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Posts posted by IHWIP

  1. I was thinking. Is it possible to make a mobile infinite mission? This would be like a defense where you could opt out after a while.


    Basically the idea is that doors seal behind you to clear the rooms behind you from the games' memory to create room for new rooms as you progress forward. This would open up interesting possibilities. I am not sure how to keep it "in character" though. I mean how big can a space ship or base be? ;)

  2. OK I am sure PLENTY of people have talked about how to fix Rhino. Here is my suggestion:


    Remove Radial Blast. Hear me out.


    Powers are thus:


    1) Shield Capacitor 25 power, restores 100 shields instantly only to himself. This would make him a decent tank from the beginning.


    2) Iron Skin as is. 50 power. Make it last longer for the love of God.


    3) Beefed up Rhino Charge. 75 power. This is a charging attack, by a Rhino. Very little should survive a direct hit. The cooridor could be lengthened and widened and he should be steerable. If this requires a "slow down" so be it. When a real Rhino charges it doesn't fly forward either. ;)


    4) I am not too familiar with how Rhino Stomp works because I am not that levelled yet. Probably just leave it be.


    I hope this concept is more unique than others. I think it fixes some of his useless stuff while keeping him out of OP territory. I also didn't specify how big to make things because the devs should have flexibility to balance it out.


    Any thoughts/suggestions?

  3. I was thinking how nice it would be for some optional "feedback" to be available after a mission. This would have to be a quick pick process due to the flow of the game but being able to label your comrades during debriefing would give some extra fun to the co-op style of game play.


    It would probably be important to make people's names more obvious during the mission though. Maybe super impose their name over their head every once in a while? Waypoints labelled with people's names etc. Maybe just a number? I dunno.


    This is supposed to be a co-op game so people should be able to rate how well you co-op and maybe even refuse to play with certains players below a co-op rating threshold.


    My motivation for this is simple: I hate rushing. People need to help each other out more or things fall apart for the more specialized players. I especially hate the after-accomplishment "screw you guys, I'm going home" Eric Cartman types. They are probably worse than rushers. Maybe.

  4. OK, I just thought of this. The concept is basically like this: New weapons like rail guns with capacitors that can charge to increase the power of their shots. Normal shots are about as rapid as say...the Latron but fire slow bolts similar to the Paris. However, you can hold down the trigger similar to the Paris to charge up a shot. This takes extra rounds out of the clip and you can then fire all that energy off at once in a single bolt that is faster than the boltor's rounds. Maybe 4 different levels of shot? I dunno. Either way, the idea is that you charge your shots and fire them off at different speeds. The clip is essentially a battery pack that then charges a capacitor to fire rounds.


    Another adaptation of this idea would be a shotgun that you can choose the number of rounds to set off at once. If you had a quad-barreled shotgun and fired all the barrels at once that would be one hell of a kick though. Just something to throw out there.

  5. Perfectly balanced? How is it remotely close to any other gun you can buy? It is a horrible wretched excuse for a gun compared to anything else.

  6. I was thinking, the beginner gun is weak. It is basically the worst gun and that is fine because it is free. However, could we give it a free potato? I mean...double the mod slots would work toward balancing it out in the beginning of the game and eventually it would still suck too much compared to other guns that the potato would not matter so people would still move away from it but still...it is so generic, bland and the slow fire rate and damage pretty much make it a useless gun.

  7. OK so autospawners for corpus are the wall spawners, we could have breeders for ancients. What about the Grineer? Ya know they are all clones. Why not have a vat they can autospawn from? Kinda like that one episode of Doctor Who (The Doctor's Daughter)

    Then again they didn't come out of the generators with armor and weaponry but still.

    Another autospawn idea: Why not paratroopers decending from the skies in outdoor levels? That would be epic.


    Other randoms: Wall crawling bots, or rollers that can climb walls. Ospreys that can actually fly instead of hovering over platforms, flight abilities etc.


    I know what would be awesome: A grappling hook that can join any two points with a zip line. That might be an idea for a Warframe though ;)

  8. Actually this game is fantastic with stealth. I can kill some guys, run behind a couple boxes and wait and if nobody saw where I went they will start looking and I can pick them off again as long as no other bad guys see. To me the loss of stealth via alarm doesn't change things that much either. Of course, this is all solo. Multiplayer I can rarely get away with stealth because the other players are running around like crazy people. ;)

    It would be interesting to see how the dynamic would work with 4 players dedicated to stealth. I've never been a part of that. <man tear>

  9. toxic infested are what terrify me. Especially if you get 3 high level ones at once. Another idea I had would only work for infested: Breeders. In many roguelikes there are breeders which basically spawn buddies over time. We could have an infested that could spit out many smaller infested. Just a thought.


    As for implimentation...that is the problem I was thinking about when I came up with all my ideas. Another thing to worry about is the fact that not all internet connections and computers are created equally. You cannot have 100 enemies running around on a weak computer or a dial up modem. LOL

  10. The Omnipotence of the Lotus kills the realism for me. Why does she always know exactly where you need to go? Why does she know which data units you need? We are supposed to be in an action shooter. Part of action is chaos and a lack of information is a great way to induce that chaos. ;)

  11. I think defense rewards should be better got to 5 and the reward was streamline we went to 10 and stopped but our reward was heated charge I think rarer mods should be higher up and harder to get and conversely the low level mods easier to get.

    I think the reward for 10 should at least be better than what was offered for 5. Or maybe make the rewards accumulate.

  12. Fusion were a nice addition. Those guys could lay down the pain. I have some ideas as well to expand the missions:


    Random events. I really like it when I am doing a mission and the goals change so all of a sudden you find yourself in an eradication mission instead of a spy mission etc. I think this should be expanded though. The higher the total levels of a squad, the more tasks they have to do. It would be fun to mix it up and make them have to hack terminals just to figure out where they need to go. Why does the Lotus have to be so helpful? Sometimes I have to wonder about her omnipotence. For instance:


    Players start out at the break-in point and have to gather data. The lotus has no idea where the data is that they need so they need to hack a terminal to figure out where the important data is. While the Lotus is searching their computer systems for the proper units they have to defend the room a la a mobile defense mission. When they get to the data terminals necessary they also have to defend the room while the Lotus combines data into a single device for extraction. In fact, the Tenno may have to bring their own unit to upload the files on to.


    Random environmental impact: We already have cryo issues and ship self-destruction. How about a ship-to-ship battle occurring while the raid is taking place? Randomly the hull could be breached or explosions occur sending everybody reeling. On planet side missions there could be bombings. This doesn't even need to start along side the mission, the issues could start half way through etc. Speaking of which, why don't explosions and self-destruction start after you blow the reactor core? I've mentioned gravity issues in other threads but they could happen too.


    Minibosses have been mentioned but I think they should come with an obscene number of additional mobs and elites. They should be able to move from room to room and stay together as a group. Have any of the devs ever played Angband style games with monster nests? This is what I am thinking about. One high elite, 4 elites and a couple dozen greens.

    Another thing I was thinking about was the way mobs are added to battles. Do they just spawn out of thin air? I would think that they should spawn in an adjacent room and then move in on the players. Why do they not flee and stay together as groups? A single enemy is a piece of cake to take down. If there was one dude you would think he would run away to find friends and regroup with others so he isn't an easy kill. From my experience, the only mob that actually runs away is the Grineer Commander. This makes him way more tricky to defeat. He still doesn't run toward allies though. Just away in general.


    Boss battles are a pain in general because they rapidly become the only enemy and players simply have to concentrate all their effort on him until they are dead. The one exception is the Jackal. Those flying bomb dropping thingies really change the dynamic. In my opinion all boss battles should have air locked entrances that lock unless are releasing waves of grunts (or even other mini-bosses) that then reseal so they can fill up again for the next wave.


    Could you imagine fighting Ruk and suddenly a high level Commander and 4 regular Commanders with swarms of grunts enter in and start encroaching? Or you are fighting the Jackal and uh oh...a Hyena and 4 Fusions come waltzing in with a dozen Ospreys and other baddies?


    I think that will be enough for now. ;)

  13. and when will level rise????? I already have 30 level warframe  and all my guns /////////////////

    I think this might be as good of a fix as you think. One of the most common problems game developers have is the concept of what I refer to as "Eternal Progression" (Yeah I stole it from the Mormons, leave me alone!)


    This is why I suggested adding various challenges to the game instead. Raising levels does nothing because...the new level cap will be met. If you make it infinite then some players become Gods while the rest rot. This is another problem with the free-to-play model as well. Payers should not be above competition from non-payers.

    IMO they have done an excellent job of keeping this game balanced. Now they need to work on keeping the veteran players busy.

  14. I did not know about rolling to remove the clingers. Thanks for the tip. What I was mostly posting about is expanding the clingers and rollers though. Rolling actually seems too easy to get rid of them. ;)

  15. I think stealth take down should be double damage and if it doesn't kill them, it at least knocks them down. And if it does kill them it is silent and does not alert audibly. Ya know...the cover their mouth slit their throat kinda take down. ;)

  16. I am not sure what to do about the rollers other than to make them stop stunning you so much. Perhaps since they are essentially a charging unit they only stun you if they collide with you at a high enough speed. That way they would need to circle around to come back at you to knock you over. As they are now they are way too stun happy and agile.

    The clingers...I was wondering if we could remove them...as in...they attach, why not be able to remove them? Make it take some time, makes have to shoot them off. Whatever. It just makes no sense that once they are on us they just cling and explode when they time out.


    The corpus energy leeches could be removed too. To balance them you could make them suck energy faster. I dunno.


    Anyway...I really think we need to expand the ideas of drones in the game. We could even have a drone using warframe. Or one that could try to seize control of corpus drones. Some ideas:


    -makes you "terrified" and you lose control of your Tenno for a length of time as he runs in the opposite direction or to the nearest corner and cowers in fear, bonus points if they are screaming like a little girl. That would be funny.


    -makes you immobile a la infested creepers. It could either weigh you down or just plain mag-lock you.


    -electrocutes you in a few pulses at random


    -drains your energy, not just your shields


    -disables your drone


    -eats your ammo or makes your guns inoperable


    -screws up your HUD a la getting hit by a disrupting infested

  17. it is not hard to hit a panic button. They are designed to be quick and easy. I always make sure to put myself between the nearest console and the enemy I am sneaking on though...it works if you keep their locations in mind. Maybe adding them to the map would be useful though.

  18. An artifact would be great but since you can only have 1 artifact that would probably reduce its use. I was thinking something along the line of a "skin" upgrade to a warframe. In fact...it would be awesome if there was a different HUD for every helmet and warframe. It could be specific to each frame's customization. Like...Frost and Ember could see in infrared superimposed on their regular view while Nyx would automatically come with Enemy Radar etc due to sensing the psychic vibrations etc. Banshee could come with a noise level bar etc etc. Styling each helmet would definitely bring more depth to the game.

  19. As a sci-fi writer I concur. Any time I create a setting I put a lot of thought into the "rules". For instance...how do our transports go from planet to planet? Are there wormholes? FTL travel? Are we all remote surrogates? These are details that are important for what I call "The Lucas Effect". Remember how pissed the hard core fans were when The Force was reduced to an energy field that interacted with mitichlorines? There were dozens of books written before Episode One where The Force was basically just mysterious magic and there were other types of magic as well. Lucas reduced it to biology and it really pissed people off. Jar Jar didn't help either. ;)

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