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Posts posted by IHWIP

  1. Light-based frame

    Laser - gives 5 seconds of LASER similar to Flux Rifle. Any enemies are staggered and stunned momentarily.

    Doppleganger - Creates an illusionary version of the user that follows his movements 3 steps behind. All aggro drawn by user is diverted to the doppleganger.

    Globe of Mirrors - Creates an illusionary field that generates several illusionary tenno in the vicinity making it very difficult to target actual tenno.

    Dazzle - Creates a cloak of scillanting colors around the user. Any enemy attempting to target the user within range is staggered and stunned momentarily.


    This frame is designed to be a less crowd controlling Loki with combat control geared toward distraction rather than diversion.


    Quantum-based frame

    Tunnel(AKA Poof! Begone!) - target is teleported to a random location in the room and stunned similar to switch teleport.

    Certainty - User's guns are 100% accurate for a period of time. Yes I know this would be insane with a Gorgon.

    Uncertainty - All enemies in the same room as the user are teleported to a random location every 5 seconds for the duration of the ability.

    Entanglement - A set number of enemies are entangled. When one is damaged, all receive the same amount of damage.


    I may have tried a little too hard with this one to make both Certainty and Uncertainty their own abilities. The idea is that this frame would load the quantum dice in their favor.


    Inertia-based frame

    Push(See what I did there?) - Does the opposite of Mag's Pull and ragdolls enemies away from the user.

    Forceful Blow - Supercharges the user's melee weapon. It's next swing will cause a knockdown effect to all in its path with bonus damage.

    Inertia - Slows all effected enemies similar to Molecular Prime w/o the damage increase or explosions.

    Detonate - Targeted enemy explodes, taking massive damage and dealing heavy damage to those nearby.


    This one was hard to steer clear of crossover with Rhino or Banshee. I think I did a good job. I think this frame's ideal squishiness factor would be up there with Frost.


    Radiation-based frame

    Irradiate - Target received medium damage that deals half the previous amount every second for 5 seconds

    Vapor Trail - Deals heavy damage to all in a straight line

    Ground Zero - User punches the ground, charging it with radioactive particles. Any enemies entering the zone take heavy damage.

    Flare - Sends out a slow moving wave of charged plasma that deals massive electrical damage and stagger. Similar to Frost's Ice Wave but spherical. Expands to full size over 5 seconds and then disappears.


    I wasn't sure whether or not to make all of this frame's powers produce a half-life of damage or not. I am not exactly sure whether this should be a slow tanky frame or a fast high shield's frame since radiation protection usually requires a lot of mass but shield's probably deflect it rather efficiently. The joys of sci-fi. ;)


    That is all I have right now. They wanted suggestions for the next frame in the live stream. Here is 4 of my attempts.

  2. OK guys. One of my least favorite things about the Void and Derelict missions is that you cannot just jump into a random session. Obviously a lot of people prefer private sessions and Void and Derelict missions are supposed to be special so we need to come up with a way to make it fair and optional.


    1) All void/derelict missions will default to invite only as they currently are unless the owner of the key opts to "broadcast coordinates" when selecting the key. This broadcast selection would enable either global or private versions mostly just to stay consistent.


    2) A master "Homing" or "Master" Key can be crafted separately for Derelict and Void missions. The suggestion is that this be a very difficult process possibly requiring lab research and a high enough mastery rank. There could even be multiple master/homing keys for each type of mission that have to be combined through multiple crafting processes until there is an "Ultimate Key". I'll leave it up to the devs for what kind of materials will be needed. I guess it would depend on how easy they would want something like this be to the acquire.


    When the Homing/Master key is selected it will simply attempt to locate and join a session specific for that key or pull up a list of available sessions if the devs really want to do the work for that. This would allow other keys similar to it to be crafted in fact if people want to join a specific type of mission or just find a nice menu based interface to select a mission to join.


    There you have it. Voluntary, fair, balanced and lore worthy. Any thoughts?

  3. OK so I was thinking...why not make Aborb a giant bullet attractor but at the same time, anybody inside of it gets continuous stagger and damage while she is soaking up their consciousness? Then the damage dealt to them is added to her eventual explosion? I would still like things caught in the explosion to get thrown per the physics of an exploding barrel at a minimum.

  4. Well, this was a raw suggestion. The question really is, how radically would we want to change the dynamic of the game? I think the current one is broken with the all or nothing. Obviously some want consistency but is it really that consistent when certain enemies are just completely immune? And what about the general uselessness of the mods? +15% of 100% is still absolute certainty so why use it?

  5. I am not sure what the dev's ideas are when U10 comes out but I haven't heard much on the broken stun system in this game. I truly feel that this is a broken part of the game and really needs a rework. I do not like the "all or nothing" system we have implimented at all. I feel that stun should be something that could happen whenever a mob is damaged but not every time. I have played many a game and there are various ways to implement but I am a practical guy too and I like the idea of working with what you already have.

    The way I see it the game has 4 degrees of stun. 1) Simple Stun, 2) Stagger, 3) Knockdown, 4) Ragdoll.


    There are various powers that grant these various effects and they will of course need balancing but what I think we need to do is ask ourselves how realistic we want the game vs. your typical "shotgun blast sending an extra flying 15 feet backward" kind of action movie and give varying degrees from there. I will go with the realistic approach with my examples.


    We have three types of damage available in the game: 1) Hitscan, 2) Travel time/physics, 3) Melee/Heavy Impact


    Hitscan and your typical bolt weapon would realistically never produce a knockdown or ragdoll. At best you are looking at a stun and a "collapse" where it would be a knockdown but more of a fall in no particular direction. I think the code used for mob's death would work well here as mobs tend to slump down limp when they die. The exception would be bows, explosions and thrown weapons.


    Melee weapons are really the only weapons that could throw the mobs around outside of explosions and extremely heavy/fast projectiles. These are swung around and due to the various physics can easily lift mobs off their feet. We have to admit that we are using powerful high tech suits that have advanced strength and are probably more dense than a humanoid of the same size. The same goes for most of the corpus mobs, armored grineer and maybe the heavier infested.


    Each mob could have a set resistance to knockdown/ragdoll based on weight and good old common sense. Hellions, for instance, should be more subject to ragdoll since they have to be light enough to fly around with rocket packs.


    Some mobs could be given a strong resistance to stun/stagger as well depending on general toughness. The tricky part comes when we factor in armor. Any policeman knows that you don't have to have a bullet penetrate your vest to knock you out. Riot gear is typically designed to deflect lighter things like rocks/thrown weapons so there is two different types of armor. You could be looking at heavy grineer having excellent armor against bullets but not against stunning effects for instance while the shield bearers would probably have better padding with less anti-penetrative armors. Since every mob pretty much is standardized the devs could simply add resistance to stun vs. impact and stun vs. penetration as a global stat instead of armor and then a seperate stun defense. This could even work with the new scaling systems they are working on somehow.

    So now what you have is the possibility that a single shot from a lighter round, for instance the Braton, would have a chance to knock out a mob and scale it so that if they really failed their check they could be out cold for quite a while. A shot from a sniper rifle would have an excellent chance to KO a mob if it survived the shot itself. A strong swing from a small dagger could send a mob flying across the room, bonus points if animation includes a stab and hip flip or something. We are space ninjas after all.


    The way this would change the game would be spectacular. You could have weapons that are true knock out weapons such as an EMP or replacing Nyx's useless mind bolts with something that just KO'd a bunch of mobs etc. Knocking out mobs would allow melee to be useless more often as the Tenno close in for the kill etc. Those stun/stagger mods that are usually completely pointless would actually be used to increase the odds of stuns. Banshee could have a chance of merely stunning mobs with Sonic Boom vs. sending them flying across the room.


    Any constructive input into this is appreciated. This is an idea I have been thinking over for quite some time now.

  6. Has anyone suggested changing Overheat to "Fireform" and casting of it makes her invulnerable due to becoming pure energy? Make her so she cannot use any weapons except a version of melee where she engulfs enemies and burns them with her essence. It would be more original than a mere fire damage AOE ;)

  7. 1) Mind Control should be allowed to stack. As long as its duration is in effect you should be able to keep charming mobs until you have a legion. There should be more obvious animations too so that your friends know the mob is not a real enemy.

    2) Psychic Bolts are useless. Suggestion: Change it to Psychic Blast. The blast deals a stagger and set amount of armor ignoring damage to a single mob within range. Maybe even a radial effect against all mobs for set damage. Like a Sonic Boom but only with armor ignoring damage.


    4) Absorb is kind of broken. Here is my idea: Change it to "Redirect" and make it so that she has a set time of immobility and invulnerability that pumps out damage dealt in the radius of effect the second it normally would be absorbed + a tick based DOT effect similar to Soundquake. Then at the end a psionic blast that deals a final tick with a staggering effect as well. It could be a spectacular light show and be useful at the same time.

  8. I think my idea is better. One spore. That spore has a multiplier based on focus and number of infections due to other spores exploding. From a coding standpoint this would probably be the simpler fix as well. Then the problem is how hard it would be if only one spore was on a target at a time. Maybe they could get larger and drag down the victim the more potent they got?

    They could make it an awesome kind of contagion where shooting the spore doesn't spread it but killing the victim produces a spore cloud. The initial infection does very little but as the disease is allowed to progress the victim is slowed and swells up until it flops on the ground unable to move and merely quiver and pulsate as its comrades walk by, eventually, running out of hp it explodes in a cloud of infectious spores that are extremely infectious to everyone nearby. It could be logrithmic and a nightmare. Saryn could be the Tenno version of that wasp that paralyzes tarantulas and injects eggs into them to eat them while they are still alive. ;)

  9. Now for something completely different:


    Nova has Molecular Prime, I was thinking of a variant of this. So here are some tweaks to Saryn's abilities that I think would be awesome. What do you guys think?


    Venom: Infects Target (see afterward)

    Molt: When destroyed by gunfire explodes into a spore cloud Infecting everything within a certain radius

    Contagion: Infects anything struck by the empowered weapon.

    Miasma: Infects everything within the radius of the spore cloud.


    This ties all the effects to whatever this Infect effect is. My suggestion would be the current Venom style damage but stackable. Each victim would have only one spore but that spore could have multipliers for extra infections.


    So say 10/second normal but if you infect them again, that same spore suddenly gives 20/second. Exploding a spore Infects everything within a small radius only once again. This would allow Miasma to produce an outright ruthless spore infection on a single mob but the explosion of that spore would not cause a major infection to everything, just the one "pip" worth.


    Also, I think that Infected victims should explode their spores upon death to make up for the sudden weakness.

  10. I was thinking. Transmute is an awesome addition and while it is extremely random and limited right now here is some suggestions I think would work:


    Allow supercharging for veteran players. This would be where you feed materials into the transmutation to produce a better result.


    Set up rarities and value to the mods in the background so that transmuting will only produce a BETTER mod. No 4 cores transmuting into an Ammo Drum please.


    Allow specific mods to be transmuted to. Perhaps some kind of evolution table for players to fiddle with. It would be kind of like crafting. You fuse 4 specific mods and always receive the specific result that way people can experiment until they can work their way up into a Master Thief or some other extremely rare mod. You could have adding rare mats into the mix too.

    As an end game player (Mastery almost 11) I am finding it difficult to do new things with this game. Adding this element of alchemy would be awesome. Also, now that I built all the weapons that require mats, what do I do with my 1.5 million nanospores? Let me burn them up on mods, as long as they are remotely valuable for something. Them sitting in inventory is just becoming a spitting contest for older players. "Hey I have 1.5 million nano spores!", "Oh yeah?! Well I have 2.3 million and 150k Ferrite!" I mean come on :)

  11. I was thinking it would be nice to have some Mods that would change the base damage itself rather than add new elemental damage. For instance they would change the base damage of pistol rounds from generic serration (or whatever you guys call it) to AP by having AP rounds or blade/edged by having hollow points. I wouldn't be surprised if this was already in the works but hey...why not suggest it? LOL

  12. There is a distinct problem with making the game too easy. How do you progress? I loved the old system before artifacts were switched to mods because it gave you a feeling of accomplishment to get a frame closer and closer to "perfect". I loved the fact that auras cost mod slots. I complained at first but then realized, the only reason I was complaining is because I wasn't the God I used to be. I had to maybe...max out only certain mods and work to forma my frame again to afford the extra slots for an aura. Now it is just like...OK so now I have to wait for the devs to make high end frames mean something again.

    One thing that I do not like is the addition of more useless mods. Grineer/Infested/Corpus specific bonus damage? K...so I can waste another slot on my weapon to add a useless amount of damage. (30%) What is the point? We have limited mod space. We can't just waste it on mods that don't do anything remotely beneficial compared to others. It is like Warm Coat. OK we can throw that on a mod space at the expense of what? Flow? No thanks. I'd rather have 300% more energy than waste a spot on the chance I might have an ice level. Even then...say it is an ice level, you can keep what? 15% of your shields compared to 300% more energy? Come on. This is just silly. The real solution is to add space. If they gave us extra capacity is more space too much to ask?

  13. I think anyone that "whines" like myself really just has an emotional investment in the game and would like to see it go in a direction of their liking. Warframe is like a child growing up and some of us are not the best parents while others are trying to coax them in the right direction. ;)

  14. When they came out with the new mods I thought to myself: OK, now I have decisions to make. Do I put Constitution w/Continuity to have that huge boost to duration or do I use the two spaces and 12(after halving) mod slots for something else? I gotta remember to save slots for my aura too. Maybe Constitution is too expensive and I should use my - slot for Flow instead so I can max out my aura.

    Now my thought is: OK, so back to just max everything and try not to make my unused mod points too ridiculously high. :P Right now I am releveling my banshee, I have maxed my loadout and still have 13 slots left.

    When 9.1 came out I thought they should have just made auras regular warframe mods and given us 2 new slots, one with a polarity to match whatever we have now. Why bother with a new type of mod? Add 2 slots, keep costs the same and people will have to ya know...think...and make decisions.

    Now that they made this update it got me thinking that adding 5 mod slots with hamstring mods would be awesome. So I dunno. I'm sure they have something up their sleeves.

  15. My problem is NOT that it makes it too easy with this buff. My problem is that the name of the frame and its level will allow you to pretty much guess what the frame's mod load out will be. That is what I meant...cloned munchkins in body suits. :P

    For instance: Rhino.

    Let's see. 10 slots. 2 polarized to delta slots, 4 polarized to his abilities. So you are pretty much going to put all 4 abilities, redirection, vitality, steel fiber, continuity. that leaves you with the aura and 2 open slots for customization. At least with the auras costing slots you had to think which mod to max, which to set at a certain level etc. Now there is no thinking involved. You just slap everything on and conform to the rest of the 30th level potatoed Rhinos.


    Variety is the spice of life. All I want is some spice man!

  16. 1) Sonic Boom could use a range/push buff I suppose.


    2) Soundquake could deal armor ignore, I won't complain about that kind of buff.


    3) Mastery Rank should add mod capacity to everything. Oh yeah, I went there. I want my 9 mastery to give every frame and weapon extra points.


    If Mastery is supposed to mean you are a veteran you should be able to pick up any new suit and weapon and be better than some n00b with the same unranked etc.


    With my previous idea though...that would help n00bs just as much. Have the n00bs drop on a bunch of hamstring mods so they can have all the warframe abilities right away etc.

    Of course that would require the n00bs to somehow acquire the mods.

  17. Nice hotfix! :p I just want to mention something here though, hopefully you guys will read this and maybe hopefully think about it. 

    Basically I wonder if Banshee could get a BUFF to her soundquake and like Sonar I know that she is balanced but I do not think that she is balanced enough. On low levels vs grineer, infested, corpus shes fine. But when it comes to HIGHER levels... its like shes of no use @ all. I mean don't get me wrong i play xini alot and banshee's abilities are strong and are the way they are meant to be, normal defense missions levels 50+ are fine.. But when it reaches higher levels than that, or lets say for example VOID missions, its like there is no point in using soundquake. Now i understand that Void enemies are harder but ive seen frost using his standard 1st ability and instantly killing enemies in just one use of that ability. But thats just one of the other warframes that have that advantage over banshee in void missions. I find my self in situations where if i choose to kill enemies i have to atleast press the button 3 times in order to kill them, which is energy consuming, also not forgetting to mention that i have not really gotten any new better weapons yet, I do have decent weapons. But its just that im hoping that banshee could get a small buff not even a huge one.. I am a big fan of banshee, and to be honest its the only warframe that i actually play with now been using her for 3 months now and im not even bored of her,n ot really fond of Nova, never get bored of banshee.. So im just hoping There could a buff in her abilities where she can do damage vs higher enemies in void and other normal higher level grineer enemies to.. Thanks though.


    By the way i played level 3 defense today and i felt as if i wasnt getting any kills with banshee at all :\ besides using weapons but im talking about her abilities even though she has offensive an defensive abilities. Im just hoping that her main abilities like soundquake and sonar could recieve a buff.


    Oh no you di'int! ;)

    Banshee is my main frame. She can get it done. The problem is people seem to think that she is offensive. (I blame the two gamma polarities) She is NOT an offensive frame like Ember or even Nyx. She can get kills in on weaker foes but with higher level foes she is there to stun and push them around. Banshee is for crowd control and drawing aggro. If there is a bro down, you run in there and you soundquake the area while your other bro runs in and saves the first. If you are getting swarmed you blast your sonic boom to spread out your enemies. If there are extremely tough dudes out there you pop on your sonar so that your bros can help you with the 5x damage multiplier. Banshee has no range. Her role is not to do the most damage or get the most kills. Her role is to speed up the process for everybody. She is a social butterfly like that. ;)

  18. I've given it some thought...

    Now that they have a system in place they can create hamstring mods! OK sure the auras are not really hamstrings but they have a custom slot so you basically have to use one. What I am saying is that you could make mods like Warm Coat useful by giving them an effective negative cost. Then you won't feel as bad slapping them on a precious mod slot. You could even create mods that reduce your stats to get a boost to your mod capacity. Like you could get a mod that reduces your speed -10%/rank up to -60% but gives you 2+ mod slots etc. Since polarization is important the polarized mod that reduces your armor put on an armor (D?) slot would give you double the boost etc. So it would even fall in line. You could totally nerf yourself to give yourself a bigger boost.

    I was giving it some thought. If done correctly by making it so you can increase ranks on stuff enough...you could seriously make frames that are more customized.

    I was thinking...say you doubled the mod placements to 1 aura and 15 mod spots. Or 10 regular buff mods and 5 nerf spots. Then you could have nerfs that are dual use like...give you a drop in armor for an exchange in power duration or something.

    I definitely don't like the way things are right now ATM. Maybe DE is going somewhere with this.

  19. I do not like this Auras boosting thing. I upgrade my aura and it adds to my mod pool? Here I thought DE was making extra mods and reducing our mod slots to force people to play specialized warframes. Now we are going to have a bunch of cloned munchkins in body suits.

  20. I call it CAD mode because...Computer Assisted Design etc.

    I was thinking...even if we needed to download a new client for the few people that do this...would it be possible to have a dojo editor that allows you to move rooms around or create entirely new rooms so you can create custom obstacle courses etc?

    Back in the day I hung out at LambdaMOO based MMOs. The best version of the MMORPGs of old because you could edit within the game. Doubt it would be easy to impliment in a 3D environment like this but who knows...maybe it isn't as hard to code as I am thinking it would? I am assuming the devs have a tools suite already ;)

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