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Posts posted by HollowExistence

  1. This post is directed at DE





    I am with you since update 7ish; I am a founder; I love this game.


    The motivation for this post came with the recent changes to riven disposition and it is connected with me feeling that you stopped taking the feedback of your customers seriously.

    I cannot hide that the partner activity recently also has motivated me to write myself as I see some of them ignored entirely and some given to much leniency in their behaviour which I find disgusting.


    Criticism and Feedback

    I do understand that you wish to receive only constructive feedback but that is not always possible and I do hope that you understand that this message comes from a place of love and a place of worry.



    The recent change in riven disposition has shown quite clearly to me that riven mods are harmful and are cancer to the game. Allow me to elaborate.

    From the perspective of a paying customer, I feel you are pulling a bait and switch on your clients. 

    In the case that someone decides to purchase platinum and spends it on a riven within the game then he is in for a big disappointment. In case a riven was used to reach critical chance or multishot breakpoints (e.g. ocd) and the nerf destroys that specific riven, then only sour taste remains - this simply translates to horrible customer experience. In other words, Rivens are a form of purchasable power that is taken away at a later date if the weapon in question becomes too popular and that makes it a trap for new players or inexperienced Warframe users.


    Considering that you already have weapon benchmarks and usability data it should not be that difficult to either release rivens in a more balanced state instead of always having 3 pips or release rivens for new weapons at a later date entirely to avoid this situation. Right now I feel this is only in place to motivate your customers to spend on platinum in the quest for more power. This seems to me to be very toxic.


    Bear in mind the reason for the Riven system; allowing less used and weaker weapons to become ‘usable’ in endgame situations without the player being a liability and allowing for more diversity.
    If I consider this as a reason for Rivens existing, then I cannot understand how you do not balance Rivens for powerful weapons immediately or why they exist for those weapons in the first place. What I also do not understand is how you could allow for the extremely toxic riven market to exist, to this day.  Have you seen the prices for Rivens? 

    Either Rivens are priced so obnoxiously high that it is impossible for normal players to purchase them or they are simply impossible to find because they are not popular. And the only way of trying to get one is a casino Roulette.
    I am mentioning this because in this state having Rivens pushing weaker weapons to the top is not the case.
    Following this ideology; why did you nerf the Mire? Was it too strong? Or was it only popular because people found a way to use it as a stat stick for Frames like Atlas, Kohra or Gara?
    Here again, I feel like this is not genuine balancing. I feel that you ought to address the fact that something like a stat stick is necessary for a Frame in the first place instead of nerfing a weak Weapon Riven that was supposed to benefit from this System in the first place. Maybe an approach like with Vauban would be adequate. I mean ability scaling based off of Enemy level?



    Recent Events, Game Modes and Lore

    I was extremely happy to see another Event. I miss them.
    What I would like to see in the future is more polish. Please do not rush your content. I realise it is in the pursuit of money and user engagement, but you have to realise you are achieving the opposite in many instances when releasing bugged content pushing some of your player-base to other, less buggy games.

    The buggy events tie into the lore and into game modes so let me say more.

    Currently, you give me the impression that you are trying to create new games instead of Warframe and that Warframe as a game is boring you to no end - which makes me sad seeing this.
    Archwing, Railjack, Sharkwing, Lunaro, Conclave, Nightmare mode, Arbitrations, Sorties, Relics, Liches, PoE, Orb Vallis, Starchart nodes, Raids, Syndicates, Solar Rails, Dark Sectors, Focus, Operators and now Squad Links.
    Amazing Ideas that have the status - once and done and abandoned. I would really like you to have a look at this because the strength of your game does not lie in little children wielding StarWars blasters fighting Trees on legs but in the action-packed fast-paced Space Ninja formula, please do not forget what made this game a blast in the first place.
    Again this comes from a place of love and worry.
    I wish to see you pick one or two of those modes and really connect them with Lore, balance, action and deliver more substance to this amazing creation of yours instead of trying to pack small games into a bigger one.

    Currently, Lore is delivered via Events and becomes inaccessible in-game afterwards which is a real shame. I understand that some of the game needs to evolve and change but at least allow new players to obtain snippets of this lore in some way (codex?).



    Prime Access

    I do want to support you guys, the same way I did many years ago when I got the ‘Founder’ T-Shirt' which I am proud of to this day and I hope that doesn’t change after all.
    Let’s cut to the chase, I bought the Titania Prime Access.
    The Frame looks less detailed then the deluxe skin you released not to mention the syandana that comes with it is nothing less than a dangly ding dong without any merit. 

    I would wish to see prime access that is as stunning as the deluxe skins that make me want to purchase it no matter what and no matter the price because it looks so damn good.
    Please reconsider your design approach towards Prime Access as the price is very high and there should be quality that comes with it or at least that Premium Feel that makes you happy as a customer. I mention this as recently I simply see less and less content that is worth picking up in order for me to support you.


    I do not have any hopes that you will read this but writing this gives me the feeling that I tried to raise my hand and tell you my worries. I hope that Warframe has a couple more years in it and my hopes are still high despite the tone of this message that I will see positive changes in the right direction coming soon(TM).

    I wish you all the best and all the health you can take in these weird and interesting times, stay safe.

    Best Wishes,
    A Player



    • Like 4
  2. It really depends what you are going for.

    For Kuva Kohm, Radiation is amazing, so is toxin, electricity or heat. Also bear the following part of the most recent patch notes posted by DE Megan in mind:

    16 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Stockpiled Kuva Weapons: Receiving a better duplicate Kuva weapon after you’ve put work/Forma into an existing one can feel rather disappointing. With that in mind, we’re working on a “duplicate consumption” mechanic where you can combine 2 of the same Kuva weapons, thus transferring its buffs while preserving your Forma, Exilus, Potato, and Lens investment, ergo relieving you of your inner turmoil. 

    • An example for further clarification: everything you've done on Kuva Seer A will stay (Forma, Potato, Lens, Mod Configs, Appearance Configs, etc) when Kuva Seer B is consumed. The buff from Kuva Seer B will be passed onto Kuva Seer A, and Kuva Seer B will cease to exist in your Inventory.

  3. On 27.09.2016 at 10:38 AM, sakimaification said:

    In all honesty my issue with the Brakk is that it looks like on paper a pretty great weapon, yet due to the absurd level of fall off it ends up feeling overall rather weak, especially considering it's abysmal accuracy of 5.6 and the horrid status/crit chances making it not too great at what it is hailed as. My biggest issue to be honest is even the regular marelok not to mention the Vakor marelok make it look even less appealing for how hard it is to obtain.

    I'd love to know if you guys plan on tweaking it in any way to bring it up to being a side grade to oh say marelok like it was meant to be. Being more than a couple meters away should not make you damage numbers shrink so much it's akin to shooting spitballs at higher level units when you're not even 20 meters away

    TLDR, it could really use a falloff damage buff and maybe some better crit and/or status chance.

    you can thanks mindless 'nerf' crying sheep - oh well; who cares now we got weapons like marelock or tonkor or whatever else - there will always be an overpowered weapon

  4. how about it keeps the 2x credits cause greed numbs the pain.

    In my opinion just like the telos boltace it should have an additional special offensive feature.
    The current weapons were based of off gameplay mechanics to some extent:

    • boltace: spin
    • heliocor: channel
    • dark dagger: stealth
    • sydon: block
    • magistar: charge
    • lecta: slam?

    following this schema maybe the lecta could have some sort of mechanic that utilizes slam attacks - which are rather useless on whips and create a niche

    Suggestion: Slam radius 15m affected by Primed reach - forced lightnig proc (or even lightning proc + dot for 5 sec) and attacks on targets get an additive +30% status chance (higher if not additive)
    Maybe spitball some cool slam mechanics?

  5. Hi friends,

    i found this little gem on reddit/ deviant art:


    credit to HatchetHaro


    this pretty much also illustrates my overall feelings about the fact that the mystery is somehow gone now and my mysterious frames are currently nothing more but raging little teenagers murdering the universe carrie style.


    Not only i feel detached from the concept of what the warframe is but i also have troubles connecting to the the mobility impaired kid in the back of the cargo hold thats collecting dust using some overly-large oculus rift.


    De, i know you folks do not appreciate sarcasm and lack of cirticism, so here goes, short an concise: Warframe needs more unresolved mystery that allows for more imagination and interpretation. Lore is great and you do it just fine but please do not resolve everything in detail like you did with second dream.


    Would be cool to hear other opinions and ideas, so fire away guys!


    ps: feel free to move if general is unacceptable for this kind of thread.

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