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Everything posted by -Onyx-Lich

  1. Hey everyone! Here's our submission: Clan name: THE ONYX CHAPTER Clan platform: PC Clan tier: Storm My role: Founding Warlord Our dojo is slightly inspired by Warhammer 40.000, which is why we went with a rather dark theme. Here are the 10 images: https://imgur.com/a/ZudOSsX The dojo has much more, and each single accessible room is decorated, including connectors. The entire dojo features a similar style to keep the theme. Most of our players are from the old times of Warframe, which is why we value a grimdark style. I've added a small description to each image. Good luck to everyone! EDIT: Added clan platform
  2. Shoutout to the players of CIV, NR and Onyx
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