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Everything posted by (PSN)GastyVulpes

  1. "The "drip gate" will open to ALL Tenno tomorrow, December 22 from 8 a.m. ET till 5 p.m. ET. This will be the final window of 2023 before the team's holiday break. We will return to finalize the feature in January." From the Warframe twitter.
  2. It's fine that it failed, that's not our beef. Our beef is that, personally, I didn't even know that's what they were doing. I thought they were talking about this "drip gate" in the context that they were saying before "Slow phase by phase releases" not an active stress test. That is the Vagueness I speak of. Alternatively, they've had a year to do this kind of thing. They can't pay people to stress test? But then they are gonna risk others items who don't consent to it, or even know that it will happen. Again, I refer to Derpstiny 2 (A game that warframe blows out of the water in terms of playability, graphics, blah blah blah). Cross play/save was pretty perfect when it released, and its because they paid a bunch of people to test it, and make sure it works. Which is sad when Bungie or whomever owns it now, is known for Shoddy Communication and buggy practices. Like they wanna have their "Paid Supporters" to get the first lick, but then they don't wanna say who, when, where, or how they get that first lick. Imagine you got a letter in the mail, and it said that you had 100 dollars waiting for you..... But then nothing else, no location, no timeframe, and no idea on how to get it.... Now imagine that letter was sent to a whole community... I'd imagine they'd get frustrated.
  3. This whole Vague deal with not telling us anything until the end of the day is getting old dude. Like Come on. Even Derpstiny 2 gives us updates of stuff as they are happening. Like I'm not asking for alot, I would just like to know when consoles are dropping. And I don't wanna hear "Just be Patient", like bro I've been patient for a year with no info, which whatever I'll give it the benefit of the doubt as they were working on it. But They can't just go "Here we go guys, we need to do this super careful and make sure nothing falls through" but then they don't wanna inform the community of their super laid out plan. Like cool, we get a summary of what might "happen", and then it fell through day 1, only for them to shrug their shoulders, give us more vague responses that do 0 to alleviate the crowd. Like I'm a diehard Warframe fan, and when my ps5 took a poopy, they announced that Cross save was coming, so I was like "Sweet, I'll just wait for that then and swap to PC".... I should have just started a PC account, and I could have prolly been back to what i was on psn. Sans spending about 5000 on it. Like how much was founders? Like couple hundred bucks? Definitely spent more than that on my psn. Like I'm talking 4 or 5 prime accessories, all the plat.... So much plat.
  4. You're killing me DE. Like blink twice if this is happening today lmfaao
  5. When cross-save/platform is a regular feature in many games, yes. DE makes plenty of money on warframe, and they announced it a year ago (possibly even longer) and have come out with like 4 or 5 major updates since then. So there's really no reason to not have something
  6. This. They announce it a year ago, amongst a crowd of other games that have had cross-save/platform for years now. I've sunk thousand of hours and dollars into this game, only to get no info on when i can play, and I get founders were OG's, but I started playing around that time, and yeah, I didn't shell out money for Founders, but my sheer dollar amount spent afterwards should count for something. Idk, call it pay to win, or whatever, but if my cheddar cheese is being used to lolly gag about, I'd like a little heads up.
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