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Everything posted by Dairaion

  1. my favorite thing about them is that much like pokemon were now getting proper "Ghost" type warframes for halloween, all we need now is a cuchulain warframe that warps into a pseudo voidrig for St. Pattys day and we'd be set.
  2. Then why couldn't they "Reset" it into being a game about ninjas assassinating people?
  3. Hi, i tried to recolor the sheev but the Tertiary and Accents don't do anything from what i can see.
  4. You have to otherwise why even play warframe, it's not like it's addicting, hell if anything it's actively anti addicting because so little work is put in to make the gameplay exciting. theres no proper challenge. You cant be stealthy, you are actively dissuaded from investing in big bad weapons like archguns, snipers, and explosives, you are effectively forced to pick fast shooting rifle and fast swinging melee and run into the enemy with abandon you either win or die. should you die you have two choices A. spend 30 minutes trying to figure out a optimal build you can pool off which if you cant you'll now be forced to spend money or farm for possibly weeks, or B. find new OP weapon to replace current weapons with and hope to god it doesn't get turbonerfed into the singularity like explosives. None of that is fun, no one wants to turn a game into labor. thats not even getting into the fact that their answer to fixing most problems isn't "hey lets see if there is a active way to make this more enjoyable" it's "lets make it kill things faster or slower". if all the game comes down to is killing things faster and it's writing is meh then the killing things faster better mean something to the story considering that. I mean, the only thing that this game promotes other than fashionframe is new thing that kills things fast not, hey this is a new way to complete missions, or we made beast pets function on par with wild kubrow instead of just standing there while you get magazines worth of ammo unloaded into your skull.
  5. Bruh most of us were shredding through the sentients, that's why they had to nerf most of our weapons, the idea that the remnants of the orokin empire all of whom have progressed technologically since their last victory lost is absurd.
  6. the problem with the new war is that the game is called WARFRAME and you spend the new war playing as random enemy units right before you insta loss then play as not your character without powers. some people were looking to the new war to validate the time they put in becoming a proto hindu war god by allowing us to be the gandalf saving humanity from the uppity robots and their robosexual king. If the game was being developed in a logical direction for playing as grineer and corpus during a space war then they would have had to set up your warframe becoming like a space pirate or something and getting their own galleon to go along with their railjack, maybe even multiple of them. then you could have a story where you have to play as one of the grineer or corpus recruits you got to help stay in the fight and the sad realization that even with the baller gear you gave them normal humans cant compare to the death robots. we didn't get that, the quest meant nothing and was just a introduction to the drifter, made worst by the fact that the major difference between the operator and the drifter is cosmetics, most of which are broken, locked away, or have bad clipping issues on that form. Duviri literally makes more sense without the drifter TBH and im not entirely convinced it wasn't originally ment to be the act two of the new war before coming back. ultimately DE should probably decide how to carry on the Origin System civil war and get over it or go back to it because we've deviated too far and we've got actual eldritch horrors preparing to do what the sentients did and for some odd reason neither Granum or the Queens have been informed, which would likely get them to actively assist in defeating it.
  7. Dont ever call that THING a spell book, it's just one handed Kunai. I expect a well designed but short and pointless story with the same basic gameplay we've had for 3 years. it will mean nothing to anything you've experienced in the game prior and is just setting up wally's 4 hour new war quest that'll release in 2028. warframe's combat is designed for a stealth action game where you play as a ninja not a game where you're a space marine librarian, translate that into a reimagining of Darksector only without all of it's loveable edginess.
  8. i think you just summed up alot of story problems, motivation. in warframe my motivation is to build a team of grineer and go on adventures because Predator and (((The Vin Diesel movies where he's a space alien))) taught me that in space if you kill someone their property is yours. I had no motivation for like the last 3 story missions, i don't know about space pirate lady with the librarian haircut or what a yareli is. now i have to go into some guys basement and fight robots instead of just opening the doors and letting the flood and the army of disembodied hand have a Beat It style alley knife fight. i mean at this point why don't we cure the entrati first or like join the corpus and make it to the top 80's style to weaponize them against the indifference?
  9. we all drank the Kuva. man i really wish they could've IDK explained how the lotus worked before they turned her into a Gatebox Mommy Waifu. You're right about the Zariman, Duviri, and Sanctum. Everyone would claim that content islands don't exist but they're honest to god proof. you finish with the origin system then you have to "no-life" the open worlds to acquire the meager bonuses to shine your set up or upgrade to whatever OP set up will be nerfed into the singularity within the next two business quarters for "balance reasons". the only in depth content that has ever existed was the origin system and they've been coasting on it for years. Railjack needs to be upgraded including the crewmate system, Open world and Necramechs too. Those two game modes and their subservient systems have set up to actually plug into the Origin system and change the way it's played as well as each other but we're left with the skeleton of what could be like the first 4 years of Kenshi, But Kenshi was made by like one guy and his sister. The only furthering of the Origin story proper was the Liches and Sister to add in optional bosses that you can just skip over now unless you want cosmetics and Duviri for the operator which you can skip over unless you want a specific OP weapon. Nothing of value is being added. maybe 1999 will be so cool we'll want a new direction but i doubt it, i further doubt that it'll be anything more than a giant corn statue for new players.
  10. Bull, the Spyre Hunters are off having a magic mushroom acid trip after disappearing for at least a year. why hasn't House Escher tried another super soldier program by stealing technology? what about Van Saar himself coming back, did he just buy space twitter and spend his time tweeting while the Spyre hunters were gone?
  11. it's because the game is developed as single player but doesn't want you to play it in single player in order, i at this point have no clue what a mutalist or a tubeman is because DE for some absurd reason decided to not turn their events into single player missions to catch new players up.
  12. I really want railjack to be fun and not just mid tier farming.
  13. We all have our favorites but i feel like we should still be reeling from the death of a grineer queen and granum's return. neither of them effected the new war. To continue the trend the new war has amounted to nothing much. maybe there needs to be two teams one that develops the content that continues the war for the origin system and the other that develops tenno story arcs cause at this point IDK wtf is going on or why House Escher and House Van Saar aren't doing anything any more. Being honest duviri felt like a good reset from the chaos we just went through with New War and the Liches, which were just dropped on us with no story, but whispers just feels like answering questions i didn't have. it reminds me of when i used to party and a friend of a friend would bring jazz cabbage just to lull you into a sense a security before he starts unloading at you about his homemade mead.
  14. All signs point towards it being a leftover from the Orokin thanks to it's simplicity.\ Give us Furax Prime Let us arm our crew with sweet sweet powerfists.
  15. I was wondering why doesn’t any faction make use of full on powered exoskeletons. The grineer of course use bionics and genetic engineering to get the best out of troops and corpus has artificial bodies that contain brain in a jars, but why haven’t the Tenno attempted to create powered exoskeletons for use by their railjack crews or colonists like the ostrons? Is it possible that technology has simply advanced to the point it’s increase in survivability isn’t worth it or is it seen as a primitive technology similar to how we view full plate or bicycles?
  16. Add in Rhino, let him eat people and turn them into paste. his weapon will be his fists, his momento mori is stomp.
  17. when i do play railjack it's because i desperately want to have a space battle. it's the only way to get it proper in a game and it includes warframe's wonderful combat system. While i wish there were longer missions akin to replayable sorties i'll settle for just playing corpus spy missions since those are the closest to what i'm looking for. other than that railjack is kinda a time sink, theres nothing of value in Railjack. now if enemies had better drops, the lich system took place exclusively in railjack, the missions were designed to be fun, or if your crew had more personality then maybe it would over all be more fun but for right now it feels like a extended tech demo.
  18. This is starting to bug me at this point. Are they all functionally the same. presumably the bosses are trapped in a form of continuity, except for Vor who became corrupted because of his contact with the Janus Key? Liches and Sister are the same except they somehow have warframe powers and we can kill them right?
  19. The problem with Narmering Liches and Sisters is that it's implyed that making them wear the veil is next to impossible. 1. Deacons are what veil people. Deacons might be strong but they're a mid level threat as far as the galaxy goes. 2. Will power can overwhelm the veils, Liches and Sisters are your arch enemy and are unlikely to allow themselves to be distracted from their goal. 3. If Kahl found a way to de-veil people then it probably took Erra like two attempts to realize that Liches and Sisters probably not only are very likely resistant to veiling but can also tear the veils off of others and turn them into thralls creating a cascade failure in the command structure.
  20. I am aware of it's syandana and im kinda surprised they left it out of this rotation instead of just altering the set to include it. you know, like normal people.
  21. Please don't make me wait a year. It would be nice to get the Fluctus Rahk skin too... That is all.
  22. No i want my rocket launcher to launch rockets and if i use secondaries i'll just run out of ammo for that too.
  23. it's getting kind of annoying to be forced to either join a clan or hope randos know what they're doing just to complete certain missions.
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