which seems really short 1-2 days to give people a chance to get stuff or they show up like once a week or something

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