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Everything posted by Asphe

  1. Nov 21 on PC, same issue. Parazon / Mercy Stabbed him about 5~7 times, but his health/armor bars would stay 3/3 I've got the ee.log (11MB) if support needs it but it does seem to be a rare bug (we hit this half the time when Duviri launched)
  2. The ones I bought off Bandcamp also include lossless versions. Judging by the single -ve review on Soundtrack 2, the ones on Steam may not?
  3. Same. User Interface: Menu Scale -> Legacy seems to fix this (mentioned above) but for those on larger screens, it might make the chat window be excessively large (you lose Custom scaling plus a lot of UI elements default to certain sizes, i.e. some will appear too large / too smol, depending on your customisations *If you don't want messages in your chat window to pop up, make a "private tab", i.e. just right-click on someone in the chat window & click Talk - you're now in a private tab with that tenno and unless they send you a message... no more pop-ups
  4. Once you've equipped the Tranq Rifle, you cannot MOVE DOWN (archwing) 100% repeatable in any open world area if you can use both Archwing (any archwing) and Tranq Rifle. Unequipping the Tranq Rifle restores MOVE DOWN (archwing) ----- Doesn't matter what keybind is assigned to MOVE DOWN (archwing) Default keybind config / restarting the game doesn't affect this Similar to from 3 years ago
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