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Everything posted by (PSN)crow5716

  1. You're damned either way. They have segregated the trading community. You either opt in and can only trade with those have opted in too but then you can't trade with those who don't enable cross-save even if you were on the same platform before or you don't opt in and can't trade with those who have cross-save even if you used to be on the same platform.
  2. Yes they billed this cross-trade as a wonderful place where you can trade everyone and that cross-save means you can access your account on any platform. What they tricked us with is a fake cross-save that just irreversibly turns your console account into a PC account and allows your console to access that PC account for data. And behind the scenes it's just PC accounts interacting with each other PC accounts for trading. Thus eliminating the ability to trade with the console platform you've been on forever since you're now a PC account and can't trade with PSN, Xbox or switch. Unless they too activate cross-save which just makes them a PC account. This is confirmed by PC accounts being able to trade with other PC players irregardless of if they have cross-save on or off. Because it's all just PC accounts to them. This is a complete disaster and entirely ruins the game. I doubt they will acknowledge this problem as there is no way to fix it.
  3. I believe that if a clan founder on PSN, Xbox or switch does not enable cross-platform in their clan settings but enabled cross-save on their account witch turns their account into a PC account. It will not allow a PC account in to their console clan because they never turned on cross-platform in the clan settings. Just my guess.
  4. DE screwed up so bad on this and there is absolutely no way for them to fix it and so I don't expect to ever hear them talk about this issue. They tricked us on how this would work. It's not true cross-play. It's just converting console accounts to PC accounts and then it's PC accounts interacting with each other. Plus now they are going on vacation till January.
  5. This problem is only affecting console players. PC accounts can trade with other PC accounts no matter if cross-save is on or off. The problem is with console players that turned cross-save on that converted their accounts to PC accounts and now can't trade with their own clan mates, alliance members or friends from the same platform they have been with forever just because some are choosing not to enable or want cross-save
  6. Since the cross-save idea is just to convert everyone's account from every platform into a PC account, I'm sure this is great for PC players. Tons of new people to trade with whether you enable cros-save or not because they are all PC to PC trades. But if your a console player and you enable cross-save thinking it's going to expand your reach for trading. Guess again. Not everyone on consoles wants or is enabling cross-save so you are permanently unable to trade with them. If you're on xbox and enable cross-play. You can't trade with the majority of Xbox players anymore. You have a PC account now. Same with PlayStation and so on. This cross-trade was sold to us as a good thing to enable everyone to be able to trade with everyone. We knew there would be restrictions. We thought you would only be able to trade with cross-play members if you enabled cross-save but would still be able to continue trading normally with everyone else like your friends, your clan, your alliance that you have been playing with for years and years on the same platform with. I feel very tricked and ask that we have the option to convert our accounts back to console only so I can trade with my clan and alliance again.
  7. Removing the ability to trade with the same platform you have been playing on since day 1 because some people don't want to enable Cross save is beyond terrible. We were tricked into thinking cross-save would make our accounts just work on other platforms and nothing else would change. Not convert our accounts into PC accounts and let our consoles just read data from the PC account. No wonder I can't trade with any of my PSN clan anymore since all my items are technically PC items. They need to resolve this so everyone can trade or let us revert our accounts back to the console we were originally on and turn off cross-save. I've been playing on PlayStation since 2015 and I regret ever enabling cross-save because of the restrictions on trading with my own clan and alliance now
  8. Can we get DE to acknowledge this problem and fix this before more people sign up for cross-save and then notice this problem. The back lash is just going to get worse.
  9. That's because DE tricked you. Cross save didn't make your account work on other platforms. It converted your account to a PC account that other platforms access to get the info. So you no longer have an Xbox Warframe account. You have a PC Warframe account that your Xbox is accessing which is why you can't trade your PC items with xbox players. But you can trade with other pc players since it's a PC to PC trade This is absolutely terrible and not what we wanted. Let us revert back to how our accounts were or make it so we can trade with our same platform friends irregardless of cross save status.
  10. Yes this is a game ruining problem!! Not being able to trade with the people on the same platform you've been playing on forever just because not everyone wants to enable Cross save
  11. They need to do one of the following... -Allow us to trade with everyone regardless of cross-save status(unlikely and probably impossible). -Allow us to still trade with members from the same platform our main account came from irregardless of cross-save status(probably still impossible as they tricked us into converting our console accounts into PC accounts). -Allow us to revert our account back to solely the platform our main account was on and not use cross-save. Knowing what I know now, I would have never enabled cross-save. Either I can trade with the people who decided to enable cross-save and blacklist those who don't want to including my own platform friends. Or I can stay on PSN only and continue to trade with the people who I have been playing with and trading with for years and not trade with cross-play members. You're damned either way with the current system. We were tricked into thinking cross-save would just make our accounts work across platforms, not convert our accounts to PC accounts that other platforms can access.
  12. Be careful. When you switch to cross-save account. Even tho you play on Xbox, you won't be able to trade with other players on Xbox unless they also enabled cross-save and not everyone is enabling it.
  13. If you have cross-save enabled, you can only trade with other players who have cross-save enabled. No matter if you are both playing on the same platform, if one has it enabled and the other doesn't, you can't trade. You can still trade between players on the same platform if both people don't have cross-save enabled.
  14. I still have my PSN symbol next to my name but I can't trade with other PSN players that don't have cross-save enabled. This is absolutely terrible!!!
  15. This is a huge problem and there is going to be a lot of back lash over this since not everyone wants to use cross-save and now that can't trade on their same platform you used to trade on with other members from the same platform because technically you have a PC account now that is just being used on Xbox.
  16. This is a trade that was attempted between 2 PSN players. One with cross save enabled and the other not enabled. They can no longer trade with eachother. This is a game ruining problem.
  17. I get that you can only cross-trade with other platforms when you have cross-save enabled... BUT not everyone wants to make their account a cross-save account and now you just eliminated their ability to trade with people on their own platform? Like what the..... You can't trade with someone on your same platform if one person has cross-save enabled and the other doesn't. I mean wooooow. I see a huge back lash coming over this.
  18. How long does it take for new clan members time played to get added to their clans total time played? A week? Days? It's definitely not same day. I was asking a new clan joining our alliance why their clan stats time played was really low. Like 75 days but they had 160 members some of which were legendary MR. It didn't make sense. I've also noticed when our clan recruits, every time a new member joins with lots of time played it doesn't bump the clan total time played up. So just curious how that stat works. Is it only time played while in that clan or just adding individual clan members time played total and when does it start to add in? Thanks for any help.
  19. After this update I was playing Duviri experience last night and way point still disappeared after doing some side quest stuff.
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