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Posts posted by (XBOX)ChantingSheep

  1. It's only OP if you care about your kill count. I've never played him, but I dig it...whenever I start a game and see 2-3 Excals, I'm like, "Cool. Easy mode."

    Plus, try playing higher level stuff and you'll see how completely NOT OP it is. The guys who only know how to spam go down pretty quick. You still need skill to play him just like everyone else. I've rezzed so many Excals in high-level survivals over the last few days, I've lost count.

  2. From research, wiki states that punch through makes the chain that branches off the main beam branch off to even more targets. With range, I'm planning to use Sinister Reach, so I don't understand why there would be drop off from distance.

    Basically, when the main shot hits someone or something, it makes x branches (increased by multishot iirc), so with punch-thru, if the main shot goes through a target and hits something else, it creates another set of branches from the second target. To me, this is what limits its effectiveness, because there's not always an opportunity to hit two or more targets in a line (unless, as said before, huge crowd).

    I believe Sinister Reach also affects how far the branches reach, though I'm not 100% sure about that.

  3. Punch-thru is great for big crowds, but you don't want Shred (because increased fire rate is detrimental to Amprex imo), and given a choice between Metal Augur and Sinister Reach, Sinister Reach wins every time (in terms of overall usefulness). I used Sinister Reach for a long time until I hit higher level stuff, when the trade-out for damage became *almost* necessary.

    So, to answer your question, imo range wins hands down. Be ready when you take it off, though...it takes some adjustment to get used to the short range again lol.

  4. Am I the only Volt user that uses Overload religiously?!

    Not at all. I actually love Overload and never understood why people dislike it so much. I think a lot of people, because of the way it looks, and the fact that it's an "ult" ability, expect it to clear the room. Even when it doesn't kill anyone, that couple of seconds that it pauses/stuns the enemy has saved me and my squadmates more times than I can count.

  5. I've had this happen too, with and without ammo mutations on my weapons. During long missions, for some reason you just stop picking up ammo. I thought maybe the ammo wasn't actually there (like a glitch that leaves the image of ammo you already picked up or something), I didn't know other people were having this issue.

    Also, ODS!!! Lol, I've only ever gotten to 12 minutes before crashing, but I've heard that this is being addressed.

  6. For Overload, I kinda like KainMurasaki's idea of a radius of effect that travels with Volt. I think the light effects should stay the same, though...think about it, Volt running down the hallway, every electrical device he gets near pops and sparks...awesome.

    I also think an augment mod that lets Volt short out consoles and other electronics with his shock skill would be cool.

  7. Building a dojo out by yourself isn't that difficult. Just need lots of forma. I built my own a month or so ago, and the research is probably 50-60% done already.

    If you like, you could join up with me, right now my clan is just me and one other guy (it was initially just meant as a way to get the research), but we could always start building from the ground up. Could be fun. Anyway, message me (ChantingSheep) in game if you're interested, or if you have any questions in general.

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