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Everything posted by owendawgx

  1. I agree that the helminth version should be slightly higher.
  2. tbf I think Loki would be in a fantastic spot if the augment just worked properly. His 1 is certainly mediocre, but it at least doesn't instantly die now. And Switch Teleport is now essentially your own personal Volt Speed which is sick.
  3. It definitely is, enemies fall out of its effect all the time You can even test it. Use Lantern on an enemy on the ground an enemies will frequently stop being attracted. If you use Mag's pull to pull an enemy into the air and Lantern it up there, they will be attracted much more consistently because there isn't anything blocking their sight lines
  4. Titania's Lantern will frequently have its LoS body-blocked by other enemies attracted to it, turning it off for some enemies who are clearly right next to it or should be able to see it. Mag's Magnetize Explosion is often blocked by small bits of terrain where it feels like it should be able to see enemies. Both of these are a pretty big deal for the two respective frames, especially when using Beguiling Lantern on Titania or building for Magnetize Explosions on Mag. If this is the wrong place for LoS feedback someone please let me know, but these two abilities really could use the new changes! Thanks for making the effort to improve this part of the game!
  5. My Tenet Spirex has 74% crit chance. If I shoot into Zephyr's Tornadoes, I get almost no crits, even though I should be getting all yellows and oranges because of her passive. If I shoot enemies outside of Tornadoes, the Spirex works as intended. But if I shoot Zephyr's Tornadoes, I lose all my crit chance. Also, when I do rarely get crits in tornadoes with the Spirex (yellow) they do dramatically less damage than when I get bodyshots on the same enemies not in Tornadoes. This implies Tornadoes is also ignoring other mods, like Galvanized Shot. I've heard people mention this issue may be tied to projectile-based weapons with an AoE effect (like the Tenet Spirex.) This issue has persisted for years and just makes Zephyr not function with an arbitrary selection of weapons. It is the only thing preventing her from being a regular pick for me. Hope it can be fixed. Thanks :)
  6. You're so right! Hopefully they address some of these issues. If enemies attacked the decoy consistently, accurately, and without delay, I think Loki could be in a really good spot. Unfortunately they do not do this. This needs to be addressed or the augment is just bad. Really hope DE doesn't leave Loki out to dry, he really needs his augment to work properly. I've made a similar post here:
  7. I agree! Swapping them maybe isn't the solution they'd want to go with, but we need something. Sucks to get an unbelievably bugged version of the frame because we didn't spend $100+ 11 years ago!
  8. 1. If you're doing a boss fight solo as Nidus, don't bring Parasitic Vitality. In fact, why are you doing boss fights solo as Nidus? He offers nothing, none of his abilities work against them. That's a skill issue, play a different frame. If you're committed to only playing Nidus, be prepared to have to deal with scenarios where he isn't the ideal fit. 2. Parasitic Link has insane range when tethered to allies, especially when you mod for high range alongside it. That said I think the idea of Parasitic Link tethering automatically could be cool, and I'd love to see it. But I don't think that either of the two issues you listed are really that big of a deal.
  9. I think that's all very fair. The Titron does feel very different than it did previously. It was one of the only melee that seriously benefitted from stance-cancelling.
  10. After a lot of testing, I think that it is in a much better place than it was immediately after the nerf, but I could also see the argument for a further increase to its slam damage multiplier. I don't think it needs to be multiplicative though. If you're having trouble making it feel really good, I recommend using Melee Influence. The Arca Titron is probably the single best user of Melee Influence in the entire game now (bar maybe something like the Xoris.) You can run a Corrosive build and still proc influence thanks to the guaranteed electric procs from slams (including those in combos,) and if you run Weeping Wounds you can basically spread 10-stack Corrosive to every thing while getting periodic electric procs from slams. Emerald shards obviously improve this even further. The reason I could see an increase to the slam damage multiplier being nice is in the case that anything changes with Melee Influence. I don't think anything needs to change with Melee Influence, as its just a unique build option that typically struggles against really high-level armor, and only functions in really high enemy density. The Arca Titron is also one of the only weapons that can do the Corrosive build I mentioned above without a specific Warframe buff from Saryn or Lavos (I believe the Xoris can do this too.) Overall I think the Arca Titron is better than it ever has been right now thanks to Melee Influence. If Influence were to ever change I think the Titron would need another buff to compete, but I think Influence is completely fine in the game currently as it offers a unique alternative to the must-proc-slash method of building melee that we've been relying on for years. I also like how Influence interacts with certain weapon gimmicks like the Titrons in really cute ways. Its fun and allows for different builds!
  11. It's a really important stat to the feel and performance of a weapon, just as important as magazine. It's also a stat that is frequently modified via Incarnon perks, Arcanes, or sometimes mods. I think that it should be visible without having to hover over something else.
  12. The Loki changes have been great, but Damage Decoy has been exceptionally disappointing due to one major issue: enemies do not target it consistently or quickly enough, resulting in the augment frequently not doing anything. The numbers on Damage Decoy are great! The damage reflection multiplier and the 5 statuses are all very useful in theory, but the reality is that even if there is a decoy in the middle of a group of enemies and you are invisible, enemies will frequently pause to just look at the decoy without attacking it, and even when they are attempting to hit it, the results are mixed at best. Warframe is not a game where we can justify running an ability that only sometimes functions and has a significant delay before enemies target it. This is especially true in public groups, where this augment almost never has the time to do anything in an active group. A similar issue arises when looking to abilities like Mind Control or Shadows of the Dead to deal damage; contrary to popular belief, both of these abilities have incredible damage potential, especially when you try to build around them. But they fail because the enemies you control/summon off of them will frequently walk around without shooting, and even when they're actively shooting at enemies, their accuracy results in it taking far longer than it should for them to do anything. Please consider reviewing the rules for AI that are targeting other enemy AI to ensure that they are constantly doing everything they can to hit enemies, and that their accuracy is dramatically improved. No more long pauses or repeated misses. I understand this would probably be an investment, but this entire design space is severely limited by the fact that it just doesn't work most of the time. On paper, Damage Decoy should be enough to make Loki an extremely competitive frame, but instead it does very little for him due to how wildly inconsistent it is. Also, companions (specifically Kavats and Kubrows) could really benefit from these changes as well. Many of the bond mods rely on companion damage, which is just as inconsistent as the aforementioned abilities. Thanks :)
  13. Thank you so much for not forgetting about the Arca Titron! I haven't tested yet but I will later, I'm hopeful!
  14. Some of those things being added to specific enemies would be cool too! I'd love if Blitz Eximus waves ignored DR and just killed you, that'd be sick! I honestly wish they hadn't nerfed them! I think having specific enemies that could see through invisibility would also be great! But these things should exist alongside CC immunity on specific enemies, because CC left unchecked just ruins this game. And I didn't think I'd have to point it out but since you're being purposely obtuse, Revenant is popular because he can survive very easily and is simple to play. He offers much, much less than most other tank frames, but people gravitate to him because he's easy to make a cheap build for and easy to play. Also, a big difference you're ignoring in all of this is that even if you personally are completely invincible, that doesn't mean you get a free pass in most mission types. Interception, Disruption, Void Cascade, Mobile Defense, Defense, etc. are all practically impossible to fail if no enemies are immune to (or heavily resistant to) CC, as long as you can kill enemies eventually. Being unkillable yourself doesn't completely trivialized these missions the same way CC does.
  15. If you're having trouble surviving on very CC-centric frames, try the newly buffed Fast Deflection and Vigilante Vigor (together) so that if your shields break from the eximus that are immune to your CC, you just dodge out of damage for .2 seconds before you get shields back again. I've been using it on Vauban and it's like mana from heaven. If you die with that set up it is always your fault. It works best on CC focused frames because they reduce the number of enemies hitting you to only eximus, making it so that you only really have to avoid them. Overguard needs to retain CC immunity because this game is miserably boring without it. I took a break from the game for 2 years and only came back when I heard they were adding overguard to make the game more difficult. Now, I think some of the less-extreme suggestions could be cool ways to change up eximus or overguard, but CC immunity needs to be in the game and available to enemies in some meaningful form. CC frames are not weak, and never have been. Nobody is forcing you to play Revenant, and I think most of the community gravitates to him because of how simple he is, even if he offers a lot less than many other frames beyond survivability.
  16. I'll be completely honest. If you think CC is "dead" or "bad" or "weak" in Warframe, you are not very good at this game. Full stop. This is without question, 100% a skill-issue. You describe an issue with an Archimdea modifier granting all enemy units overguard, but that is exactly one place in the entire game where you will encounter that. If it's problematic, give feedback on that modifier. But realistically, those modifiers are MEANT to be brutal. That's the whole point. As for CC in the rest of the game, it's completely fine. CC when left unchecked completely ruins this game and makes it not worth playing or engaging in at all because it removes any and all threat to the player or objective. With overguard, it can still do that, just not against the really tough eximus units. You can learn to play around that. Prioritize eximus, bring tools for breaking their overguard quickly, take advantage of the bonuses provided by rolling to your survivability so that you don't die. If you're having trouble surviving on very CC-centric frames, try the newly buffed Fast Deflection and Vigilante Vigor (together) so that if your shields break from the eximus that are immune to your CC, you just dodge out of damage for .2 seconds before you get shields back again. CC is fantastic for both the survivability of you and your teammates in any game mode, as well as for the objective in game modes like Mobile Defense, Excavation, Interception, Mirror Defense, etc. etc. It isn't. This is just objectively untrue, and shows that you don't know as much about the game as you think you do. If enemies are dead, they respawn, and can find and shoot you again. If they're CC'd, they don't respawn, and can't do anything to you. Back in the day in Law of Retribution or excavation, people would ask you NOT to kill enemies when you had a frame like Nova or Vauban in the group, because doing so would allow more enemies to spawn who weren't CC'd, which was worse than just leaving the totally helpless enemies alone. Eximus (and overguard) are vital to any degree of difficulty in this game. It doesn't. If overguard didn't exist, frames like Limbo would trivialize every single mission in this game that didn't have nullifiers in it. Frames like Limbo and Vauban and Nova all still provide an incredible benefit to the squad with their CC, and can be played to great effect at higher levels.
  17. Thanks for bringing more attention to this! I want to make sure DE doesn't miss it because often it feels like if something goes unchanged in the first couple months after a change, it won't be touched for years. See: the Arca Titron slam attacks inside of combos using Slam Capacitor but not gaining any bonus damage, a bug which existed since it was released until this week, over 6 years.
  18. Please don't forget about the Arca Titron. It was nerfed to a frankly really disappointing state and is now no longer competitive in the Steel Path. I know the focus is on Dante, but please don't leave us Arca Titron fans out to dry for years again. Slam Multiplier too low: Guaranteed Electric Proc bugged and not working:
  19. Please don't forget about the Arca Titron. It was nerfed to a frankly really disappointing state and is now no longer competitive in the Steel Path. I know the focus is on Dante, but please don't leave us Arca Titron fans out to dry for years again. Slam Multiplier too low: Guaranteed Electric Proc bugged and not working:
  20. Please don't forget about the Arca Titron. It was nerfed to a frankly really disappointing state and is now no longer competitive in the Steel Path. I know the focus is on Dante, but please don't leave us Arca Titron fans out to dry for years again. Slam Multiplier too low: Guaranteed Electric Proc bugged and not working:
  21. Thank you! I tested with it more yesterday and it struggles to kill heavy units at level 170 now with max stacks and a heavy slam, even with a Riven and without any extra warframe buffs. That's on top of the extraordinary slow build up of the buff. Level 170 is just a very normal level for us to encounter now, even just in steel path fissures. I think a combination of BOTH fixing the bug where you dont get electric procs AND doubling slam capacitor's buff would probably be enough. You hit the nail on the head by pointing out that even when it was broken, it was often still slower than a generic meta melee weapon. You can kill 20 enemies with the innodem way faster than you could kill the 6+ enemies with the titrons normal attacks followed by the remainder of them with a slam. Even when the slam could do billions. And now it doesnt even kill the whole group after you stack it to 10 :(
  22. Increased hammer follow through is honestly so desperately needed in my opinion. Hammers and dual swords sit at .4 and .5 respectively and that just doesn't really work for high levels where there can be 6+ enemies right in front of your face in some game modes
  23. Restricting load out selection is a fantastic way to implement difficulty for frames, as it prevents everyone running the same thing over and over, and the vast majority of warframe are extremely serviceable at high levels. Weapons I would agree with though, unless there is some sort of smaller pool of weapons it will recommend it seems kinda tough.
  24. If it was 150%/1500% max it would be the same as the old Arca Titron with 4 Slam Capacitor stacks, but now it requires 10. Even at 250% it would still be less than the old Arca Titron at 5 stacks, but now requiring 10. I think that is a more than fair trade off.
  25. What I was trying to say is that for normal melee the arca titron is one of the worst. Not overall. That's relevant because you need to get kills with normal melee to access the crazy slams, so the slams need to be sufficiently crazy to make up for the very slow time to kill the weapon has when you're building it up. That's what I was trying to get across, that the payoff doesn't quite meet the build-up requirements as it stands now. I apologize if I was hostile.
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