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Posts posted by KushalaDaora

  1. The nerf on redeemer prime is completely uncalled for. It wasn't broken in any form, it was merely a gimmick weapon not many people even use. An actual gun with a good build can easily outclass redeemer prime with much more control on mobility.

    Just revert the gas changes as a whole too, the way it is makes it completely weak and possibly the worst status effect around, maybe even more so than magnetic now since atleast shield gating is something to look out for. Current gas is unable to do any worthwhile damage to enemies even if you use a weapon with high base damage and status chance. This small buff to just make it have more radius, keep ticking when the host dies, and build up radius with each successive status proc is pointless. A bigger radius of a ~50 damage tick is still going to be 50 damage. Please stop nerfing gimmicks.

    • Like 9
  2. Damage control at it's finest.

    I hope they take note of how putting the community against each other and relying on grinding is not the way to go and just causes some major backlash. I'm sure that a good lot of the people that already said they'd leave may try the event now, but half of them are surely going to actually stay away. Atleast you did something unlike with the Hema.

    Also TFW people are complaining about their earlier efforts for the event. Quite inconsiderate and close minded, honestly.

  3. Toxic meta players in their tryhard clans will defend this just like they defended Hema solely because they had no trouble with getting it effortlessly to have everything possible the easiest way. Note how they're pretty silent about the hema complaints now, probably seeing that DE is actually going to keep up these design decisions.

    People like me prefer to just enjoy the game at my own pace with my only other friend that still plays Warframe, not try so hard for a sidegrade weapon.

    ''But it's fine because you shouldn't have been in a private clan to begin with'', is one of the worst things some people have said in this thread. Warframe had always allowed, even rewarded, solo play or co-op with a friend alone, up until Hema. I had been playing Warframe even before *regular* Vauban was added into the game, when Saryn and Banshee were both still new, and everything was doable solo. But now? Several things are showing up to be extremely grindy and demanding either excessive effort from us, or paying plat to skip the grind by buying blueprints and boosters. Not like the plat part even helps with this event either, making the grind that much more mandatory.

    Warframe has gotten pretty bad ever since Nidus. Not to mention the optimization died out further again ever since Glast Gambit. My old windows 7 desktop with rather obsolete specs used to run Warframe at high graphics with 40 fps on average 3 years ago. Now, my newer computer can barely even run the game around 20 fps at roughly medium graphics, with constant fps spikes.

    This game is going downhill pretty damn fast, and DE seems to not worry about it since toxic people will always defend (or to be exact, whiteknight) all of this. I guess it really is time to move on from this game for good.

  4. I appreciate the work on the new weapon and the tileset overhaul (even though if it's a whopping 1 GB update, christ), but... What's up with these Graxx skins? Can other tennogen skins please get attention? It's honestly gotten bothersome to see only the Graxx skins get in and make up half (even more than half in this case) of the tennogen batches just like that.

    I'm not saying the skins are bad or anything, but honestly other content creators deserve to have their skins added in instead of a repetitive style that just seems to be forced in.

  5. Just now, Praxxor said:

    Don't worry, I won't defend it, it was sweet while it lasted, but it was hella broken.

    I know, it's just people are flipping out insanely over this when infact, it was nerfed to the way I thought it was to begin with, the way the wikia said how it worked at first: Only 1 rare resource, *low chance*.

  6. Just now, Dragazer said:

    Yeah Ikr? What a disaster, such a game breaking bug, you got free resources,

    completely unplayable.

    I didn't want to abuse getting an extreme lot of rare resources, just use my kavat for fun, maybe for the other buffs.

    I'm sorry I didn't want to jump in with the exploiting bandwagon.

    • Changed Smeeta's Charm ability, specifically the Resource related Charm, to give a single Resource pickup rather than a random stack of resources that may not be the appropriate size for the chosen Resource type.

    Massive rage incoming from people that abused Smeeta. At last I can finally use my kavat without stockpiling 80 Neural Sensors just because I brought it to like 5 missions.

    Thanks a lot for this.

  7. Such a huge update loaded with bug fixes. Amazing.

    But most importantly...

    "Fixed an exploit with Smeeta's Charm ability."

    About time something as broken as Smeeta's charm got tweaked. Thank you so much for this.


    I know that only the people that abused Charm will complain at this.


  8. Rota Syandana looks really, really weird now. The colors are changed for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary and it just looks completely unmatching now, along with the new materials for Tertiary and the texture changes to Primary. It just looks seriously out of place now, and I can't make anything good out of it because it shines insanely *in the wrong colors* while looking "rugged" at the same time...

    And to think that was the only syandana I felt really comfortable with putting on every one of my frames.

  9. Where's the fix for Ash's bladestorm??????????????????????????????????


    I simply can't play Ash like this. I'm always tempted to use my 4th ability but I have to hold back, and just spam my weapons at the hordes of enemies... Cmon, DE.

  10. I love Rhino, but seriosly, I stopped playing for few months and wondered why he is so overpowerd :D

    His 1, 2, 4 are a bit to strong, dont remember that i one shot everthing with the stomp :D

    I dont want to be a op char user.

    I mean I dont even have to play good just press 2 and then 4 sometimes... :D

    Please, he needs a little nerf.

    Why are you guys hating on this person? he's all right about this. RHINO WAS OVERPOWERED and you know it. And he's been nerfed enough, He's okay now. You don't have to be the strongest thing ever and be unkillable.


    I've seen rhino users whine about Toxic Ancients actually doing *something* to them NOW. Shouldn't such enemy be considered something DANGEROUS? It's: 1. Infested, a faction that popped out of a virus, like zombification. 2. It's one of the ''Heavy'' enemies of this faction. 3. IT'S TOXIC. Why in the hell should you be able to nullify such danger, and make this game easier than it is already?


    You guys have no right to whine about rhino needing the least bit of a buff.

  11. I experienced 3 sound issues since last patch:

    #1 Lotus voice and text are gone (portrait still appears normaly).

    #2 On a capture objective, the subject does not display the dentist-like agony cry when you capture him (which I pretty much enjoy, cause I am a mean person).

    #3 I lost background music once, on a long mission.


    Note: I was modifying sound options just before patch, no idea if it is related.

    #1 and #2 both happened to me too, but I didn't change anything with the sound options. Not ever since like update 7.3 or something. I can't hear Lotus at all and I can't hear the capture target's agony cry either.

  12. For some reason Lotus' voice no longer works for me. Anything she's meant to say, she just won't say it. And her icon shows up on the left for as long as it's supposed to be too, but no voice at all.


    Edit: This happened ever since hotfix 8.0.6.

  13. I agree with this topic, but I don't think removing the timer is an option as there could be the kind of really slow players, who might end up fighting enemies forever in one section of the map, far away from the extraction room. I think that how it is right now is okay, where there has to be a minimum of 50% of the Tenno on the extraction point. This would only affect people playing just by 2, though.


    I think, that there should be a penalty if you leave behind Tennos in a very short period of time, also counting enemies, whereas if for example, the rusher would go through the area, leave the tenno 3 sections behind in a mere 15-20 seconds, there could be a sort of penalty. And that penalty would be higher if the rusher also left enemies behind. The penalty could probably not take place if the player had just joined the session, or if they have been idle for a time that could be the maximum the penalty will allow before taking place for rushing.


    TL;DR: If a tenno leaves another tenno along with enemies behind 3 sections too quickly, they'll receive a penalty.

  14. And what if I like things to be convenient? If that supports the developer, how exactly does that affect you?

    Also, that's the attitude of a weakling right there. Don't wory for anything in your life, no matter what you do. Keep in mind, everyone and everything is here to suit your needs!

    Do me a favor, try becoming mature.

    That was a little aggresive coming from a Grand Master. Aren't you guys supposed to be a good example? To help the community AND the developers? By telling the people who aren't founders, who most likely aren't founders or pay for things at all because 1. they CAN NOT SPEND MONEY. They simply can't, because of reasons, and selfishness isn't one of them. 2. Having to pay to ENJOY things like the Dojo? Do you think small clans of like 4 people (like mine, where only my friend and me are really active), can manage to enjoy the Dojo feature without having to pay? Void keys aren't easy to get either. And then forma is quite rare, too. Me and my friend managed to do one run in the Void, and we only got a Latron Prime blueprint. And the forma? where's the forma? if it was so easy to get, why didn't we get 1 each of us?


    Not to sound mean or something, but it seems like only the people who can spend huge amounts of money are the ones defending the dojo prices. People who simply can't spend money as much as we want to support the developers and enjoy things without having to destroy our actual lives on simply grinding the requirements for enjoying SUCH A NICE FEATURE. Now don't say that paying is optional for this and for convinience, because in cases like me and my friend, we can't enjoy this feature with ''patience'' as we both also have other things to care for. BUT WE WANT TO ENJOY DOJOS. And we can't, no matter what.


    Please, Grand Masters, do not pretend like this whole Dojo feature can be left like ''a convinience'' to people who can spend a ton of money or a ton of time in this game.

  15. I agree with everything in this thread. I have a Clan with a friend and we're only like 4, only 3 are active, and only 2 (my friend and me) would have time to actually get resources and spend them on building, and we can't make much progress in making our first cross corridor. We have only been able to spend around 37% of the total resources, which none of them are forma, and forma are ridiculously hard to get. It would be amazing if there would be better prices that scale with the clan size, or maybe remove forma from the required resources along with a decrease in general of the other resources, it simply makes it too hard and unreachable to make anything.


    The idea of Dojos are AWESOME. But please, don't waste such nice concept in massive requirements that may lead to: 1. People quitting the game. 2. People having to spend money, when most can not. 3. People not wanting to join any clans or touch Dojos at all, leaving this amazing feature to rot. 4. People will get even more dispersed and play more the lone wolf style, since most do not want to play with others.


    I love you DE for making a nice game, and I hope you can make a good approach at this issue alot of people are having.

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