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Everything posted by TheSixOfDiamonds

  1. Kuva Tonkor or possibly CorinthP's alt-fire. Kuva Tonkor was weirdly not affected my the AoE ammo nerf last I checked. If you're okay with something that isn't strictly AoE, you can use one of my favourite things, it synergizes well with Harrow: Rattleguts + Pax Seeker. You rake across a group and a lot of the light armor enemies proc Pax Seeker and the air is filled with headshot-seekers. Note that I've not tried this on Sponge Path, so I don't know it's effective ceiling.
  2. I'm very mixed on this On the one hand, I put so much effort (and money) into making the Operator look cool, and my Drifter really feels kitbashed by comparison. That said, I have been done with Operator dialogue in mission for so long, but also the mouth movements on the Drifter feel... wrong (could be face mix problems that I'm too incompetent to solve). I also hate that they move at the same speed despite the amazing height difference, the Drifter just feels like they're running through a snowdrift or something, and it's even worse feeling when you're walking (like in the Dormizone). I've settled on Drifter for missions and stuff, but for major Quests I pop back to Operator.
  3. Can confirm it is Magnetic and does persist for the entire duration no matter what.
  4. As stated in the title, I find all manner of weapon designs fascinating... but am not an expert by any stretch, it's very compartmentalized (like how I've still not forgiven DE for the Kopesh longsword skin bending the wrong way, but have almost no clue about Norse swords). I was leveling Sun&Moon and realised some stuff at the same time (that I'm surprised too me this long): 1) Syam for players is a katana, but for Dax in Duviri it's a tachi. 2) Sun&Moon is a tachi&wakizashi combo, I never noticed this when Teshin used em, or for the whole Duviri Paradox quest. 3) Because Sun&Moon includes a Warframe-weighted tachi, we could get a straight tachi in the future, which makes me very excited (tachi is my second favourite historical sword behind the khopesh), and it might even come with its own stance. 4) Because Japan had very few standards for what classified as "katana" vs "tachi"... if you flipped the saya in the Arsenal (so the curve faced down), are WF katanas long enough to be tachi? I'm not sure how to measure them in-game. 5) We actually have a weapon in-game named after a unit of measure: Shaku. I find this very amusing. Shaku is a unit of measure Japan used for a while (katanas being 2 shaku minimum, odachi being 3 shaku minimum)
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