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Posts posted by Backpills

  1. Profit taker seems to be a nexus of things not working for me.

    He loves to throw me around and lock my controls so i can't roll or do transference. 

    He also seemed to find enjoyment in ignoring wukongs immortal techniques earlier tonight. I think he was also ignoring my adaptation DR as well because every single attack from him seemed to one shot me where it didn't the previous 5 times I've done to fight tonight.

    this experience was one of the most frustrating I have ever had with warframe and I have been playing since closed beta. I don't want anyone else to experience this level of frustration 

  2. if i am doing bounties solo and i wormhole into the objective circle i get a "abandoned objective" state every single time.

    super frustrating i'm sure you can imagine. i'm finally get to use nova to her fullest and i constantly stumble into failure states on long missions by going too fast. 

  3. 1 minute ago, lightdragon64 said:

    firestorm i would agree... combustion beam... nah... that wouldn't really make sense seeing how it fires slugs and not a beam.

    that's where you draw the line of things making sense? LOL

  4. with the ever increasing number of relics in game sooner or later we are gonna need a LFG system thats more than just spamming recruiting chat. I dont think its that much to ask for a LFG system that is easy to use.

    like a menu with checkboxes next to all your relics and a selector for what level you'd like the relic to be if it finds a match. 

  5. with the ever increasing number of relics in game sooner or later we are gonna need a LFG system thats more than just spamming recruiting chat. I dont think its that much to ask for a LFG system that is easy to use.

    like a menu with checkboxes next to all your relics and a selector for what level you'd like the relic to be if it finds a match. 

  6. I really feel deep in my bones that it should have access to firestorm and combustion beam.

    imagining it, seems like more fun than my body has room for. (that is the exact amount of fun i would like to be having all the time)

  7. So now that we have nicer drops with the new void system, can we get some love over at the sortie? 

    Don't get me wrong. I like cores. cores are cool to have, but cores are boring. It feels bad to get cores 10-20 days in a row. 

    not suggesting that we don't get cores. they make the other drops feel nicer. All I am suggesting is a QoL change to the way the drops are calculated. 

    maybe something like a diminishing chance for cores for each successive day you get them? add a ducat bundle at the same chance as the core bundles? make duplicate reward results rolled on the table re roll instead of just defaulting to cores?

    these are just three ideas i came up with. I know those at DE could come up with something way cooler if they took the time. 

    With the removal of endless void key missions, sorties are kind of the only option for fighting really high level enemies and receiving a (hopefully) commensurate reward. that's the point though isn't it. I want to feel good and feel like my time was well spent doing this often somewhat frustrating and challenging mission (Rad hazards). As it stands I don't feel that way with cores, even though I know they are good for me (thanks for all the new prime mods).

    thanks for reading 


    P.S. More assassination sorties please. those are my favorite. They make the boss fight have some gravitas. Like I actually should be scared of these bosses.


  8. maybe it was just the sortie today but they seemed to be regenerating all of their health when it reached zero. constantly regenerating shields regardless of if i was hitting them or not and able to suddenly kill me from full health with no animation.


    little help? I have never been so frustrated with warframe.

  9. had a really frustrating interesting bug today on a mobile defense in the submarine tileset.


    spamming bladestorm on ash like you do and it keeps teleporting me into the pools on the bottom of the cell we were in. prematurely ending my bladstorm, not killing the enemy it teleported me to and having the side effect of instantly killing me because the scuba grineer down there were about level 100.


    seems like an oversight. hope it gets fixed. my entire team was yelling at me over voice coms the entire time like it was my fault that i was suddenly in the water. 

  10. LOVE new rescue, hella cinematic feel. I think the experience would be way enhanced if the "handler" for this mission was the lady running the red veil instead of the lotus. her saying the same things to me about ten thousand times makes anything feel like another day at the office. the whole thing that made the darvo mission cool was that darvo was my handler for that mission

  11. "there are some players who still want stats (or other boosts/customizations) to play a role with cosmetics, and there are other players who want cosmetics to remain purely cosmetic. "


    first I would like to identify myself as someone who liked stated helmets.

    next I would like to say that as someone from that camp, and speaking for other people of this state of mind, it wasn't actually the stats on the helmets that we wanted. the helmets were incidental to our purpose. sometimes they were even garish and made us shy away from certain builds because we thought they were butt ugly.


    it was never about the helmets


    it was always about the stats


    I have listened to many people state many times that their optimal solution would be if the stats and the hats were seperate items and equip slots, but that their acquisition was the same.


    for example when I craft a new helmet the foundry would spit out two things: my shiny new hat, utterly devoid of any mechanical ramifications, and a tiny little certificate that would allow me to use the statistical differences associated with that saidsame hat whenever I wanted to with or without wearing the hat.


    I guess to me it just comes down to that the stats are important. not just for super jumping way higher than i ever thought possible with pendragon or using mag's pull from the cryopod to the doors on void defense. it's about build diversity, and doing something new. Which are things I know for a fact are important to this games development team and to the games longterm health as a whole.


    have we so quickly forgotten the rainbow builds disaster?

  12. Things I have:

    boltor prime stock           4p

    burston prime receiver    3p

    frost prime BP                2p

    latron prime barrel          3p

    latron prime receiver      4p

    orthos prime BP             2p

    paris prime BP               2p

    reaper blade                  3p

    sicarus prime barrel       2p


    overextended                 4p

    pistol mutation                2p

    shock absorbers            2p


    I am willing to accept trades as I am still missing prime gear and some corrupted/other mods. Post or PM your offers. or find me in game.

  13. So I like to watch TV shows and movies on my second monitor while I play WF. unfortunately VLC seems to have a bit of a grievance with WF. It freezes the video on whatever frame it was on when I try to alt tab back into the game. Netflix works fine so I know it's not my graphics card or drivers.


    What players do you use that play nice with WF?

  14. Prime Bits

    Frost prime BP 2p

    Latron Prime barrel 3p

    orthos prime BP 2p

    paris prime BP x3 2p ea

    reaper blade 6p



    heavy calibur x2 4p ea

    heavy impact 1p



    These are all the things I have for sale. PM me here or in game. I have kiosk,

  15. The new helmets looks cool? not everything needs to be a vehicle for achieving higher dps or whatever

    this is very true, but my rebuttle would be that a significant portion of the player base does enjoy the number crunching and that any aspect of the game that could benefit both camps as easily as i'm suggesting should be implemented into the game.


    another thing i would say in response is that in my original argument i stated that i mostly enjoyed the stat changing helmets for the novel things they allowed me to do, things that would not otherwise be available and were valid sources of fun.


    you are right though, not everything in the game needs to be another source of more dakka. everything in the game should be a source of fun though, and IMO stats that you get at the same time as hats is fun. 

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