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Everything posted by Joezone619

  1. No, this essentially nerfs an entire dimension down to a mere status effect, and not even a very original one, this is just cold proc with extra steps.
  2. I'd rather they just remove k-drives entirely.
  3. I agree 99%, she doesn't need her old kit but this kit certainly needs to go.
  4. Khra: "To cosmic forms from tangent planes." "We end as we began" So I was asking myself a question, the requiem mods are based on the void's language, which requiem mod would I use to describe the void jump incident on the zariman. I took a look at them, and decided Fass was the closest due to its description. Then that led me to another question, which one describes "the whispers in the walls" best, and i got to Khra. "We end as we began" Fass: "Roiling, moaning, this realm of ours" "In madness lost shall die" Remember, these mods were made over 2 years ago, so clearly DE has been planning stuff out well in advance. This all makes me think, what if we're going to have 8 incidents with the void, one to match each requiem? Just a theory but there's definitely something here, I'd like to know what others think of all this.
  5. That blast damage is worthless. I used to mod for blast damage all the time, then one day i looked up damage types and saw how pointless it is, and had to forma half my weapons. XD
  6. From a friend of mine, who wasn't always a friend but we discovered we had things in common. He introduced it to me and another of his pals,. For me it was on/off at first, i'd come back to it, then leave it for a month, then come back. Eventually it stuck and now Warframe is my favourite game, even beating out majora's mask, which is not an easy feat for me.
  7. Will this be limited time only at over $100 too? Sorry but you cannot convince me tencent didn't have a hand to play in the heirloom skins.
  8. Easily DE's worst received update, even today. Railjack was supposed to be so much more then what we got. Going back to the 2018-2019 tennocon previews, they aren't even close to what we have now. They are actual battles in space with space ships, not just the normal star chart's mission. I know despite all its shortcomings, some players still find a way to have fun with it, but personally, they only thing fun to me are the grineer skirmishes, missions like those are what we were actually promised. IMO, I think harsh action is needed for railjack. Simply put, its copy-paste gamemode in its current state, that needs to change yesterday. First let's go over its shortcomings and some of the problems we'll need to fix. Current Shortcomings of Railjack -Corpus proxima is a taxi service for normal misions. (no real way to sugar coat that, it's just the normal star chart slapped into railjack, a blatent lie compared to what we were promised) -Grineer has 1 mission type. (we were told upon railjack's first release they'd add more mission types. 3 years later and aside from volatile missions, we still got no new mission types at all, for grineer or corpus) -Orphix Venom doesn't belong in Railjack. (this was originally an event, and one that was clearly made for the normal star chart as there was no railjack sections at all in the event. After the event ended and we got corpus proxima, they just slapped it in there, meanwhile everyone expected it to be in the normal star chart like defection missions, or simply remain an event) -Sisters/Lichs are only able to defend... Poorly... (they got a lot of health, but w/o our builds or weapons, not alot of damage. These are former enemies that once commanded entire fleets and your telling me the only skills they have is point and kill?) -Sisters/Lichs cannot have their weapons changed or modded. (on top of only being able to defend, they only get unmodded kuva weapons. Crew members with modded weapons have troubles fighting in higher level sections, kuva lichs/sisters NEED better weapons, ours) Suggested Course of Action -Delete corpus proxima missions, start over. (this is the "harsh action" I was talking about. Sorry DE but this was a colossal waste of everyone's time. Normal star chart missions need to stay in the normal star chart. Aside from volatile missions, none of these resemble any sort of new mission type, let alone ship to ship missions railjack was supposed to be full of like skirmish) -Add new mission types, actual space ship battle missions for all factions. (See "New Mission Types" for suggestions. With corpus proxima scrapped, both grineer and corpus will be in need of new missions, lets make them actually feel like railjack this time yeah?) -Move orphix venom to star chart. (these should never have been placed in railjack to begin with. Simply slap one on pluto and one on sedna, no need to scatter them everywhere) -Give kuva lichs/sisters more purpose and moddable weapons. (lichs/sisters should have all the same roles as normal crew. along with that, you should be able to apply your mods to their weapon if you have the same weapon. I agree that swapping out their weapons doesn't make sense, but at least allow us to use our builds for their weapons if we have them from killing other lichs/sisters) A bit of a harsh restructuring, but I do believe all of that is necessary to turn railjack into what it was meant to be in the first place. I really hope DE doesn't just stick with the lazy copy-paste route on this and leave it abandoned like so many other things in warframe. With corpus missions removed for actual missions, I have a few guidelines for what real ship to ship railjack missions should look like: -Someone should be needed inside the ship at all times. (at no point during a mission, should we be able to just abandon our ship in the middle of a battle field and go for a stroll in an enemy capital ship while the railjack sits just outside unattended. Someone could steal it!) (as consequence of leaving the ship unattended, there should be a chance that it gets hijacked and we'll need to retake it) -On foot sections should be kept to a minimum. (we're here to fight against other ships, not infiltrate and execute tasks like normal mission. These missions should feel like we're battling it out in space, ship to ship. Not face to face) -Missions could show more of the tenno as a faction of people, not just warframes. (oddly enough, out of all the factions in the game that we know everything about, we know almost nothing about our own. Railjack is a perfect place to expand upon the tenno as a faction in the system. Have missions with tenno capital ships, tenno fighters, tenno stations, etc) New Mission Types (These are just my suggestions, I encourage others to post their own in the comments.) Skirmish: Clear the sector of enemy activity. (no changes, just added for corpus) Volatile: Expose and exploit weak-points in an enemy capital ship to destroy it. (again no changes, just added for grineer) Defense: A tenno relay/station is under attack, fend off waves of fighters and crewships until tenno reinforcements can arrive. (hitting extraction after 5 waves will spawn tenno capital ships and enemies will stop spawning. this allows the players to simply pick the next mission from the on-ship navigation instead of being forced to the relay/dojo) Mobile Defense/Escort: Escort a civilian capital ship through enemy territory. Taking on fighters and keeping the capital ship's health from hitting zero. Survival/Diversion: Attract attention by attacking an enemy station to allow civilians to pass by safely elsewhere. Destroy fighters and crewships before they overwhelm you. (life support replaced with enemy activity bar, if it gets too high the mission fails) Rescue: A valuable tenno asset/ship has gone missing in an asteroid field, find it and escort it out safely. Fending off fighters and crewships as you avoid environmental factors. Void storms will need some changes too, enough to bring them up to the same level and pace of railjack missions. Void Storms: -Make reactant drop from fighter ships. (not sure why DE didn't add this in the first place, but we kinda need it, especially in skirmishes. with railjack missions changing to be actual battles involving the railjack, it will need to be added, or some other system to get reactant) -Allow players to crack 2 relics, but only choose 1 reward. (this was a popular suggestion when void storms first came out and I agree with it. railjack misions just take too long for 1 relic to be worth it, but at the same time they shouldn't be so rewarding as to de-incentivise normal void fissures, so a compromise is in order)(this means that out of 8 possible rewards, players will only receive one) -Increase the reactant requirement to 10 per relic. (this also makes the idea of cracking multiple relics more fair. More relics would naturally mean more reactant to crack them. I still think the maximum relics you can crack should be 2 though) Extra Suggestions -Add ability to rename/nickname crew. (the random names are cool and all but impossible to pronounce and kinda meaningless, give me bob, i want bob on my team) -Decuple railjack energy from warframe energy. (this was a mistake. you have frames like hildryn and lavos which make railjack energy look like a joke. Before this was added, separate energy incentived players to actually coordinate with each other, giving the pilot energy to use railjack powers) Again, I encourage others to come up with mission suggestions, I'm interested to hear what others would like to see in railjack. (Mission Name):(Description)(side notes)
  9. Any fix to school specific eidolon lens blueprints not being craftable coming down the line? These blueprints are supposed to be a reward for going 20m on the new survival and a blueprint you cant craft is kinda a pointless reward. (Everything you click it, it gives you a popup saying unkown error and refuses to craft.)
  10. 1) Melee Energy Channeling 2) Void Blast 3) Self Damage What do they have in common? DE removed them needlessly. In self-damage's case it was actually heavily harmful to the balance of AoE weapons, because now there isn't any imminent threat to blowing yourself up, just a short, easily avoidable animation.
  11. Its a decent augment IMO, certainly incentives rift usage, but limbo needs a rework first. He needs to be brought up to the level of newer frames like Citrine, Voruna, Kullervo, or Stynax and be made more team friendly before he can go around banish spamming. RN he's around Nyx or Inaros's level, still kinda viable but boring as hell and in need of reworks.
  12. No it fell off after railjack released and wasn't what we were promised it was gonna be, still isn't. At least for me. The Second Dream and The War Within were the first 2 quests to actually add anything meaningful to the story, lore and direction of warframe.
  13. And still no fix to Decisive Judgement's base E,E,E,E combo not following the camera for half the combo. Been broken since duviri first launched.
  14. Its funny how Nyx and Ember both recieved reworks already, but they were both inadequate. Nyx's was just flat out not enough, and Ember's loses the fire theme on the alt, rocks from the sky that make fire is not a fire based ability to me. I agree wholeheartedly, some on the list need more work then others but generally almost all of them have many issues that need to be solved. We need 1 big update that is just a bunch of warframes being reworked. Side note: Where did you hear that valkyr is up next. I'd love her to finally get a rework, her 1st is outdated and her 3rd needs an augment to be considered worth the 5 energy it takes.
  15. That's what i'm saying, these aren't open worlds, stop advertising them as such DE.
  16. If it was a genuine open world and not the half-baked version like the zariman or the new entrati labs? I'd enjoy it.
  17. Focus: Uniaru School: Unairu armor passive and unairu wisp maxed with Vazarin waybounds bare minimum. Operator: Magus Melt + Magus Husk Amp: Virtuos Strike/Fury (depending on higher crit/status chance) + Eternal Eradicate/Eternal Logistics (depending on if you use klamora prism) With lots and lots of void mode, rolling, and void dashing. Takes effort but gets me through steel path, fun too. If your gonna push the limit though, i would highly recommend getting all the way-bound passives and using unairu.
  18. We've needed this since operator came out. And to be fair, we had something similar to an operator melee... It was called void blast... DE removed it while reworking operators with literally no alternative, completely unnecessarily. Breaking the continuity of the war within quest in the process, again, with no alternative, buff, boost, literally no reason to have removed it.
  19. I got an idea, just add boosters. 1 mill focus for a 1 day booster. This not only gives people an actually helpful way to get rid of excess standing, it encourages focus farming. I'm sitting at 45 million unairu standing and nothing to spend it on, with tons of eidolon shards left from the rework, i want something more meaningful then decor to use it on.
  20. Give us warframe 1st person mode! Seriously, it fixes so many camera issues. People say it'll be nauseating with bullet jumping as if DE would actually program the camera to spin 360 degrees instead of keeping it stationary while moving with the character like every 1st person game with parkour does. Obviously they wouldn't do that, DE would genuinely make 1st person a great experience. You know what the best part is? If you don't like it...
  21. I kinda like the way he looks, he reminds me of someone i know.
  22. Still waiting on dual relic cracking for railjack, 1 monumentally great update that DE is reluctant to add at a time please.
  23. The First Descendant?! Competitor?! XD I was legit so excited for this game, open beta dropped, install it, here's how it went. launched -> Loading screen -> Crash, and my pc is more then powerful enough to handle it. Game was legit unplayable, kept popping in now and again to keep trying, never actually got to play the game before the beta closed. Similar game sure, but Competitor? That title goes to destiny, and destiny alone. (And last i checked in with them, they weren't doing to good what with laying off half their devs.)
  24. Limbo, Nyx, Frost, all of them need reworks, at least small ones to bring them up to the same level as the newer warframes. Nyx in perticular though, probably needs the most, radiation status can do almost eveything she does, and there are tons of armor strip abilities, even on helminth. IMO she just doesn't have anything special anymore, even her 4th, which is arguably one of the most unique powers, is also the most useless (without assimilate). If any warframe needs a new theme, it'd be her.
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