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Posts posted by nekrojiji

  1. Honestly, I think the only reason they want to remove it is because of all the player who complain about it in pvp. This game should be focus on coop and pve, this is the reason why im playing warframe. DE supposedly promise that pvp wont affect pve and yet...after a few hotfix/change/ect...I have trouble to believe that now =/


    Coptering was always a bug ....... you had no control on it ..... al of you who love coptering always stoped in a wall or something.


    The new movement system is far better. We can jump higher than ever, reach more places with wall hopping while at the same time have more controll on the landing place. Hell, you can hop your way up the large elevators on Uranus now.



    So my answer to the original topic...... NO COPTERING IS THE BEST!

  2. Sooo ... why do we need other frames if:


    Ash can stay permanently invisible.


    Ash can activate an invisibility that nullifiers can't break(with an Arcane Enhancement and his Bladestorm).


    Ash can kill any type of enemy regardless of it's level, with one ability.


    Ash is invulnerable while using said ability.




    Some of you said something about team play...... how is Ash .... a team player?




    No other frame can kill very high level enemies as fast as Ash (hell, some of them can't even kill them) and at the same time be perfectly protected. Nova is the only one that can kill them that fast, but one stray bullet and she's dead.




    Some of you said things about scaling.... that I hate scaling.

    I don't believe the people that wrote that played this game as long as I did.


    Before Damage 2.0(the types of damage that you know and love today) there was one mod for each type of weapon that added Armor Piercing Damage (now those mods only pitifully buff the weapon's puncture damage).


    Than, people were using those mods because of the scaling with high level enemies, giving that armor piercing damage was ignoring armor. Do you guys know why the Boltor (not prime) or Acrid or Flux Rifle and others, that are now S#&$, were good than!? It was because of the armor ignoring damage they had that was good against high level enemies.


    Finisher damage is scaling because of it's nature.... it will never fall off. At one time, Ash's Bladestorm wasn't even affected by power streangth because of the type of damage it dealt.


    So stop saying that buffing Bladestorm with 240% damage is called "SCALING". That is just a marketing strategy to sell Ash Prime and for that ..... Congratulations to DE! .... I really mean this.


    I was always happy with the new things that DE implement, like I am now about Parkour 2.0, but this is just dumb, in my opinion.

  3. Shooting any gun at all breaks the cloaking. Peacemaker counts as a gun.


    No! Peacemaker counts as a skill ..... skills never end Stalk or Ghost (from Shade for people who didn't play too much Warframe).


    Why don't you look at other skills ..... why do you quicly go to Peacemaker?

  4. As you all know, Bladestorm is now upgraded by Steel Charge (60% x (1~4) more damage).


    Let's just say that Ash plays solo and has only one 60% damage buff.


    Using only Transient Fortitude (+55% power streangth) Blade storm reaches 2000 * 2.15 = 4300 finisher damage.


    This means that enemies, of any level, with no armor will take 4300 damage and enemies with high armor will take 8600 damage.


    More, over that 4300 minimum damage enemies will also be dealt 4300 * 0.35 finisher damage from the slash proc.


    So Ash with only Transient Fortitude and Steel Charge will deal instant 5805 finisher damage followed by another 6 ticks of 1505 finisher damage to 18 targets with Blade Storm only.


    Where am I going with this rant!? 


    Bladestorm is easy to use and deals a lot of damage (comparable to Nova on high level targets, but with far less risk)


    Bladestorm, even if you respect the lore, should be Puncture damage, because most of the times Ash jumps on the targets and stabs them in the neck.


    Puncture deals bonus damage to almost every type of enemy.


    It should still proc Slash which will be finisher damage.



    So if you want to 100% kill a heavy target you will use Teleport + melee and if you want to clear trash you use Bladestorm.


    Now, the Teleport + Melee is useless when Bladestorm deals almost the same damage and is far easier to use. 

  5. Since Mesa was launched everybody only talks about how annoying Peacemaker is, because it steals all their kills (I still don't know what's annoying in that.... free XP for my equipment if I get a Mesa in my team)


    The real problem with Mesa is that, in a 4 man squad, she loses the defense from Shooting Gallery's Lasso for 75% of the duration.


    In normal circumstances, having a Loki in a squad is great; He casts Disarm and every enemy is attacking  melee.


    In Mesa's case, Disarm means she needs to increase her attention, because melee enemies go through her paper armor like a knife through butter.



    This is the first and only frame that loses power when helping the squad.



    I mostly play alone, but I would also like to play in squads, so something needs to be done so Mesa doesn't lose her Lasso when helping other squad members.



  6. I don't care about your book ... Peacemaker is not as important as Shooting Gallery. It's the first support ability that doesn't help the owner so it can help the party members....... I don't really care about Peacemaker, I don't use it that much, but I care that I feel vulnerable when a Loki in my squad uses Disarm.


    Mesa is bad in squads because she loses one of her defenses. I repeat, no other frame loses anything when it helps the squad.


    So stop about the damn Peacemaker .....  that is only annoying ...... Losing Shooting Gallery's lasso ..... is potentially  deadly to Mesa.

  7. really?! ...... take an allready extremely powerfull skill and make it even more powerfull.


    A lot of other things like Zephyr's Turbulence that DOES NOT WORK, Ember's total lack of defense, Mesa being the only warframe that decreases her power to help party members..... and so on ......


    No.... Ash needed more damage just because it's the latest prime added!



    As I read higher in the topic, many Ash players took out the V polarity from the aura slot..... HOTFIX! YEY!

  8. Fluctus doesn't receive the bonuses from Odonata's 1st.


    I tested with other weapons ... all of them, hit-scan or travel time projectile, receive the bonus 50% fire and 200% critical damage.


    Fluctus doesn't receive any buff while shooting through the shell.

  9. Odonata is slower than Itzal or Elytron are faster but Odonata has a lot more survivability than Itzal and more stamina than Elytron.


    That is called BALANCE my friend.



    For me, Odonata is the only archwing capable of standing up to very high level enemies. It's the Loki+Volt of the Archwings.

  10. another cooldown topic...


    I still don't get what your problem is with other people killing stuff (with warframe powers).


    stay longer in a mission ...... at some point the "nuker" frame will not be able to kill everything ...... let him die ..... don't revive.... kill the enemies yourself.   It's that easy. 


    I don't know why you would want that ...... let the "nuker" frames level up your equipment for free.


  11. just because you play Ash only by spaming Bladestorm...... doesn't mean that everyone else plays like that .... or that is the best way to play Ash.

  12. Again ..... as I posted before to this kind of topic....



    I play Mesa, but I don't play it for farming. Mesa is my all purpuse frame. I only use Peacemaker to kill trash. It's very awkward to kill heavy units, specialy eximus, after lvl 50 with Peacemaker.


    Yes, you can kill everything if you have other frames like Volt, Ember, Frost, Saryn or Oberon. But in this case ...... every other frame I mentioned knows what they're in for.


    If you want to make Peacemaker be more "skill based", meaning taking our the auto aim,  make it stronger, maybe put in explosive bullets on impact.


    Also make it gain damage from the equipped gun (only gun, so excluding Angstrum).


    So yes ....... ask for more power for Peacemaker (to be on par with Exalted Blade) and than you can ask for taking out auto aim.


    But then, all the people you see now farming with Peacemaker will farm with the new peacemaker, like Excalibur does now. 


    Don't get me wrong I have nothing against Excalibur. It's finaly in the place it should be, giving that it's the face of Warframe.


    I don't know why are you so mad ..... Peacemaker was allready stealth nerfed...... you can't kill corrupted Vor with it now!



    Everyone that doesn't have Mesa asks for it to be nerfed.

    What do you want me do play? .... Banshee or even worse ... Oberon !?


    All of you people like having a Mesa on Draco so you can easy forma your equipment. I've gotten so many "kind" words from people that expect Mesa to kill everything so they can do nothing.


    People enter with unranked arsenals on Draco expecting Mesa, Mirage, Saryn or Excalibur to kill everything. Stop being hypocrites asking for Peacemaker to be changed.






  13. The bleed proc "ignores" armor, and does 35% of the damage your weapon strikes at for 7 ticks in six seconds, or 145% of the damage you dealt. The effect can stack on a single enemy. 

    Provided that killing enemies is something you want to do, there is no point where slash or the bleed proc stops being useful. 

    35% of the damage that proced slash ..... so 35% of meaningless damage is a meaningless damage.

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