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Posts posted by Qwertmeister

  1. Hahaha... What a thing to say. You guys are already doing more than enough :P


    This isn't something I feel you should worry about improving upon. It's really just me being full of cr*p. You are like somebody giving a piece of bread to a starving beggar and then thinking to himself "I hope I did that right."


    That second paragraph looks a bit snarky now that i give it a second glance. Sorry about that. I meant to say that you guys, hell this whole community, has been much lovelier than I am used to and I love you guys for that <3

  2. @Rexian, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I know I'm asking for a lot with this, especially since you guys do this out of the kindness of your hearts. I shouldn't come in here saying: "I know you are currently doing things that other way, but it doesn't satisfy me. THIS is what I want. Well, what is everybody standing around for? DIDN'T I JUST SNAP MY FINGERS?!?"


    Its just that I immediately liked the idea when I thought of it, but I knew it was a long shot. I felt that I should throw the idea out there anyways, but Id be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed, though : }

  3. So, I'm finished with exams. Yes, it went well. Thanks for asking.

    I can tell that everybody is super-excited to hear my idea, judging by the enormous discussion you guys had while I was gone. Ha.

    I'll make this brief.

    Let me say this first though: I don't think anybody will be totally stoked about this idea, but whatever.


    Basically, I don't like the idea of having my mentor coming online and saying:

    "You said you wanted that other blueprint right?"

    Me: "Yep."

    Him:"Ok then, lets go."

    He then proceeds to slaughter everything with his modded out, max level gear while I stand watching with my thumb up my arse.

    Now, I hear your arguments: "But we could just stand by you and help when it's neccesary.", or "You could just do the easy missions on your own while we provide you with advice and guidance, then later on when you are jacked up you can do raids with us." or whatever.

    The thing is, I don't want to play this game alone, but I don't want to just fly through this game on my mentor's back, or skip straight to endgame because he donated me some max level uber mod either. There would be no excitement. No interest. No fun.


    So I came up with an Idea.

    What if my mentor and I both started over? I mean, we both create fresh accounts...

    Think about it. We would be playing through the game together. We would be on the same level, but he would be using his superior knowledge to guide us.

    Now, I can guess that this might not sound like much fun to somebody who has progressed through this game already. You wouldnt have any of your shiny high level stuff, esides the fact that it might be tedious to repeat everything again. I also guess that you guys have to take your clans into account, that they might need you to run missions and such. (and other reasons I didnt think of)

    So...yeah. Thats my idea. Tell me what you guys think.

    PS: I really want this to work out, so if nobody wants to do things this way, tell me why so I can try to find the middle ground where we both are satisfied. Or just tell me no. Or just ignore this post and get on with your life. Or whatever else you might want to do. Yeah. Pop.

  4. I have a test coming up tomorrow, so I won't be checking this for today and most of tomorrow. Also, I seem to like 'reading myself speak', so I do have a couple of things to add before getting down to business. I apologize for being so indecisive, but I read through this thread and I came up with a couple of ideas about how this mentoring process could be approached a bit differently (in a way that might be more suited to individuals like myself) - will share when stuff is done.

  5. Thank you fot taking the time to reply, guys.

    BIG EDIT, DONT READ ANYTHING YET! The post flows a bit better if you read the second paragraph onwards first, then come back to the first one. Dont laugh, I'm OCPT. No, I couldn't just swap them around, because I'm on my phone and I dont know how to use the thing. Ok. Finished. Read on, if you will it so...

    1: @Rexian: Thanks for the offer, but... Yeah. Sorry for sounding like a selfentitled assh*le (that I totally am). I just wouldn't be satisfied with a 'quick game here and there' and a few 'tidbits of advice'. I'm not taking your offer the wrong way. I totally understand that you're willing to invest a lot of time into me, and you're very generous, and the fact that you invited me to 'leetspeak' with your friends is amazing, but well... It's kinda like when you have your heart set on a bicycle, but your dad gets you a train set or something. It just isn't what you wanted, no matter the red colour and gigantic price tag of the train set - in the end, dreams are crushed despite good intentions. So, I'm sorry. But thanks. *facepalm*

    2: In hinsight I realise that using terms like 'spoon feed' and 'sorry, useless &amp;#&#33;' (amongst other things) might not do wonders for my chances of finding a mentor.

    3: I feel like I should sum up what I said in my previous post, but I don't know how I would do that. Plus I think it gets to the hart of things. Or whatever. Yeah, so I'll just leave it as is... I'm worried people might take what I said the wrong way so... If anybody has questions? I could attempt to explain myself a bit better...?

  6. I would like to ask a few questions about this program, if you guys don't mind.

    Firstly, if I want a to apply for a mentor, do I need to join their clan? Will it hinder my mentorship?

    Secondly, what do you guys do as mentors? I'm guessing the type of help provided depends on what the mentor is willing to do, but what in general?

    This one ties in with the above question. At the moment I'm lost as to what I should be doing to progress... I realise that it's a game and I should 'just have fun lolz' but, you know... I like moving forward, I like progressing, if that makes any sense...?

    If I had a good clan and buddies to play with, things would be going a lot smoother. Uhm... It's not like my clan mates are assh*les or anything, but they wouldn't jump if I asked if they would join me for a match, if you know what I'm saying.

    I'm doing a terrible job at explaining myself. Whatever. I mean to say that I'm YOLOing through this game. I see something new and I'm like: "hmmm...dart gun? Gimme. Bow. Sword. Freaking robo fists?!? So much stuff..." Then I get something and it's a dissapointment. This wouldn't have been so bad if things didn't take a day to build. It feels like I'm wasting my time.

    I would like to have a mentor that could play through this game with me, step by step. Somebody that would say: "Right, so now that we have some of these, we should move on to this over there. After we grab that, I'll take you to this place where you'll find that other thing. You should probably have one of those aswell. Oh, and lets go do this. THAT mission, that mission is totally rad - we have to go do it."


    "Well", I hear you say, "it sounds like you're not enjoying warframe. There is nothing we can do about that. If it's not your cup of tea, then you should probably bail out instead of subjecting yourself to more discomfort.", but that's not true. I love playing this game. To be completely frank with everybody, I am my own biggest problem. I like being knowledgable about things. To be in control of the situation. To make the right decisions. I don't like it if things don't fall into place nicely and neatly.

    "This is a game" I hear you say. "Just playing is fun man. It's not about being the most effective. It's not about being the best, or figuring everything out. Just play. Just have fun."

    But I can't.

    The solution to my dilemma, I believe, is to let somebody else take the wheel. To let somebody else drive me 'on my road' through warframe. That way I can just give in to the judgement of somebody that is much more knowledgeable about this game than I am. This way I don't have to be the person in control. I dont have to make the right decisions.


    In short, I want a mentor that is willing to literally SPOON FEED warframe to me, match by match. Somebody that will DRAG my SORRY, USELESS &amp;#&#33; around and around and around. Somebody that is willing to answer, or at least listen to, my millions of dumb, stupid questions. I basically want a mentor with the patience and kindness of the Holy Father himself.


    Phew. What a piece of nonsense this post turned into. I didnt mean to give everybody insight into my psychological shortcomings. Im sorry if I upset people with this.

    So, the final few things. My IGN: is Qwertmeister. My timezone is GMT( +2 i believe). Im on pc.

    I'm not Totally useless either, I mean I can be an interesting conversationalist at times. I have some good jokes. Errr... Yeah.

    I'm not going to be on every hour of the day. My mentor neednt be either. (I'm still in school -final year- so yeah. Holidays are coming up though. My final test is on wednesday.) I'm totally willing to wait for him to come online before progressing further through the game. We dont need to do 'power hours, yo' either. If you want to go make some coffee or whatever, you can do it anytime you like. Anything you want. I just want a mentor.

    pls guys pls



    EDIT: this was supposed to be a post asking questions about the mentoring program, but fukit.


    A final shout out to the amazing things you guys do, it is much appreciated. WHOOP!

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