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Posts posted by cknives

  1. ...because there are a lot of problems which will cause Warframe's extinction:


    1. Difficulty - Players can already get so strong (forma, mods) that every new content will be finished in hours.


    2. Grinding - As a result of Point 1 the only way to introduce content that isn't consumed after hours, is to create grinding content. Which is apparently no fun for most players.


    3. Cheating - Gets out of hand.


    4. Balancing - Op abilities, which let you defeat enemies no matter which level; Only 15% of weapons viable. 80% of melee weapons outclassed by only few viable ones.


    Before new content is created to keep players buying platinum and keep them busy playing, these things have to be addressed. Else Warframe will lose more and more players and will be extinct before PS4 release is even here.



    5. DE is not working on the important things but ads clan housing and melee weapons instead.


    6. The Cash shop is a over priced mess that forces players to buy items(empty space) they dont want to buy.

  2. No thanks, I like the current invite friends only option.



    Destroy the one place that's free of lag in games? No thanks, keep it private.



    So instead of you 2 pressing 1 button to make it private.


    Every one else is forced to play it private? wtf? logic? Way to perpetuate the stereotype.

  3. They're going to hell for forcing you into spending $10!!! That could have been spent on not paying for a game, or one-sixth of a retail game, or one-third of a game on sale!

    I just bought Borderlands2 + Season pass for 13.50 lol. Yeah F*** DE for forcing me to buy S#&$ty &#! slots. Id rather spend 20$ on cosmetics but hey.. they want their 10$ real bad. So thats all they get from me :)

  4. As Sixty5 has said - apart from the Grakata [which always has higher DPS with a crit build than not], and the bows [which are better for single shot damage with a crit build], crit builds are only viable against very high level enemies where the potential doubling of AP damage outweighs the gain of damage from other damage mods [which at high levels is minimal due to resistances].


    Also, why not just use the DPS calc program?

    idk i just threw my own spreadsheet calc together after i saw the datamined stats.

  5. ...in theory. In practice, the elemental damage will always be better against a certain faction (out of 3), and a crit with the subsequent 300%+ damage will mean you have an opportunity to 1shot tough, high-level mobs such as ancients. Since the snipetron does full AP damage, shooting ancients in the head will yield more benefit than shooting them in the foot, and since electrical does nothing and fire/cold decrease with level, for a dedicated ancient-killer you'll want crit mods on since they don't diminish as enemy levels go up.


    Works well on grineer minibosses too.





    That formula is for a multiplicative effect, not additive. And it is multiplicative, 100 damage with a +100% crit mod will do 300 damage (150%x100 + 100%x150%x100), not 250 ((150% + 100%)x100). This is tested and all.



    I ran my calculation like 100dmg +50% = 150 +100% = 300


    So i guess i did do it right.

  6. I ran the #s for grataka. I went and replaced the 60% AP mod with the crit mods.  Between both of the mods they do 250dps (per shot) A single 90% elemental does 137, the 60% ap would do 117 the reload speed would do 146dps. So it seems you would be better off with AP + reload speed but its very close.



    As far as i can tell from the wiki the 120% crit dmg is a flat bonus applied after the regular crit dmg.


    "Critical damage = (final damage) * (base critical multiplier) * (1 + mod value)"



  7. Grakata has 15% crit chance


    Dread and Paris have 20% chance on charge, so that changed calculations quite a bit.


    I 100% agree though that there just needs to be more guns that have more than 10% chance.

    According to the datamined stats grataka has 7.5% so i did not include it. If it does have 15% and 200% crit dmg it would fair pretty well and crit mods would be an OK option but not amazing.

  8. Because crits stack with all other bonuses, including elemental damage, you can use it to get even more armor piercing and/or armor ignoring damage, which may be more beneficial than bringing a fire or electric mod against certain enemies.  Of course, crits are inherently bursty and overkill prone, so any benefit from crits mainly occurs against tougher enemies.  (Sadly for the grakata, all enemies are tough enemies.)


    It's also worth noting that the crit mods are much stronger together than individually.

    The Latron, for example, is 50% stronger when it has crit both mods, but with Crit Chance alone it's only 7% stronger, and with Crit Damage alone it's 17% stronger.


    If you read the OP all of that is considered :)



    The latron gets a 15% crit chance bonus and a 120% crit dmg bonus.


    Thats a 18% dmg increase across the board. Nothing to write home about for 2 mod slots considering fast hands gives 30% lol.

  9. So after seing the datamined stats i decided to do a bit of math to see if crit is ever worth it. ( i could be wrong ofc)


    First off:


    Pistol,melee,shotgun crit mods are garbage and never worth it. (on current weapons. Maybe a 50% crit chance might make them worth it)



    Only Rifle crit is left.





    crit dmg mod is 120%


    crit chance mod is 150% of base.


    A fully loaded rifle moded for max dps uses:


    Split chamber


    Speed trigger




    Armore Piercing


    Thats 7 mods


    If you wanted to add both crit chance and dmg you would have to swap 1 out.


    My calculations are done based on a mob that takes 100% dmg from all sources and a weapon with  9 mod slots(simplicity) to be able to use all elementals + crit chance,crit dmg. This favors crit.


    In the actual game you could sawp out hellfire or stormbringer depending on what your killing.




    The Guns:


    Below 10% base crit isnt even worth doing math for.



    So the only guns still standing are:


    Latron prime 10% 150%

    Snipetron 20% 150%

    Vulkar 20% 150%

    Dread 10% 200%

    Paris 10% 150%



    The DPS:


    With maxed mods.


    Latron prime: Both crit mods together do almost as much dps as the 60% AP mod alone. The Reload speed mod instead does nearly 2x more dps.


    Paris: Same as latron


    Snipetron: Both crit mods  together do a little more dmg than one 90% elemental would do. Reload speed still beats it by a little.


    Vulkar: Same as snipetron


    Dread: Both crit mods together do about 2x more dmg than the AP mod. And beat reload speed by a little. If AP mod is removed to make room for both crit mods. Then the benefit drops below reload speed again but still barely beats a 90% elemental with BOTH crit mods.


    note* im not sure if Dread even benefits from a reload speed mod. If it doesnt then a crit chance mod would add a little dps for the 8th slot.






    When maxing for DPS even a fully formad rifle does not benefit from crit mods.( reload speed is almost always better dps for just 1 mod slot)


    The Dread is the only weapon that got even close to making use of crit mods.


    This gets even worse if you dont have all 3 90% elementals equiped since crit scales of total dmg.



    Possible uses:


    I could see them being used on a Dread for max dmg per shot instead of dps to conserve ammo....i guess.

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