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Posts posted by Xemgoa

  1. Reading the proposals and by the encouragement to have a look-see on having Inaros take in these new changes to his kit - I think I'm wholly onboard to giving Inaros a good refresher.

    Where it stands, Inaros revolves around being the embodiment of "I ain't dying" - coupled with being a nuisance to enemy NPC's while providing minor utility and support with his abilities through disruptions, miniscule health regeneration, and blinding the occasional enemy NPC or group of enemy NPC's through his tactics.

    At best, your job is to keep you and your team alive with health stealing and drawing enemy fire away while you wreck havoc from just being disruptive to the enemies ability to fight back, which can work if killing enemies isn't the M.O. - but outside of that, where laying down legions of opposing forces would take higher priority - you'd be relying on your allies or your own weapons, skills and companions to compensate for when laying out bodies takes higher priority.

    This is prevalent during Steel Path or other end-game missions where being tanky is his main draw and not having enough life steal to compensate for it can be a problem.

    Let's look over each of his abilities as he has presently - as is, unmodded and not taking into account of said personal experience and skill, weapons, companions, and the myriad of builds you can do to Inaros to suit various roles:

    Dessicate - Blinds enemies, minor health regeneration over time, and will take true damage over time; good for distracting enemies while giving your allies the ability to recover their health, but the problem is that allies will eviscerate them regardless -- plus the blinding effect only works when enemies are facing in the direction of the oncoming Dessicate (as far as I've known, casting Dessicate on enemy backs and sides doesn't blind them - it just jostles them, but I reckon there is an angle at the front which allows being affected by sight-affecting abilities); which finishers will only work if you blind them from the front.

    The sad part is, this ability would work well if killing enemies under the affect would award whatever remaining health to whoever just got the killing blow, some fraction  of the awarded health or something.

    Devour - In a way, it's a solid ability - you bind an enemy to energy-forged cords, soak them in sand and yank them in - allowing you to isolate an enemy while entering into an invulnerable state. Your enemy is pinned down, you rob them of health while their allies can't do anything to help you. Good right?

    Well, the problem is that it's a slow process exiting the animation for Devour and once your invulnerability ends -- you best be quick to get out of danger, cause enemies that decide swarming you takes priority will wittle down all that health you got back like a hot knife through butter.

    In addition, exceptionally tanky enemies will take a long time to kill, and at best are just there, under the effects, so you can have a 'meal' ready for restoring your health after you're sufficiently wounded - assuming they're still under the affect by then and you don't have to cast Devour again. Plus, Inaros and your Warframe is pretty occupied while in this state where mobility is high priority.

    Sandstorm - While this ability does seem to be handy as a "Oh shoot" ability when killing enemies probably isn't top priority, the damage on it is pitiful and relies on being disruptive. At best, the ability will induce Slash proc's when left on for long enough, but allies who might want to get the objective/mission done and over with will likely not like enemy targets being flung about. Would've worked if allies can shoot Inaros while in this state to distribute the damage to enemies caught in the tornado like how Zephyr's Tornado's work, but missed opportunity.

    And to make it clear, even if I'm offering minor improvements to these abilities I go over, I think the OP's posts would be more substantial improves and would be better for Inaros overall.

    Scarab Armor - sacrifice an extent of health to get additional armor, sacrifice a quarter of Scarab Armor to trap enemies into a mat of sand and scarabs with Scarab Swarm; that provides life steal, which also makes a good way to disable enemies ability to fight; and both Inaros and his allies can stand close by to the victims to recoup health - but you can still see the glaring problem is that allies will eviscerate them regardless, and that means standing still in order to get healed in some scenarios where it's not a good idea to do so. By default, you do have 14 meters of breathing room when close to enemies that are under the effect of Scarab Swarm, but the effect is short; mobility is usually a key in Warframe and sometimes you can't huddle around a target like that before all enemy fire is focused on you and team mates - which can lead to an early wipe.

    On top, the health returned is still pitiful.

    In all, the way Inaros is right now, he's more suited to being that "Hey look at me" die-hard that tosses sand at everyone and is disruptive towards enemies in situations that aren't suited for - plus, there are enough people who only know him for taking direct hits from artillery fire, from Frohd Beck's personal flag ship, and not being phased by it (more or less).

    With that said, @bangarang35's proposals and the feed back given thus far (as of this posting, for 4.3) seem like they'd give Inaros more of a spotlight and make it fun to play him.

    I will say, the new iteration of Sandstorm looks solid, create some area denial that blinds enemies while also replenishing health for himself and allies in the 'dome'.

    Also, using his own health as a resources is pretty genius - if Hildryn can do it, why not have Inaros do so instead? His health is used for a specific Sabotage(?) Grineer mission for moving a Fomorian Core to extract, why not capitalize on that for his abilities? Plus, "Health Gating" also seems like a nice step up to further compound how die-hard this frame is suppose to be.

    10/10, would recommend the OP's proposals~


  2. So - I was doing Plague Star today, and I was doing my usual routine - but something got my mind jogging while I was taking down Thunder Tumor for the.... 50th time? More? Is that you can only have 10 Phylaxis and Catalyst at any give time. Not sure why make it twelve or more.

    And it got me thinking even further regarding the gear wheel. Then I got this idea while shooting it back and forth with some rando's who want to do rather long-winded sessions of either--

    What if there was a special resupply locker/container in Konzu camps, where folks can replenish their Gear wheel items without having to return to Cetus?

    Given that progress in Plains of Eidolon is saved at mission completion and at periodic times when faffing around (and I assume Orb Vallis has these features as well), I imagine that people can do a restock and not worry about having to go back to town to restock, thus however much they used up during their venture in Open Space missions is saved. (If it has any relevance, probably not).



  3. So, a peculiar bug happened to me when I had gone for a second run of Plague Star - While out on the plains, using a Konzu Camp.

    After several ""Network Not Responding" messages, slight delays in AI action, and faint drops in FPS once in a while (the latter might be that I refuse to turn my settings down):



    I think the maximum level of the Hemocyst, by the 4th spawn, is lv. 45. This was the second spawn. It took me a bit to notice that something was off, when the Hemocyst spawned JUST as the first one died.


    The fourth cycle was capped out at lv. 75, but still took damage, and doled out damage, like it's lv.45 variant.


    The 99% stuck that way throughout the final phase - save for when the fourth Hemocyst was slain, having changed to 100%.

    Also -- wasn't sure if this was normal. But there were no other enemies near me, but long after the Grineer Head of the Hemocyst has brought it's scythe down and stuck it in the ground, if you stand close to it's mouth as it's struggling to yank it's blade out of the ground - you take fatal damage from out of no where. Didn't get a recording or snappie of that. But threw that out there.

  4. This was an idea that derived from an idea I provided to a friend.

    They suggested that there would be Proxy pets. Miniature variants of the bosses Jackal, Lynx, and the Hyena's. (Maybe Razorback, but don't expect them to be relatively bigger than a miniature Jackel. Narrow spaces and what not).

    Basically, as experienced players can tell - Miniature Jackal companions, Miniature Lynx's, and Miniature (or normally sized) Hyena's companions.

    Basically (again), the players seize the means for which the Corpus build their more robotic Proxy modeled infantry, and the Tenno utilize them to create companions of their own - albeit, at a size that can follow them into combat.

    Mini-Jackal - Not as resilient and large as the original model, but you know this Proxy was built to hold a position and jostle enemies around with it's stomping attacks. Carries with it the same strength and weakness of damaging the legs before the torso and head are vulnerable. Relatively high health and armor, not as nimble or quick as the Tenno and lighter models, so it will aggressively teleport around to keep up with the Tenno, if the owner is sufficiently far enough away to warrant teleportation that is. It can unleash a salvo of Plasma Grenade clusters to carpet bomb a space in front of it. Blueprint for Mini-Jackal drops at an uncommon rate.

    Mini-Lynx - Just like it's counter part, somewhat resilient but smaller. Doesn't share the Jackal/Mini-Jackal's weakness (IIRC), but instead deploys Mini-Osprey drones that will beef up it's shield and shield regen rate to ridiculous levels. However, Mini-Lynx is not invulnerable while Mini-Ospreys are alive, instead the Mini-Lynx's mini-Osprey's provide damage reduction so long as the Mini-Lynx has shields and at least one drone is alive beefing it. In addition, while Mini-lynx will spawn drones - it'll summon one every ten seconds (WIP), until a maximum of three drones are spawned. No modifications will increase this spawn limit. Blueprint for the Mini-Lynx drops at an uncommon rate.

    The Mini-Osprey's produced by Mini-Lynx also benefit from Mini-Lynx's mods, but don't expect the Mini-Osprey's to be resilient little things either. Enemies are likely to prioritize the Mini-Osprey's over Mini-Lynx until the M-L is vulnerable again. Just like the Mini-Jackal/Jackal, it's not quick nor agile, so it'll teleport to it's owner if it's owner is far enough away. Can deploy also one turret at a time onto the field, providing additional fire.

    Min-Hyena - Just like it's original models, they come in four flavors: Heat, Cold, Electric, and Lead (Normal). Each "flavor" comes with it's own benefits and detriments, but they carry with them the generally increased agility and dexterity - able to leap, buck, and weave to skew with enemy aim, and able to punish some of the slower wit opponents that cross it. They can even leap up and adhere to surfaces to attack from angles that other models of Proxy that cannot.

    • "Heat" Mini-Hyena - Just like it's "Hyena NG (Nitroglycerine)" model variant, it'll unleash a wave of fire in front of it to sear enemies that are caught in it, and will lob a "blast grenade" forward at single enemies or groups of enemies, doing blast damage. Note: Each of the models also have a "repeater" function that works like a built-in fire arm. "Heat" Mini-Hyena's Repeater does heat damage.
    • "Cold" Mini-Hyena Just like it's "Hyena LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen)" model variant, it'll unleash a wave of cold in front of it, freezing enemies caught in it's path and doing significant damage. This model also has a constant "Cold" aura emanating from it, slowing down enemies that are in close proximity to it. It's Repeat function does cold damage.
    • "Electric" Mini-Hyena - Just like it's "Hyena TH (Thorium)" model variant, it'll unleash a stream of electricity along the ground in front of it, jolting enemies with guaranted shock proc. In addition, it has the ability to charge at enemies in front of it.
    • "Lead" Mini-Hyena - Just like it's "Hyena PB (Lead)" model variant, it has no specific element effects of abilities, instead it possesses heavy firepower. It has the ability to perform "Lead Storm", where it'll leap in to the air and twirl around - unleashing gunfire in every direction around it, as an anti close-combat measure. In addition, "Lead"'s repeater does Slash and Puncture damage, and will generate an aura that replenishes small amounts of shield to itself and allies nearby. "Lead Storm" does blast damage.

    The Mini-Hyena's have above average health, shield, and armor values. Blueprints for the Mini-Hyena's drops at a common rate.

    While Proxy's do not degenerate over time like the more fleshy companions Tenno's have - instead their "Structural Integrity" de-gradates over time, instead, requiring "Repair Kits" to tune them up and repair them to pristine condition, instead of using a DNA Stabilization kit. Repair Kit's also can be crafted from salvage, alloy plates, and/or polymer bundles, with the provided blueprint. Drop rates are subject to change.

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  5. 55 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    They can do that anywhere without being the host, why limit the "host only" usage restriction just to Veil Proxima?

    Funny. Anytime anyone has tried to use Navigation, other than host, it doesn't work.


    Well, the above reason - if people did say they wanted to do something but someone keeps pushing to get the mission over with, it keeps them from doing so. In the event someone could easily abuse this just to rush things along, rather than let people do their thing.

  6. I'm probably making too big deal of this, and for preface - I am not sure if this was recent, but for as long as the update has been out-- only the Host could use navigation...

    But, PLEASE-- when people are doing Railjack missions, and decide they are going to do some resource gathering after the mission is done, do NOT navigate people onto the next mission or back to the Drydock while people are in the middle of something.

    DE, it seems other people can use the Navigation on the Railjack while in the Veil Proxima. Please make it so only Host could use it -- I was host and somehow someone else was able to use it and moved us out without checking text chat!

    Granted, they were away and did not check Text chat - but please, before hitting Nav -- PLEASE check text chat!!

    I'm gonna go splash cold water on my face, and go apologize to the guy for getting a bit angry. @_@;

  7. So, there are several of the bugs I noticed during gameplay, regarding Railjack missions:

    • This might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - but sometimes when loading into the Railjack or an enemy ship/base/platform, my weapon mods don't work and it performs on a base level. Something doesn't seem to make sure my mods effects are in effect when loading in.
    • This also might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - but sometimes when you invade an enemy Vessel (Crewship), you can't go through the door or leave out the back again via Archwing. Makes it that you have to just ride out the blast.
    • When using the Omnitool once, and then again to cancel use of it - the Warp function can't be used again and sometimes the tool itself can't be equipped when back on the Railjack, for the remainer of the mission.
    • This also might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - When reviving in Archwing mode, you'll be in normal Warframe mode for several seconds before the game registers you're in a space that needs Archwing - making you vulnerable to Crewman ship gunfire.
    • This also might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - When leaving RJ or enemy vessels/structures, Archwing will act as though it weren't modded.
    • Sometimes the Gunner seat on the Railjack will mess up, requiring players to leave and enter the seat for it to function again.
      Addendum: The Gunner seat will vanish on Host Migration when in use.
    • This Also might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - During Omni-tool warp or when entering/leaving the Railjack/Enemy vessel/Enemy structure, players get a completely black screen. Sometimes, player can move around but can only face in one direction.
    • This also might or might not have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - Players entering the RJ, enemy vessels, or structures - will spawn outside of the Tileset(s), getting lost and falling forever in the void. Sometimes, /unstuck will not work.
    • Asteroid Base - Sometimes, after killing the Commander inside the base, and leaving. Players cannot enter the facility again.
    • Enemy structures - Resources gathered in enemy structures does not reward everyone else with the resources, requiring all players to leave the Railjack in order to get them.
        Addendum: People cannot enter enemy structures after a Host Migration on some occasions. (Feel free to provide facts of the fact being otherwise.)
    • Sometimes, as more people join a mission during mid-load, loading either takes longer, or bugs out and suspends players in an indefinite loading time.
    • This also might have to do with latency when someone else is hosting - Archwing sometimes performs on base level, due to the modifications not taking effect. This happens when entering into space from either the RJ or enemy vessels/structures.

    Also, an unrelated PSA: Although the Forge on your Railjack has a 200 resource storage cap; excess resources are instead added to your account. Do not feel you have to hit "refine" as soon as the 200 cap has been reached, feel free to make some extra Payload stuff before you refine it.

    (Might add more to this later, or make an entirely new post.)

    • Like 1
  8. Same here.

    I put a forma in and it seemed to reward me the points, so I checked the NW UI, and it seems the points didn't update. So it definitely is a bug.

    EDIT #2: Funny, some of those NW missions are counting up again ._.

    EDIT #3: It seems I did the 20 energy ting, and the points didn't count up.


  9. Think the Simaris NW has bugged? I hope someone from DE is seeing this.

    EDIT #1: Seems the progress towards some of these NW mission reset each time the mission is over. It has to be some bug.

    Should I submit this as a ticket instead of posting here?

  10. So, I am not sure what the cause of this is or why, but ... while I was doing the Cephalon Simaris scans, working on Grineer Bombard Synth targets, I noticed that my Scans would not count up regarding doing Simaris Synth hunting - but I could collect energy orbs again--




    Further more - it seems that there is a duplicate Simaris mission.

    Not sure if this is a bug, or it was intentional and there was a memo recently regarding that - I don't want to do anything in the event DE thinks I been doing something I did not... I mean, I already did like 60% - 70% of these things till I noticed something was off on my recent visit of Lex (Ceres)


    What would be nice, if Kuva Lich's could have more uses, than just that one 'friend'/friend that pops up to help you "when you most need it".

    Instead, keep its "chance to randomly appear" mechanic, but also allow you to assign it to go into a mission and raid that area for loot that a Resource Drone normally wouldn't be able to get.

    Like, mods, chance at an ayatan, credits, etc. Maybe the Lich accrues its own small group of allies to help develop an influence on the planet you sent it to -- albeit at a much, much smaller area of influence - given it no longer is on the side of the Queens and they likely don't have the resources as readily available as they used to.

    And every period of time, your Lich sends you a modicum of what it has found as a reward. Heck, you can even do a mission where it has influenced, and you get it as an ally for that entire mission. Like spending time with it.

    Another would be, when Kuva Lichs are consigned to your Clan Dojo, they'll patrol around the dojo, interacting with various objects. Giving the place extra life. Things like - interacting with terminals (save for research ones to prevent obstruction). Meditation around any scented objects. Sitting around and shooting the breeze. Perhaps trimming some plant life using a tool, etc. Something that makes the inside of the dojo feel alive as the Kuva Lichs make use of the various functions of the dojo - as though they make it their home and are keeping the place in operating capacity.

    I'm not entirely sure if this is the right section for proposing ideas for DE to consider - but I reckon it looked as close to what I want. Also: I'm gonna put up the spoiler tag since the system just released and I'd like for as many people not to be spoiled on the content - assuming I still have to do, but I don't wanna upset DE and staff.

    See the spoiler above for more.

    Overall, the mechanic is nice, but I feel like they ought to have more uses - yeah, your ally is technically invulnerable and immortal - in a sense, but ... not that useful if he decides to show up whenever he likes. I woulda figured that I could only call in my preferred Lich once a mission with a device or beacon - but nope, "In my time of need" is just at plain random. It's cool, I'll give DE that, and when they show up, they wreck house!

    ...But they only stick around for a minute, more or less, and consider their work done and vamoose. I'd like to see more uses for them!

  12. Hm... I think posts like these were made before, albeit I think DE had made any responses on some of them.

    Though this does reinforce that some people need accessibility options for playing Warframe. Specific forms of colorblindness included.

    I hope DE sees this and it encourages them to work towards it, or if they already are - to keep at it.

  13. 35 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    Frankly , I would prefer if while we are using our operator we could properly jojo. I would do this by giving our operator skills on theirs 1,2,3 and 4. For example:

    1 , warframe rushes the target enemy and ora, ora , ora.

    2. Both warframe strike the same jojo pose , all enemies on a 15 meters radius are stuned .

    3. The opererator ajust his hood/hair ,both warframe and operator  gains a massive buff to resistences and damage .

    4. Both the operator and the warframe are covered by void energy and start flying for no reason at all.

    Now you can jojo with any frame.


    Fair enough. I'd like it to be a Warframe with a unique companion.

    Still, that'd be a cool thing!

  14. 51 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    Jojo references are more popular on Reddit.

    They would! But at the same time, it's a S#&$post, and I want to see this be implemented in the game.

    So I wanna see what peoples reactions and opinions are!

    Think I should propose it over there?

  15. So, preface - some people will be able to quickly guess what this idea is inspired from. That being said, I felt I had to share this idea before it left my head.

    It's stupid, I am not sure how effective it would be, but damn - would it be the funnest frame to pilot.

    "Rheul, the Entity Whisper, he who has gone to the void and lived to tell the tale.

    He has formed a bond with an Orokin entity, long since abandoned in the chaotic and hazardous void.

    Will you make use of a dangerous power, and an unlikely ally, Tenno?"

    Basically, Rheul is a Warframe that is followed around by a powerful Entity that will attack enemies independently from the Warframe (withholding it's offense when in stealth), and it's abilities center around making use of the Entities powers for his benefit.

    Stats:? (Suggestions Welcome!)

    Abilities are as follows:

    1. Rheul can command the entity to slash/punch/pierce through any enemy at mouse point. Keeping the ability active will cause the Entity to lock-on to the enemy at mouse point and unleash a flurry of physical attacks, until the enemy is dead, Warframe is out of energy, dhe ability is deactivated, or the ability is nullified.
    2. Rheul makes use of the Entity's power, which is unique only to the Entity. (WIP - Suggestions Welcome!)
    3. Rheul will use the power of the Entity to temporarily buff ally Warframes and temporarily debuff enemies. Allies have slight Ability stat boosts, enemies are curse with slightly slower move speed, are slightly more vulnerable to damage, and do slightly less damage. The "curse" lasts much shorter than the buff to ally warframes.
    4. Rheul sends the Entity away into the solar system - only for the Entity to return with an oversized object (at random) to drop down on at mouse point!

      (The Entity will drop said object at a given location at mouse point.)

      (The objects the Entity will bring back will be at random - E.G. A huge boulder, Corpus/Grineer non-active machinery, section of some land, sea, or space craft. ... Um... someones Liset?)

    Thoughts and opinions on how to better develop and improve this would be appreciated!

  16. So, I am doing a Red Veil mission. Corpus Tileset. I brought along with me a MOA with the Hacker modifications to help me open MOA cabinets so I can have allies to help me in the fight.

    I was cruising along gather Red Veil medallions, when I came across this door -- and it would not open.



    Peculiar... I decided to Transfer out of my Warframe and see if my Operator had any luck.


    No such luck.

    I don't know if it's just a coincidental, extremely rare bug or it's because I have too many hacked MOA's brazing up against the door. Not sure it's the MOA's, my personal Moa - Ordis V.2 (Yes, it was fitting for the part.

    Here are more shots of the tileset in the given map of question.


    If anyone at DE can see what the problem might be. That would be appreciated.

    There are some hacked Cabinet Moa's on the otherside of the door. I did manage to get them all away but the door wasn't open. Obviously it's still green, and my means forward into the mission.

    I'll abandon the mission and have a 2nd go at it.

    EDIT #1: Second go, no repeated bug. Perhaps when my MOA - Ordis V2 - hacked a terminal, it may have caused the door to glitch and perma-close? Maybe when I broke some reinforced fractured glass and the safety alarms kicked in?



  17. Hello and welcome!


    Let me start off with prefacing the story behind the idea: as we're starting to see more customization within Warframe through Modular equipment and companions, it got me thinking of is Modular Warframes could be a thing someday down the road. Utilizing whatever method the Orokin used to manufacture Warframes that the Tenno could pilot to do their will (Well, would, until the Tenno turned on the Orokin).

    This gave me several ideas, but one being "Could this method be used on more than just humanoid lifeforms? How would it affect animals, and what benefits and detriments would come with a new Warframe? What would it's powers be once infected with the Helminth virus and empowered by the Void?". It then hit me - the first companion you get within the game--



    Now, this idea is silly, and people can already see what several issues players may have with Warframes that are quadrupeds, one being that Frames of an animal nature and structure likely cannot bring along weaponry, lest they have an entire new category of weapons and gear made for them (that or a harness that lets you take one weapon of choice at a time - albeit they have to be firearms, and you could only take one secondary or primary with you due to the harnesses limitations). This also brings about a different gameplay style that players may not agree with.

    But it probably brings a new way to play Warframe knowing you have to deal with an entirely new model. Has the same traits as a Warframe - being several times stronger than the standard enemy, having 4 abilities to choose from - plus a passive, and having extensive acrobatic capabilities to traverse most obstacles with ease. at least, I think it would.


    Why not a Kubrow that was introduced to this method that creates an entirely new type of Warframe?

    I reckon that gameplay differs from traditional Warframes as follows, supposing that the lack of a tool or method to weild a firearm is absent:

    Animal Warframes, depending on their frame, strictly melees, opening up a flurry of bites, swipes, and kicks, meaning your melee key will be seeing more use. Kubrow frames only method of normal attach is through bites, kicks, and pinning down and devastating some poor haps throat when he can do a Finisher ability.

    While I don't have the Stats for this frame, I did lay out some abilities I think this Kubrow frame would supposedly have (albeit it is just my opinion):

    1. "Call" (WIP Name) - Kubrow Frame calls in a Kubrow from the shadows to assist in the frey. Each rank up allows the caster to call in an additional Kubrow, at a maximum of 3. Kubrows gain additional Armor, Health, and Damage based on Ability strength, and will persist until death. The ability can be held down, causing the Kubrows to rally to the caster. (Maximum Kubrows is not affected by any ability mods). The Kubrows will scatter to attack random targets or focus on the casters current target at random.
    2. "Howl" (WIP Name) - The caster will emit a loud howl, filling enemies with dread and causing them to move slower, and take increased damaged. (Originally, the ability could also terrify enemies. Not sure how players will feel about that, so I left it out.)
    3. "Track" (WIP Name) - The caster will mark enemies at mouse point, highlighting them so as that allies can also see marked enemies through walls. When aimed at any surface (exceptions being walls and the ceiling), the caster will dig at that spot, and will receive random drops and loot. Sometimes, getting nothing at all. (Originally, any enemy marked would take slightly increased damage, which I also left out since I wasn't sure how anyone else would feel about it. Unless people want it in to equal out the offset for not having to use firearms or melee weaponry.)
    4. "Pack" (WIP Name) - The caster and any Kubrows summoned by "Call" will grow in size, increase in strength, speed, and resilience, and gain a more feral appearance. During this phase, Kubrow Frames abilities gain additional or different functions to them.
    • "Call" now rallies Kubrow to the front of the player and charge forward as a group, trampling or colliding with enemies for heavy damage and knocking them off their feet.
    • "Howl" now can be charged to unleash an earth shaking roar, knocking any enemies around the caster into the air and will be petrified with fear for a brief moment when they land back down on the ground, unable to move or attack. Affected targets also take even more damage. (Not sure if OP, constructive criticism is welcome.)
    • "Track" now unique enemies will be highlighted for the caster only, making it easier to distinguish enemies and prioritize which needs to be pointed out (unique enemies: Nox, Eximus, Comba's, Nullifiers, etc), and visible indicators along the ground makes it easier for the caster to find a digging spot. (Not sure if the caster can see whats below ground before digging them up. Perhaps a silhouette of something lying underneath?)

      Passive: I'm not sure what it should be, suggestions are welcome!

    Again, this idea is NOT perfect. By any stretch of the imagination. But it would be, in my opinion, a fun little deviation from the traditional gameplay. but it's a rough idea above all else and needs a rework. At most, it is just a concept.

    Criticism is welcome here, let me know your thoughts!



  18. Hm... I'm liking this as it develops. Imagine if swimming mechanics were involved - you can opt. out of using an Archwing and use Warframe attachments to maneuver in the water, and using the traditional fishing spear to catch fish manually -- albeit it'll be augmented with a propulsion mechanism that'll only work when under water, players above water gotta throw it normally. Using spears underwater, you can thrust them at fish to catch them up close with the spear in hand, or toss them to try and snag one from afar.

    Imagine exploring coral reefs, sea beds, and other geography while taking in the local sea life?


    Fishing can expand in more ways than one. But I like that idea. Barge settlements and minute patches of land to explore.

  19. On 2019-03-05 at 9:43 AM, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

    Possible, though the thought brings to mind the "What if the Grineer tried to clone some old Orokin monster and these things are the result?" Orokin life seams to be something the lore pseudo gaurds. They are mostly kept a mystery so I wouldn't go so far as to put full on Orokin anything on anything outside of Lua and the Void. At lest not yet... still waiting on that orokin esc faction that was teased a little while back.


    Though biggest question with this open world is will it all be ocean or will it also have various land masses? How would such a place be set up in a way that would allow this battle to take place? Also random thought how does a sort of smoke screen on the creature sound? In the event you get dropped into the water it might attempt to obscure your vision to allow for a more complex fight? (I imagine this would be for more experienced matches such as how there are 3 eidolons each progressively more difficult) Or does it feel a bit too much?

    Hm.. Grineer attempting to clone Orokin creations... That sounds... unpredictable. But I really do like it. I say unpredictable is cause sometimes a cloned organism has a chance to go insane, so it'd be interesting to see an ugly, incomplete, frightening looking monstrosity rampaging about the seas, giving the grineer literal hell as a consequence of their actions. That could make for a legitimately interesting fight, a poorly cloned sea-monster with some areas unaugmented and some with the usual Grineer augmentations and other stylizations running rampant about, in such a way that even the Grineer can't control it.

    Hard to say... perhaps any sign of land is purely mechanical and concrete in nature? Perhaps landmasses are near-impossible to form on a planet such as Uranus, that either establishments either will have to float on the waters surface, or have had been built via air and water ships to create an elaborate, sturdy construct of metals and concrete to have more complex buildings and the like?


    Hm... not knocking that, but I imagine that-- wait. Hydroid/Prime can conjure up a multiple-appendaged sea creature when he fully changes his 4th ability-- perhaps you get to fight the same species, with some lore behind it that such an octopallian creature (yes, gonna make that word up) is bonded to a Warframe in some way as to the Warframe inheriting Water based abilities? And you fight a feral, wild variant?

  20. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

    Maybe but seeing as how Uranus is a grineer planet (based on the nodes) I would be willing to bet it might be more like the Corpus and Venus. The big bad boss monsters (the whales+sharks) perhaps being some new cloning project gone wrong that have begun to take over the natural wildlife of the Sea’s. This could lead to the mini games of catching fish and conservation that we see on the other two locations.

    As a side the creatures could do the wave and slide but the idea that such would disorient a player is a bit mhe, as we have the bullet jumping and slow falling aim feature. But taking a player into the water and forcing them unto an underwater archwing does provide for some interesting combat mechanics alla Tyol Rigor. (Who is also the boss for the planet) Throwing things at the player could also work in effort to knock them off/damage the boat. Though once in the water perhaps smaller sharks could attack the player? (in efforts to make it a little more difficult than just jumping back onto the boat)

    That could work. Perhaps Grineer and Ancient Orokin genetical creations that wander the ocean as the top-predators or top life to thrive? One gone wrong, and another does exactly as... whatever it was made to do?


    I'm down for that, players have to fend off the waves of hostile sea life looking to eat them and they have to get back onboard the ship to resume tackling the creature?

  21. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

    I would avoid using Eidolons. They should be relatively locked to the plains in my mind in the same way the Orbs should be locked to Valis as it is what sets them apart from one another. If we just reused the enemies with slight changes it might devalue those two locations "uniqueness". After all they are the Plains of EIDOLON and the ORB Valis.

    That in mind a large shark and whale type boss wouldn't be too far fetched a concept. Though I would like to see more offensive abilities for the supposed pair. As it sounds like the main method of attack would be to try to topple the boat to throw the players out. I could see this being a good form of attack but there would also need to be other attack patterns otherwise we just have a one pump chump that won't have much of a challenge.

    Hm... good points.

    Perhaps just oversized wildlife that just happen to get to the top of the foodchain and become massive from successful feeding?

    And about the toppling part, perhaps some can chuck ocean/ship debris at the fishing boat, some will get under it and trying to launch it into the air to disorient the passengers, some will just ram the ship to jostle the players, and some will leap onto the deck and slide across - hoping to take a player with it? Perhaps they'll bound high over the ship and drop large droplets of water/sea life onto the deck to distract the player? Etc?

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