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Posts posted by AxxysQcWyld

  1. 16 hours ago, Drufo said:

    DE made various tries for Blade Storm, and this was one of those. They excluded it because it was OP and it was even less interactive that the old BS, and their aim with the rework was to give the ability more interactivity, not less

    Well my idea is not less interactive since you are still running aroud and backstabbing mobs. Its just that you equip ash's special dagger and when you melee with them  they teleport you behind your target if you aim at it for an easy finisher. Your 2 clones are the one doing the old style bladestorm during the ability (i admit that it would be a little OP ) but i think it could be fun no less. for the OPness of the move it would all depend on how much energy per sec it would cost since im pretty sure it would cost alot given the ability's damage capabilities.

  2. Ok so ive been thinking about it and here is the idea i came up with for ash's bladestorm you press 4 and it equips you with your ash daggers and spawn 2 clones of you the 2 clone teleport to random ennemies in a certain range around you and so as normaly they kill them but here is the thing i moddified in that time that your clones are going all assassin on the ennemies you get a special way of melee by pressing e for a melee attack with ash's daggers if an ennemy is in the reticle on your screen you are teleported behind them to do a finisher attack if no ennemies are on the reticle you slash with the special stance for the daggers  during the whole technique your energie slowly depletes a little like excalibur's exalted blade or valkyre's hysteria (resume:you press 4. 2 clones pops up and do the old fashion bladestrom in a radius around you while you equip your dagger's and start teleporting and doing finishers in the back of every ennemie you target all the while your energy slowly goes down) .sorry for the errors english is not my native language.

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