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  1. I'll still use the Sigma & Octantis to feel cool I guess, thank you all for your time explaining !
  2. The meele even without any stance still procs the element, I just tested so its not related, or not only related with the stances. Is this intentional, you know because its a hammer and hammer goes BOSH??
  3. Hello, I'm here to report a situation. I have been rolling a Wolf Sledge riven I had for while and got something better than what I was expecting, Negative Impact, to be specific -121.3% impact. when I saw this I thought it was an amazing roll, removing the stat competing against Slash would improve the hammers performance by a lot, I go and test the meele and I get disapointed, even tho the element is gone from the stat list, it still applies and more often than any other on the weapon on thrown and close range attacks.
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