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Everything posted by TheSixOfDiamonds

  1. I really don't remember how long it took mine to get approved, but mine is also super simple. I'd say check it weekly, but once it gets approved the real wait is being added.
  2. That's one reason I stopped gunning for MR (iirc I'm 24?). So many of them are situations crafted for the MR test and have no bearing on the rest of the game, and you don't need MR after 16 or 18 anyway.
  3. Maybe, but that doesn't mean much to some of us anymore. That said, it's really not needed.
  4. It's really weird to me, I've been stewing over today's... decision for a bit. The more I learned of it, the more astounding it became. I learned of it in-game, and then the FAQs about it, then the forums. The conclusion I reached baffles me, and I hate it. The precedent this sets flies so in the face of what DE led me to believe was the MO (since the days of Ash Prime being available from the Void Keys), that I"m concerned this behaviour will be what makes me leave. Even as recent as last year, leaving WF was inconceivable to me. I am in awe that this is a thing we're having to talk about.
  5. Do Arbitrations count as harder than Sorties these days? I ask because I have an Oberon that can heal through that no problem, with the renewal augment for emergencies. Last time I bothered running one, I took him and had no issues. I don't run Sorties anymore, Sponge Path is a rarity, and I need to sort through frames for Archon Hunts (my Mesa build that chews through SP got OHK by a bombard).
  6. I realise non-Newtonian physics is a thing, but I've not heard about something like a magnetic field stopping anything. I still don't think WF is playing with any known physics beyond "gameplay".
  7. Bows vs Nullifiers is very doable. You basically have two options: 1) Hit the drone at the top. No it's not easy, but it pops it and prevents it from coming back. 2) Enter the bubble. Discretion advised. I've gotten used to entering the bubble because of arctic and guardian eximus, even when not using a bow. There's something satisfying about it. Also, your physics doesn't apply here. Physics in WF is whatever it decides at the time. If arrows could punch through, bullets could. Bullets are very good at punching through things. But then Nullifiers wouldn't be much threat, I mean look at the Comba and Scrambus. Those are basically Nullifiers whose bubble you can shoot through, and they're scarier for their rocket pistol than nullifier effects.
  8. Ballistic Battery's in a weird place for me: On one hand, I"d love to use it more, because I have Eclipse over Shooting Gallery, and I'd love to use that damage boost. On the other hand, the only places where I feel the need to use it, it's either irrelevant, or it's the kinds of places where I get sniped by enemies for for than my entire health pool with both Eclipse and Shatter Shield up.
  9. I have to disagree. Mostly. No build requires more than 2 Umbra polarities, and those builds, realistically, aren't really necessary. Also, your MR is functionally meaningless. It has been since MR 16 or so.
  10. This is so amusing to me. because two of the biggest Banjo fans I know of aren't huge fans of Tooie. One almost outright hates it. I never played, but I watched one of them play their first run... I can understand both sides, more or less. </tangent>
  11. Nuanced opinions are in the same boat, but this isn't a WF problem. I have this problem trying to talk about not liking Morrowind.
  12. Unlocked a few focus nodes in secondary schools, and ran a few fissures. Nothing major, but I was having my coffee while I played, so it had to be bite-sized. Not sure what's next, though. Not been playing a lot, I've discovered Empire at War mods, and that eats so much time.
  13. Getting headshots from Corinth's airburst is something I never get used to.
  14. Partial seconding. I argue with Biz whenever a conservation critter attacks me and I smack it with a sword bigger than it is. Similar boat with Son. If I could opt out of conservation, I would... instead I get all kinds of NPCs mad at me,. one of the few things that has me argue with NPCs.
  15. This is why I never sold my blueprint. Even though I almost never use it. I don't use a "fishing meta setup", I've just found a few places I can fish in peace. Most I need to do is deploy a couple spectres to watch a specific hall, and since I have literal hundreds of MOA and Corrupted Lancer Spectres from all the times they try to kill me, I'm set. Also, fair warning: things like export logic don't apply in WF. At all. Shops and drops are as they are.
  16. I mean... I still run Vaykor Marelok just fine, but I'm not gonna complain about upgrades (though I cannot be asked to go for Incarnon stuff). Just a note: Rocket Marelok would probably turn out underwhelming given DE's current approach of any kind of explosive.
  17. Wow first post already makes it weird. Y'know instead of "water-themed"... As long as she's not condemned to Frost's stationary gameplay (love the guy to bits, but I rarely get to run him pub), I'm fine. There's tons of options here (avalanches, ice CC, ice spikes, and the ice mobility already mentioned).
  18. This is at least partly addressed in his Codex entry, of which the tl;dr is: he's mad about the Tenno massacring the Orokin. I think he straight up is a frame. It's been a while since I played Second Dream, but if memory serves, he hesitates when it came to killing the actual Tenno. Possibly because he didn't realise that "Tenno" weren't frames, just like us (at the time it dropped). He could kill the frames just fine, but he couldn't as easily kill a "defenseless" child. I'd be curious to see the "real" Stalker, like Rell or Umbra Excal. Have him meet a Tenno in the flesh (unless he's like Umbra and Stalker's not a puppet like frames are). As for why he's helping "Tenno" in Duviri: he isn't. He's helping Drifter, who is not "Tenno". I'm more curious if he's there for a reason beyond "hey, people wanted to play as Stalker, so here". Why he helps the Drifter protect the Lotus in TNW I have no clue on. The Lotus was the Tenno's handler when the Empire fell, but he appears to just be working for Hunhow now, so maybe it was just boss's orders.
  19. Originally, I just wanted to be able to use my sniper as a scanner, but I figured some other spice was needed. Could make either of them pull a detonation, like they got hit with an anti-mat round, make the bonus damage radial
  20. I've been stewing over a mod idea for snipers, and this is where I'm at: Option 1: -Name: Recon Scope -Effect: Holding the sniper scope reticle on a target consumes a Scanner charge and grants +X% Headshot damage (where the bonus is tied to codex completion of the target, up to 100%) -Source: Simaris, 25k or 50k standing Option 2: -Name: Takedown -Effect: When zoomed in with a sniper, targets with completed Codex entries have weak points (like the Helios precept or Banshee) that grant +???% damage (never figured out a placeholder number, should be more than headshot to reward completion of codex entries) Source: Simaris, 50k standing Originally, these were lumped together in my head, but I think they'd work as separate mods.
  21. I love seeing these pop up when I check the Fan Concepts, mostly because there's so many options with sharks. Also because I can see two distinct variations: "Street Shark" brawler type that's a chunky lad with bleed and/or CC let's be real the CC would be wasted in practical terms, or what I can only describe as "Gura frame" that's lean, with movement based attacks (like Slash Dash or Landslide) or something. More importantly, dermal denticles (aka, the tiny teeth that make up sharkskin) feels like an easy reprisal passive. Melee attacks have X% dealt back at them or something.
  22. I'm starting to wonder why the option to alter the reticle even exists anymore, it only affects standard WF weapons, it doesn't affect: The dot you get for amps The new Melee crosshair The Duviri reticles The Incarnon reticle Zero component of the Necramech's messy HUD I'd need to double-check, but I think it also doesn't apply to Archguns deployed as a Heavy Weapon.
  23. Oh, you might be able to add Amprex to the list to try, then. Ah, fair.
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