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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Is there any possibility Prism could be changed to either a duration or drain? Having both is quite dated, especially with the low base duration and relatively less performance compared to weapon AoE, especially since the blind nerfs several years ago and the nerfs to general CC lately as well.
  2. You can report players for grief behavior, but I would just move on. You can quite easily build your arsenal to solo missions anyways and ignore players. If they truly are AFK farming or excessively leeching, they'll be caught up to.
  3. And here's me still wishing we had OG Plains of Eidolon progression for all the open worlds so that you took a while to complete things and all the different modes (excluding conservation) was taken part in to 100% the factions. The factions are extremely trivial to be honest. 99% of the items only require daily reputation, and the stuff outside of that isn't too much of a bother to farm.
  4. 100%. Take my upvote. Maybe with Deep Archimedea DE is revisiting the concept the game used to have, but things have just shifted into people playing as if their teammates are NPCs in the index. The only reason people care to public Void Fissures is their reward structure. The same with the "No-Death" mechanics of Arbitrations and Netracells. The slow death of roles-based gameplay, the complete death of clan content (Kingpins/Liches were the last shred of hope towards that) and additions such as Helminth have eroded the multiplayer experience outside of intentionally playing with friends. There's a good reason Helldivers 2 gets so much positivity for making cooperative strategy and community completion required for the core experience. The best thing we get in Warframe is scripted "community goals". Even then, just last Tennobaum the date had to be extended so we could actually reach the final milestone. Any semblance of the cooperation that's been lost over the years has been fabricated to feed players of the illusion that we're still in that "lift together" phase that's long dead at this point. There's still many helpful players out there in this game, but most players are just keeping to themselves and just focus on their own progression, ignoring the entire point of multiplayer. And don't get me wrong, I play this way now too. If the game encourages this behavior and even rewards favorably for it, then that's what I'm going to do. It's not rude to blitz a Fissure, it's rude that the game encourages you to ignore your entire squad. I wouldn't ask to slow the game down, but there are some outlier mechanics that should be removed or brought in line. Self-revives, Helminth, Primed Sure Footed/Status Immunity and Razorwing Blitz are my main points of concern. Just look at how many people got upset over Eclipse changes when Eclipse is Mirage's ability, not Volt's, Xaku's, Gara's, or any other Warframe. Razorwing Blitz should be looked at in the same way Itzal was looked at for being a tremendous outlier for player movement. Titania should still be fast, but not so fast that she far surpasses Nova's Wormhole in most cases (exceptional Nova players can keep up, but in general there's just no contest), Void Sling, Mach Rush, Speed, etc.
  5. This is by design so that in order to get all these things, it retains Warframe as at best your "main" game, or at worst, just a habit. It's hard for DE not to approach content in this manner (like Deep Archimedea), because the content is otherwise farmed in a relatively short time-frame. This adds longevity and habits for logging in, which correlate to more opportunities for you to spend money. I can see both sides of the coin for why it is this way. It makes the most sense for free games to approach content this way, even if it becomes tedious over time for players. I may not like how many weeklies are being stacked on one another, but atleast I'm not playing a massive game of catch-up like I would be if I was starting another online game (as is the case these days for new players starting Warframe as well).
  6. Title. I presume this is because of the changes made to the the guaranteed Riven drop table (Acrithis, Pallidino, and Nihil’s Oubliette) in update 35.1.0 creating two separate Riven Mods. This is what happens now as you earn "guaranteed" Rivens along-side "random" Rivens. I have not verified whether a random Sortie/Archon drop is added alongside the "new" stack or the "old stack".
  7. I didn't say it was a bug? I was merely saying that it sometimes showcases how or what something is coded/coded as. Debt Bonds as a Syndicate Medallion was my example.
  8. I always just assume these were fluff stats that paint the illusion of achievement/contribution for a mission. They've always been bugged, misleading, or just showcasing the backend spaghetti (such as Debt Bonds counting as "Syndicate Medallions").
  9. Aren't these just all the tracks played in the background of their associated Prime Access trailers? These are music scores for their Primes, not their quests or initial introductions. This is also why there is only this handful of frames as not all Prime Warframes have a trailer.
  10. Why would it be so hard? A diorama is played when loaded out of a mission, so this could just be tracked as a player status no? I'm no expert in software or anything, but I just know there are game states that are consistent with being done loaded out.
  11. The simple fix is that you shouldn't be allowed to start a mission vote until all players have loaded out of a mission. Even when you have everyone loading quickly, there are bugs that present themselves when a client starts a mission vote before the host has exited the mission. This happens more frequently with the Profit-Taker bounty.
  12. The Bullet Jump mods do actually add parkour velocity. The description of the mod card has just been misleading for a very long time (it was fixed recently). Bullet Jump and parkour related bonuses are criminally underrated, and I don't think they need any buffs. Even though these mods were added shortly after I started playing in Update 17, they are still staple mods for me when I can make room to add them. Reducing the time it takes for the player to move between enemies, their relative KPM (Kills Per Minute) and damage output increase quite considerably. This is what makes abilities such as Razorwing Blitz, Volt's Speed, Saryn's Molt, Infested Mobility, Praedos/Telos Boltace/Kronen Prime passives, Nova's Wormhole and soon Loki's Switch Teleport as powerful as they are. This is also why Primed Sure Footed and Status Immunity is so powerful and not just "QoL" like some people think. Though that's a different topic. I like your idea with working the elemental/physical bonuses into the next attack, but I don't really think it's needed. These mods are strong as they are, and the people who understand their value will slot them, just like they slot Praedos or Arcane Consequence (another criminally underrated Arcane). The only true crime with these mods is lacking Primed Mobilize.
  13. Warframe.market and the in-game trade chat both have their positives and negatives for both buyers and sellers. Like anything else, you can learn to maximize these differences to your advantage depending on the item.
  14. The Founders Program is just the last frontier/shred of good will for DE to continue honoring. If you've been playing the game long enough, you know that DE going back on the word of Founders pales in comparison to the several other situations over the years. I'm not sure why people get so deep into the discussion. DE could technically give everyone the same access in an unconventional fashion, but they just won't, because this is their golden ticket to still retaining some level of difference to the rest of the industry (even though they're business practices have said otherwise in the last couple years). They could sell the 6,000, 9,000 and 12,000 Mastery Experience relative to each tier of Founder for money/Platinum with the inability for Founders to buy them depending on their tier. It is completely within DE's power to buff Prisma Skana, Lato Vandal, and base Excalibur to having the exact same stats as their Prime counterparts. You could even release the weapon models as skins with completely different names. You can circumvent giving people the ability to actually buy these items while giving everyone the same gear opportunities. The package only states that they promise not to sell the gear items themselves. It makes no mention of exclusivity on skin models, Mastery Experience or stat superiority. Founders would still have their profile accolade, Design Council access, Platinum, Sigils and Emblems. They recently did this with the Supporter Pack skins. Marketing stuff with the words used to imply something isn't returning, but using legalese to release them under the technicality that their wording implies allowance, even though it's just bad-faith marketing to use all those words to begin with. Given their track record lately and hinting at selling even more Heirlooms, they should just resell Founder gear in the legalese fashion and stuff it under the rug like they do everything else. People already forgot about the Heirlooms like 2 months after it happened, same with when they tried to substitute Platinum for Endo with Regal Aya. So many people would still hold them on a pedestal, and probably even praise them for this move because they are a new generation of Tenno that are not aware of, or simply don't care that DE used to be more respectful to their playerbase years ago.
  15. He always has one item that is new to his inventory. This does not mean every item added to his wares is brand-new to the game, but can be something that has been retired for a long time.
  16. I came across this issue yesterday while trying to scan an Entrati Thalmin Container (which I didn't end up getting because it was broken by another player while I was stuck with the Synthesis scanner not "firing" to scan the object). I am not sure if this affects enemies too, but I couldn't get the scanner to scan the object with the touch controls. :(
  17. Given so many people thought Mirage and Eclipse would be unusable without a final damage multiplier in recent days, I doubt most people are going to understand why it's important to investigate Toxic Lash in this regard. This isn't even remotely true, and I think you know that. There are several "technical loopholes" closed over the years that didn't suddenly result in the game going downhill. In what capacity would the game be "worse" by addressing Toxic Lash properly? Bringing consistency to Toxic Lash in regards to what OP/rainy pointed out wouldn't make the ability bad by any means, especially with how strong its innate characteristics are.
  18. It's not that I believed them, it's more that I know they're inconsistent. I knew the wording implied the allowance to release them later, but how do you know? You really don't, so if you're like me where exclusives are nice to have (especially some of the nicer cosmetics like the Ambassador Skin, color pickers, etc.), you're going to be buying a bundle that you know is designed to possibly burn you later. Until said item rereleases, you don't really have grounds for the correct feedback about their words being disingenuous or fleecing (you can only go off implications). I just want this situation to be a "landmark case" in the way this is handled going forward. It's becoming quite sad how far DE has fallen from their once great stance towards their players with the way things are marketed. Like you said, it's sleight of hand, but we're seeing more and more of it as time goes on. This sleight of hand becoming a trend for DE is the overall problem that should be addressed.
  19. My overarching message is why they used language to fleece players with the wording, but are adamant that they can't remedy past solutions because it would be "disrespectful". I am not saying "you can't have my items, they said exclusive", it's "how come when we talk about Founders (and later Heirlooms), we want to "respect" the FOMO marketing (which is disrespectful to players to begin with), but here it doesn't matter?" If DE gets brownie points for exploiting ambiguous wording, why can't we just have transparent marketing and re-sell past bundles? Again, I think too many people are assuming I am upset that I "lost money" or "lost my exclusives". What bothers me is that I felt fleeced by their marketing, because even though I knew deep down that they could re-release these at the time of sale, I assumed that the usage of urgency and words such as exclusive put them under the umbrella of other situations. I like to have the exclusives of Warframe, however annoying they are. This made me feel compelled to purchase the items offered, because they could have easily ended up as the next TennoCon cosmetic, Rank 5 Equilibrium, Arcane Helmet, or other handful of niche examples of exclusive items in this game that you need to be around for to have. My thread is merely to bring attention to DE using this language in a disingenuous manner when their intentions are the opposite. They are still selling the Angels of the Zariman package with this language despite these items not being exclusive at all, not even to the bundle. The whole "exclusive for a limited time" is just lying on the store page. I really apologize to all the people thinking I am a hypocrite purely because I both despise the marketing and ask to respect their commitment in their language. If they aren't committed to something being an exclusive, rid that from your marketing page. Don't single out items with asterisks or use these terms or phrases with the intent to rug-pull people who are compelled to make a purchase due to those terms. I do not like exclusives in games. However, don't try and sell things in that way with the intention of exploiting a player to make a purchase they may otherwise not because they aren't sure if it returns at all, even though there are intentions to release them later. It's dishonest, and not what Warframe's foundation is built off.
  20. Revenant is more of a symptom and not a problem. The reason people flock to Revenant as an option is a much larger issue regarding how content has been designed. When we first got Wukong and he had old Defy (functional Mesmer Skin), he was essentially limited to Survival. Although he was unkillable, not offering a team role made him useless in teams because of what players needed from squad mates in content. Because DE has undermined that role-based multiplayer due to offerings like Helminth, Warframe Revised, AoE Meta/Status Immunity, and general powercreep, it's expected that you just play as a one-man-army and are capable of doing entire missions alone, even while in a squad. That's why the person with the most kills in a Fissure is just whoever is faster, and why Revenant is such a no-brainer to choose because weapon creep means you need no buffs to handle yourself, and Mesmer Skin is immortality + Status Immunity for AoE. The way to "fix" your Revenant observation is heavily nerfing the ability for a player to do everything by themselves and rely on more team synergies to create that dynamic of "contribution". People for years have downplayed the need for forced squad content, but not having any has led us here to where people flock to that one kit that does the whole mission solo, whether that's Volt, Revenant, Titania, etc. I wouldn't force squad requirements on the entire game, but designing more roles-based gameplay for specific content will remove Revenant from that picture unless the player chooses to stick him on the team as the "team survivability Warframe" instead of a choice like Oberon or Trinity. Modern Warframe multiplayer is just playing with NPCs on your team.
  21. They usually do weekend boosters around anniversaries to compliment the Tactical Alerts that reward the older anniversary items.
  22. If the items were to return later, why would they go out of their way to mark items with asterisks and use phrases with specific terms to indicate urgency on the purchase? Again, they are technically allowed to release them, but why is this a point of contention in the first place? I'm looking at this as a consumer, not a lawyer.
  23. Platinum is pretty easy to acquire, and most of the value in those cosmetics was their exclusivity. They simply said there is no value to them in buying the packs if they just get released later. Your quotation was fabricated and misrepresents who you're quoting. Look in the mirror. Marketing something as FOMO to then rug-pull those they encouraged sales to is not a positive step in addressing the situation. I'm totally in your boat, and that's why I made this thread. I want people to understand that the marketing language was disrespectful and fleecing players who know the history of DE using and honoring the word "exclusive" in sales. I really don't understand how people still parade that DE respects Founders, but they continue to disrespect players in the same vein (either by driving FOMO campaigns or rug-pulling marketed exclusives). If there is ever a future supporter pack with this kind of language, they should be held accountable for now setting the precedent that they are using ambiguous language to fleece a player for something they intend to not be exclusive the whole time. This thread really shows me how people will act to justify the means of this behavior. Facetious comments from a Moderator who knows full well that the same "gotcha" loophole they defend this behavior with can be applied to the Founders and Heirlooms Packages really shows where we're at with this. If it's disrespectful to do it to Founders, it's disrespectful to do it to everyone else. Plain and simple. I am not upset that the skins are sold for Platinum, I am upset that used FOMO to sell them originally, and as someone who wanted those exclusives, I feel betrayed by their previous precedent of always honoring that FOMO language because they understood that many people specifically made that purchase because it was worded in that way. I would have much rather spent Platinum on these specific cosmetics than hundreds of dollars over the years on Supporter Packs for specific updates that not only included items marketed as exclusive, but also reduced my gameplay with physical items I would have farmed for bundled in to drive up the price. Those assuming my discontent is over the positive change of letting other players have what I have purchased aren't looking at the situation fairly. These skins should have never been marketed with vocabulary to indicate exclusivity for these specific major updates only if their intent was to sell them later. FOMO is dumb, and I can absolutely dislike it while still participating in it, because I like this game, and it's not like you have many options to dodge this behavior, so while it sucks, I do want to outline when it's wrong and should be corrected for transparency to give players a more educated buying experience. Unfortunately, you're not escaping this modern marketing on large games unless you're hopping around the fad titles. If this behavior is the new precedent for the word "exclusive", then we should all come together in agreement and ask for this exploitation of vocabulary applied to the stuff that has not yet rereleased. Stop pretending like you honor or respect the sentiment of sales specifically derived from this marketing language.
  24. What you quoted supports my post. It separates these items as "time-limited exclusives" from the other cosmetics.
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