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Everything posted by Zebiko

  1. I would have like some buffs to Noctua. I might be the only one that tried to make a build around it, like a weapons platform frame. The nerfs hurt his survivability, as the weapon isn't strong enough to keep up with hard content, but the strong defense could keep him alive to kill. Doing a netracell solo with him was painful with the nerfs, because I ran out of energy just trying to keep up maintaining his overguard, which takes away from attacking as well. It's nice that DE is dialing back some of the nerfs though, but please buff Noctua too.
  2. I did the 5 Netracell missions today, and got 1 Tauforged Blue Shard on my first run, the proceeded to get 3 more regular blue shards in a row. It was a very lucky streak. The last mission awarded a melee arcane adapter. After checking my shard collection at Helminth, I only see 7 normal blue shards, which seems too high as I never have many and just used 5 blue shards on Inaros, using the rest of the tauforged blues shards I had on him. I might have received too many normal shards instead of a tauforged blue shard. I hope DE has a way to check my drops and match that with my current inventory.
  3. Make builds and test on ONLY eximus units in the simulacrum. CC is pretty useless now, but it's not all dead. IDK why so many youtubers still only test on non-eximus units.
  4. The new Disruption mission is great, love the changes. I have farmed everything I need, and still want to play it more. I'm surprised how fast the farm was. I hope there are more rewards added in a later update. Just one small hiccup: the keys that drop don't make a sound upon landing on the ground, and can be missed a little too easily, even though there are multiple visual indicators. It's not really a big problem and might be just me. Also, off topic here, I hope Alchemy gets distributed throughout the star chart as new nodes, because it's a very good mode too, and teaches element combinations to newbies.
  5. Inaros is okay, better than before, but still lacking a bit. He's not future proof, and will probably go back to collecting dust when the game moves on and power-creeps him out again. His 1st ability was nerfed a bit, mostly just the range, and made kinda useless as he has 2 other CC abilities that are better. But all the CC abilities are not that strong, like Citrine's 4th ability. I do like how they reverted the take down's back to the old way, before the parazon changes, making it easy to do again. His 2nd ability is nice, but makes his 1 healing kinda pointless. I wouldn't mind if his 2nd ability didn't heal, as it still CC's and gives him an Iframe. I really like the extra movement speed though. His base armor is really low for a frame without shields. His 3rd ability armor scaling is also kinda bad. He needs either better scaling or more base armor. I feel like I'm investing too much into armor to survive (umbra set, arcane guardian, and blue shards), to have as much armor as other Health tanking frames. His 4th ability is lacking in the damage department, and only scales on Health, and costs too much energy for what it does. His other abilities scale with Strength. I would have liked him to have health scale all his abilities along side with strength, having DE decide on the scaling rates. The only reason to have strength on Inaros is to scale the armor from his 3rd ability. His other abilities are not worth scaling for damage. This would make Precision Intensify also usable on Inaros. The armor striping is slow, but really doesn't matter if the enemy dies fast, having more impact on tankier enemies, which is actually just fine in my opinion. I wouldn't mind if his 4th ability lost the CC and gained more damage or utility in some other way (range, less cost, etc.) I do not like any of his augments either, not good enough to use, unfortunately. And, I don't have the space to mod them in, as my current build is favoring duration over range, which hurts. Inaros doesn't care about duration that much, and favors range for his 1, 2 and 4th abilities. But I would like to subsume a power buff on his 1, which all require extra duration, as I like to have buffs last about a min (60s) long so that it doesn't feel awful to constantly press. This is kinda a play style choice for me, aka a 'me problem,' but still, I would like some extra wiggle room with modding. I haven't died enough to comment much on his passive, but have seen videos mentioning his base attack speed slow, but then again, many youtubers have this weird fixation on speeding up all the animations for a more twitchy play style... That being said, I have been enjoying playing him, but he's mostly just a tanky boi, not using his abilities much.
  6. Tap/hold with theorem/residual arcane mechanics. Spawn circular areas on the ground where you can enter to pick up a buff of the corresponding type picked. It should play like wisp's reservoirs but with RNG spawning areas. You can still nerf the ability as well.
  7. The sacrifice was the last very good story mission for me. From there on out, the story has fallen a bit. The Zariman story is decent though, and a pretty good update overall. The last good content updated was the simple conjunction survival missions. It gave me the old tried and true warframe experience with a touch of new bits added. It's not a content island either, a rarity in warframe these days.
  8. I subsumed her 2 out for nova's null star ability. Then modded her like a slow nova build, max duration, negative range, and some strength. Then slap on some blue shards for armour or red shards for duration or power strength, This makes her very tank with a free death save. I have chosen this build because surviving is the priority, because a dead warframe does no damage. And only her 2 wants range. It hurts that her 2nd ability facilitates other good effects, like armour stripping, but I rather have a coozy play style that is super tanky. I like spamming her 1 too, because it's fun to use, but not that strong. 4th ability without armour stripping is kinda pointless, but still does good damage. Maxing range just so her 2 feels okay to use isn't great either.
  9. It seems like a simple thing, but I cannot find where or how to combine shards. I did the main quest and have level a few ranks into the new faction, have over 600 Stela resource, but no clue or any indication on how to combine the shards. I have seen glimpses on the window and how it looks from streams and videos, but it alludes some how, and haven't seen any talk about how to combine them. Please help.
  10. Hydroid's rework has elevate him to usable, even in steel path! Nice work. I like how you can shield-gate with him along using his 2 to iframe, or you can armor tank with his 3. I like his 1 skill the most, which is a feat, as those are usually lackluster for most frames. That being said, his 3rd ability clashes with itself. You want to use it for the armor buff, but it requires you to be near enemies and apply corrosive procs on them to get a high armor buff. If you mess up and get a low armor buff amount, you have to try again from zero, because it refreshes the whole buff, instead of adding to what you have currently. It's a bit frustrating to use, because you want that buff BEFORE going into a fight, but you need to use the ability towards the end of a fight, with a good amount of corrosive procs on them, just before they die. The ability requires too much work to constantly keep up a high armor buff, and risk dying before you can get it. It wouldn't matter if it was an offensive buff though, as that would make more sense mechanically. Rhino's charge augment has the same problem, which I would never use. Most of this critique is mostly from my experience on steel path, as his armor values pre-steel path are fine as is. Other than that, I think he's pretty good.
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