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Posts posted by (PSN)GastyVulpes

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)draconicvisage43 said:

    Hey, I'm in need of a clan. I recently just got back into Warframe. Learning the ropes again. I'm MR 12 at this point in time but I do plan on increasing. Would you be willing to take me?

    Our doors are welcome to all! I'll add you once the update is done on my ps4 :) Be sure to be out of any clan that you might be in.

  2. 12 hours ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    It's a cool concept! What are your future plans for the clan? Do you plan are expanding its influence beyond warframe? Also, can we expect any content creation coming from the clan?

    The plans are as shown lol as for the influence beyond warframe, it'd be cool,but I'll worry about that once the clan is built up to a certain degree.


    I can't say whether or not content will be made from us, I'd like it if there was, but idk yet.

  3. Greetings to newcomers!

    My name is Bryce0209, and I am the long time Network Master of the Consortium. I come to you today to invite you into my clan. Will you look to the hunt and see what it has to offer?



    What this clan brings at this very moment is:

    • Dynamic Leadership.
    • Active Forum membership (in the works)
    • 99% of Research done (that 1% stands for all new stuff coming out)
    • Active Leadership (I'm on everyday).
    • Friendly 18yo+ members (save for the village sarcasticite)
    • An Increase of membership of at least 75% in the last week (pretty crazy)*
    • Chances for Leadership upon joining After Approval from Network Master or Other S-Ranks

    Some plans for the Clan are as follows:

      • Increase membership, Monthly rewards.
      • Grow Recruitment program.
      • A Leader Structure where trusted Hunters are given authority over the clan.
      • Grow Membership once more, increase skill of potential membership.
      • Create Alliance through "LEGION" Methods (We are Legion, for we are many) - Already in the works
    • PLAN "DEEP"
      • Finalize Membership numbers in main Clan (Membership = 800 - 1000)
      • Grow Alliance (More Clans, and Officer system within Alliance)
      • Create method of Rewarding loyal membership

    A bit of History and current info!

    We originally started off as the Witch Hunters Corporation (Cool name I know), we had at max 40 members (if memory serves me right), and then due to college courses and what not the clan took an idle spiral downwards. Unfortunately my goal (to get a moon clan with max members) was shot to hell, and I couldn't pull it back together with the members on hand. Jump forward a year and a half, and I took a hard look at our dojo. It was collecting dust and the flags of it were helplessly tattered. I took it upon myself to bring back the clan I once knew, and to make it one of the best, so here we are now. The Witch Hunter Consortium. We look back upon the sins of the old clan and we harness the ire that comes from that memory. So aptly, I changed the dynamic to where Hunters are given authority based around their skill level, and then the other half of the clan is the normal Members which is lead by the Worker Corps. 

    By the Strength of the Order, and by the strength of it's followers. 

    Til the Hunt calls, we will fight until the end!


    Now I know it sounds like a tall order, but to that I say that this isn't my first rodeo.

    If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please feel free to drop a line on one of the below:

    Network Master: Bryce0209

    S-Rank Hunters: Insanity_Ape, the_skin2

    A-Rank Hunter: Mikey_Modzz-

    Discord: Witch Hunter Consortium Discord

    FORUM: Witch Hunter Forum

    Please Click the "Apply here!" When you go to the forum!


    Thank you for your time!


    Please keep in mind that I am primarily on the Discord, so please message me on there or on PSN.

    P.S. We do have a custom Logo for the Clan, and a complete Dojo! Thanks again.

  4. Might not be the place for it, but ever since the update yesterday I have been having issues with mods eating other mods (fusing results in the mod not leveling up and consumes the others mods) and the UI showing multiple mods of the same level (even though they didn't exist prior). Might wanna take a gander on the PS4 version.

  5. Now I know there are those out there who would say that the Dark Sector universe is separate from the Warframe universe... But let's take a gander at the what ifs of this. This theory falls under the assumption that Dark Sector is the Past of Warframe, and that Hayden Tenno continued to play a somewhat larger role in the Orokin history. Bare with me if you will, and try to keep an open imagination.

    Also note that this will only go over Hayden and Orokin timeline (sorry corpus/grineer).


    The Beginning: Hayden Tenno

    Hayden Tenno, as most who have played Dark Sector will know, is the protagonist of said game, and throughout it's story we find that there are staggering similarities. First and for most, the theory. 

    We find our main hero the victim of the T-cyte Virus, only his particular strain happens to come from an altered strain from another person who goes by the name of Nemisis (someone resembling Nyx) he goes on to find that his body and mind seemed to be changed by this strange sickness. Now the game and/or guide never really say whether or not that people containing the T-cyte virus age (but under the assumption that the techno-bug keeps people young forever, and that is due to the T-cyte virus being the originator of the Infested strain, Lephantes is old as hell, look it up) but for the sake of this theory we will assume that it grants immortality. We would see an Immortal Hayden roaming the planet earth for all time, so keep that in mind. Now that we have that in mind, we move on to the next part... The Orokin...


    The Orokin AKA the Human Race

    Now I'm not going to go into semantics about the division of the Orokin when it pertains to Inaros' lore, this is pre warframe Orokin. Now assuming that the T-cyte virus was ever harnessed by the human race, we can assume that they would use it to better their tech and so on and so forth. Now assuming that they don't go all hay fever crazy and kill each other, we can say that with this advancement in tech (far far farrrr advancement) and the utter lack of population, the human race decides to band together, and decides upon a name to give themselves a fresh, unified name... Well (according to the wiki) Orokin roughly translates into "Golden Family" which would be a fitting name due to humans history with gold being a standard of wealth (whether it be monetary or overall personal growth "gold standard") and them being a newly born family. This newfound empire is built around the principles of knowledge and self growth, with it's uber advanced formed of tech paving the way. Ambitious and eager to grow, the human race uses the new T-Cyte based tech... "Orokin Tech" if you will to fix their world. When they finally cleaned and shine Earth, they turn their eyes toward the moon, hoping to gain a foothold in such an unknown place. Building and "terraforming" the small rock, they find a source of energy that is utterly unknown to them. Calling it the Void due to it's unknown qualities, they try to study it, harness it... But all in vain. Soon after, we have the attack of the sentient.


    The War

    Now here's where things get dicey. Trying to make peace with the newfound life, it gets blown back at them. The sentient are heartless, and wish only to assimilate. In a desperate attempt to fight back, the Orokin throw everything they have at the enemy, only to be met with the same tech being used back against them. Around this time, Hayden Tenno comes out of exile, his people in danger... He decides to help. The Orokin welcome the help, especially since he is an enigma (he retains his free will and conscienceless even being consumed by the T-cyte Virus). Alas it was in vain as Hayden was lacking the one thing that could keep the sentient at bay.. the power of the void. The Orokin soon noticed that the Sentient would avoid certain pockets of space and worlds, areas that contained the fissures that lead to the Void, and soon decided that the only way to understand it was to venture into this alternate Dimension (meh). Opting to send in less fortunate beings (them being kids and adults) they readied a team to venture in. It was then that Hayden would volunteer to go in with them, as if he could gain something from it.. It would help in some way.

    They were sent in... days went by and nothing returned. Eventually they decided to pull the ship back, showing a host of horrors that no one could recover from. Most, if not all the adults had died due to the overwhelming power of the void. Only Hayden and the children survived... With all of the Children huddled behind Hayden as if he was protecting them. The Orokin studied each child (and Hayden) to find that they all had unique abilities controlling certain aspects of the universe. The only non-specialized user was in fact Hayden. He harnessed abilities that the group of children controlled, along with the ability to nullify them.

    Opting to use this power to defend the Orokin, Hayden headed out to aid his allies. It was a success. The Orokin seeing that the power of the void could push back the Sentient decided to make copies of Hayden. One in particular played a large role in all this... Margulis. As the other Oroking started seeing the children as items rather than people, they started to treat them as such. Margulis taking pity on them decided to pull them from the fight, and have them control the Hayden copies from afar rather than wear the armor. The Orokin were furious, but at the same time pleased.. She may have gone against the Orokin council, but allowed for effective mass produced "puppets".

    One issue pertained to this method of control though. While these Warframes weren't in any danger of death, the operators were.. Sentient would constantly try to sneak agents in to kill of the operators and thusly shutting down the warframes. The Operators needed a defender, and one came to mind.. As he had protected them in the void, he would defend them here as well. Dubbing them as his "little Tenno" he stood watch over them. Years went by and he had laid in wait for anyone who would dare attack his Tenno... Until the day that the Destroyer of Worlds, Hunhow, attacked... The fight was long and gruesome, and ended in a poor manner... Another sentient had come and driven Hunhow away, but all too late. Hayden has been massively injured/damaged during the bout and while he was eventually repaired.. His memory had been lost... The Orokin took this opportunity to get the Warframe that they initially hoped for. Programming this Frame for the sole purpose of defending the children from sentient once again (this time without the human element). This new defender was placed with the Tenno and for sometime he sat in silence.. Waiting for the enemy. 

    The End had been nearing, and Lotus had began to start the Dream... Coming upon THE vault where the children were, she was met with resistance. Hayden had detected a Sentient and was prepared to give it his all in order to attack her. If it had not been for the Children stopping him, he would have been successful. Confusing the Orokin programming, he went hay wire.. He couldn't discern the children allying with Lotus from enemies, which conflicted with his goals.. In dire confusion he sat once again in the Vault and watched the children leave. Eons passed by and he sat there, eventually coming upon a line of thought that fit the confusion... The children were killed, and his life purpose was destroyed... He had been betrayed by fakes of the Children, by the False Tenno that took their place. Leaving the Vault he decided he would stalk down all the false tenno, and end their lives... Becoming the horror that is now the Stalker...


    Anywho, it's an idea. lol

  6. Just now, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

    Same reason as before. Steam owns TennoGen content, content creators lease it to Steam. DE can't put TennoGen on console until they hash out agreements between Sony, MS and Steam to share the content and institute a means of compensating the content creators, which requires a lot of lawyers shaking hands and then fighting to the death.

    We'll get TennoGen eventually. DE's lawmen are working on it. But you'd best forget about it, because it won't be anytime soon. My guess is maybe a year from now.

    Eh, I just thought this update would have more. They hyped it up soo much.

  7. Greetings, I have a lucrative position for anyone wishing to help start a clan back up. Currently I own a Storm tier clan that has 4 members (we had more way back when it started) but due to people having issues with getting on and inactivity we are a husk of what we were before.


    So I offer you, anyone who would like to start up a clan (with all the bells and whistles) with me, to message me. I figure whoever responds to this can help to set up a new system of hierarchy, plus its a first come first serve situation. 


    Think of it as a fresh clan that you don't have to build up, and it comes with everything (research is all done, all rooms possible are built, and we have a sweet logo as well).


    Message me on here or Psn - Bryce0209

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