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Posts posted by Kobi_Blade

  1. I don't know were people got the idea of Samurai using dual wield. Samurai always disregarded dual wield, and they think it's stupid.


    Katana is used with two hands! And anyone with medieval knowledge knowns it's impossible to wield two swords properly.


    One sword and one dagger is possible though, although it is extremely difficult to control/master, and it's disregarded by Samurai, and was never used in battle but rather in Assassinations.


    Tenno on the other hand, may have the power to dual wield without problems, they're beyond human.

  2. I love ignorance and whims.

    Do you people realize that those features are made to be modular? One generic cached animation or Dynamic per cape.

    If capes would have to be fixed as you want they would need to check physics and animations for every single Warframe: number of every Cape multiplied for number of Warframes.

    Do you realize what enormous kind of work is?

    You don't need to touch the frame animations to fix the cloaks, unless you wanna do some advanced work to avoid all types of clipping.


    Right now, this game doesn't have any simple/basic method to avoid clipping, it would take less than a month implement such feature properly.


    And I speak from experience, I've done before in other games.

  3. Eh, we got another new cloak, and the old ones still clip horribly.  Maybe necroing and old thread is better than making a new one, since it helps illustrate that it's a long standing issue rather than something new.


    As far as too resource intensive....eh, that's crap, and a lazy excuse.  If it's gonna take a high end machine to make cloaks not clip(it won't), add graphical options.  If it's gonna make your frame rate dip clear down into perceptible by the human eye(it won't, if coded correctly), then just shut it off.


    Honestly, this game thrives on its graphic appeal, monty haul gathering of stuff, and mindless mass shooting of dumb AI.   Fixing the clipping on the cloaks plays directly into this model since it makes some of our stuff(micro transaction stuff, I might add) more graphically appealing.  Do it up!

    Cloak physics can affect performance, it all depends on the technology used.


    PhysX is the worse in terms of performance in the market, if they use PhysX to render the cloaks properly without clipping, it will affect performance a lot.


    They need to use something like Havok, that has little to no performance hit.


    And there's lots of easy and fast solutions to fix the cloak clipping, I don't know why they haven't fix it yet.

  4. Considering you have to pay to get the cloaks, it should have been fixed ages ago. People that have cloaks, are the ones that pay the developers, and this is how they repay them?


    Fix the clipping issues already, and it's not as hard as people make them out to be. It can be extremelly easy to fix the clipping issues with little performance hit, depending on the technology they rely on.


    If DE keeps relying on PhysX, they'll never fix the clipping issues, and if they ever do, the performance hit will be huge, PhysX is awful for Physics.


    Look at Havok instead, it has no performance hit whatsoever.

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