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  1. I use prime weapons and I'll keep in mind them thank u very much thank you so much for the advices I already maximized the holdfasts standing so I'll do what you both say thanks a lot
  2. I know everything about armor stripping using elements my favorite is corrosive but still i just can't one shot any enemy above 100 levels man that really hurts
  3. well I have every prime warframe except excalibur prime and every new warframe too so you can recommend anything you like I also enjoy playing with wisp but if u ask me I kinda enjoy playing with wukong since i really die a lot.
  4. No no I know that part but still It just really doesn't deal that much damage. I literally get one shot before I kill them
  5. Soo I'm mastery rank 24 and I've been playing warframe for a really really long time but I still suck at modding my weapons warframes etc. I don't know what to do. So I thought maybe asking the forum might actually help so I'm asking for your help. I have any type of primed mods they are almost fulled I have riven mods but still I can't beat the steel path and can't do any high level missions or bounties. Please save me from this misery.
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