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Posts posted by SaiTatter

  1. It happened third time after the last update for my warframe to get stuck in animation, it just freezes completely, no movement/ability button works, ragdoll system still works tho. Unstuck doesn't do anything,,, only way to fix this is to die and resurrect, really hard when I'm playing with freaking wukong. Pls fix DE.





  2. The kill x dargyn pilots before they hit the ground riven challenge it's bugged and it doesn't always count. I am 100% sure that I killed the dargyn with the pilot too, because he was dead in air, but in mutiplayer it didn't count it. Please fix this DE.

  3. I entered a mission. It was me and my friend which both had different energy colors (both not pink/purple), but I was seeing them as a vibrant pink. Also this happened in index, his energy color on redeemer primed change midgame to that same color (pink/purple).

  4. Hmm good question. Not sure if that's what they were referring too. Aside melee mods, mandatories for primaries/secondaries remains unchanged. I still agree, they should buff old weapons, because newer weapons just wipe with them, more damage, more aoe, more everything.

  5. I don't know why you think it will hurt the lore. Not at all, warframes are mostly organic weapons, probably most of them even made with orokin people. I think it's just the way things are evolving. Looking at the old excalibur or mag, we can clearly see that warframe designs /skins improved a lot.

  6. Yes definitely, even after the rework he is squishy as hell. Considering his skillset which is hard to learn, compared to other frames that have a predefined skill thats doing one thing, the skills in general should be more rewarding and there should he something that takes makes him a little more tanky.

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