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Posts posted by Dewsitine

  1. I cannot think of something witty.

    Anyways here it is. You are you I am me you cannot be truly me nor I can be truly you, that is how I am different from everyone else.

    Edit: Did not read it carefully enough. I use the aklato to feel like I am playing CSGO with the dual brettas with using the grineer as the "CT". Don't know if that counts as a play style or not.

  2. This sounds like an interesting idea though I do not know how this will get implemented if it does go past the idea phase. The cosmetics are fine since it is easy to explain "lore" wise or just that they do not exist in the game's timeline. On the other hand when creating a tile set, which I have no knowledge and just trying to hopefully look at it logically, there maybe some that do not see the vision that the artist on DE have and/or is that it would be a long process to chose from which may not outweigh the benefit of not doing the tile set from scratch. For the expanding on existing room seems easier as the most of the basic assets are already created and people can refer back to that particular tile set to try to get a feel of the environment that the art/design team was going for. The one problem I could see from this train of thought would be the legal side on using the basic assets created by DE. All in all this still seems like an interesting idea which might give some flare to the current tile set with different new rooms. I hope there will be a good amount of secret rooms hidden behind stuff and all if this becomes part of tennogen.

  3. Clem fires 60% more of the bullets than the tigris, let see if any of you get reference hopefully. I love it how this quickly went to another topic

    Tenno would win since kirito can only do that type of stuff in a video game unless op means something else. Given that they are both combat games, one takes in a virtual place the other goes into another body. Even if both of them were put in the virtual world of his maybe he has the chance to beat them, I mean the operator, with whatever mods he was talking about though if it was a one on one and similar gear in the virtual space might be even between them, but other than the virtual space of the video game he is just an ordinary human that has the ability to probably process stuff faster than the average human.


    Rocky was a peaceful rock with a fulfilling life. He bathed in the sun's warm ray and the cool stream trinkling down his back. The forest he lived in was lush with vegetation and plenty of animals were abound. They would come down to where he is and drink the water from the small stream that flow off his back. One day a loud thunderous roar overcomes the clam wind that turns the sky blazing orange with clouds growing ominously bright with each passing second. Outburst from the clouds come a foreboding craft that shows a sleek yet hideous look of a decaying animal lying in a sulfur pond with bone like structures that punctures out of its frame. This craft showed no sign of stopping its momentum until it hits the ground digging into the once beautiful landscape tearing the trees from their roots which stood for hundreds of years. Even the mightiest and oldest red wood like trees that were in next forest in Rocky's view were no match for this wild savage beast that is crazed on making a mark on this planet. This beast has finally stopped but not until it reaches oh so close to the forest edge where Rocky is located.

    Crack, pop, boom are the sounds that come out of the airlocks as creatures who are but a thing battling with hideous humanoid beings with bubbly exterior that distorts on perception of symmetry took their fight out of the downed beast. The animals scatter running away from this horrid fight leaving only Rocky behind to watch as the two forces tearing into each other as if they know nothing else. One by one each fell tell the only one left is this big hulking brute with a green box. He has a strange liquid coming out of his body though it is a small stream just like Rocky's stream flowing down his back. The brute looks at the ship and goes in; for hours the brute does not come out until an explosion come bursting out of the gigantic downed beast with each section going off as if set to a rhythm. Rocky notice the stream has become a river and can see holes in him with seared flesh along the inside of the hole and rims. He watches the sky as another monster come from the sky, but this one looks too symmetric and clear to be the beast that soon to be dead being came in.

    This cold and concise beast landed differently with a much more precise execution with not so much a a sound coming out of the beast than it needs to. More metallic creatures come out of the this machine beast. The bleeding being starts its last attack with a thud coming from the green box and a boom is heard later as one of the creatures burst into blueish white light and fiery glare which none of the creatures took notice quickly dispatching him. Now strange similar yet smaller symmetric beings with a fondness of geometry come out and inspect the beast that is nothing more than a fiery scrape heap. They look at each other and one of them fired a blueish white at another with their mask showing no remorse. That same one surveys what was else around besides than the downed beast and notice Rocky. Rocky always new he stood out from the rest of the forest ever since he awakened. He gestures one other one to come over with more commotion in the background. The next thing Rocky saw was a weird looking contraption that reached out with an appendage until it was over Rocky's head. He felt a tingle all over his body which he wonder why though as he has not felt this before when he awoke. Then blinding light surrounds him and he could almost feel a molten heat coming all around him which terrified him as it was not the same gentle heat that comes from the sun everyday. He is then picked up and brought into the cold and concise beast where he underwent terrible experiments while his stream on his back still flowed out.

    Why would these creatures do this to him? They are as bad as some others he does not remember, but felt the same. He pondered on this until he grew more worried not from the what these creatures could do, but to what he was. With each passing test, he is forced to come to terms with a strange flow that always allowed his stream to continue to its journey to the bottom of the little pond that formed. He is grateful never than less to these creatures as the pond is the only comfort he has after every day. His memories which thought was never his slowly coming back like the stream trinkling down his back. He remembered a village with people bustling around though dread filled the air. A ship that is elegantly symmetric with no errors can be seen comes closer to his view as he walking towards it. There it is a giant face looming over the masses spewing words which he bothered not hear with his only focus on a sweet charming figure besides him and a bubbly innocent between them holding hands. They were selected to serve their illustrious figures on a mission to go live an unfamiliar life with nothing but what is on their backs.

    The ship started launching with no feeling of ever going off anywhere. He sees the small lights that which make planets and a small dot bleeping across the light landscape. The ship closed in on its objective as it races pass the small dwarf rock body, which rumored to use to be a planet of old, out into the cold dark space and a tear at which the mediums that were used to view the outside cutoff with ripples going across the room. He took the ones that was holding his hands and hugged them tightly as a wave of light filling the room. He saw as the light grabbed hold of the sweet figure slowly disintegrating while there were nothing but words of sweet sorrow coming out of the figure's mouth. Each word calmed Rocky yet tore him asunder with only the bubbly innocent holding his hand with streams coming down the eyes asking in a worrying voice. He tried to calm the innocent even though he is trying to calm himself too. The light next grabbed both of them and dragged each other away as he feels a warm light watching over him. As the light engulfs him and his body, he awakes to find himself in a restrained posture which is familiar with him. Shiny creatures descend on him with different tools that pierce, cut, and impale his body with each passing pain reminding of what he lost. Years have passed with the never ending routine a thud and smash turns all attention to the doors as panic swells through the corridors. The sound filled the room until it faded away with multiple thuds originating from this ship at a constant interval.

    Now only a blaring sound is heard with a voice that repeats the same lines over though one is always changing. Rocky new even though he did not understand what that changing line was. With each passing moment, he reminisce the sweet figure and the bubbly innocent roaming around what looks to be his home. Every day they had spent out with the sun glaring yet soothing light and the air's crisp breeze to help them get through the day. He started to cry with tears of joy and sorrow which didn't last long until a bright flash erupted from the ship. A jolt goes through him as the flash he saw was not the one he remembered. The unsympathetic creatures that hold no emotion is falling one by one with each grabbing their eye like energy blue glass. Figures approach Rocky and look at him as he does to them. They turn away with nothing but the sound of footsteps which soon follow as well. He was alone with his guilt of living and the longing he shall never have. Though he remembers a particularly warm feeling going down his back. The stream that which has brought him cool  in the forest is now giving solace with warmth which he remembers as the sweet figure's tear dropped on him and the bubbly innocent before the disappearance.

    There in his comfort arose from the background of the circuitry, a long slender creature that reminded him of the sweet figure holding his hand yet different the shape was and the garment worn. He knew this was not the one that gave him comfort but something with a similar path before. The words spoken from the mouth gave him comfort but not in the way the sweet figure can. After all of the words have left he thought of only to be with the bubbly innocent and sweet figure which this new creature replied and the words spoken rang his heart of joy and he felt the flow on his back showing more warmth as to which he said yes to be where ever the bubbly innocent maybe.

    Dam that was a good amount of words that have been written. Hopefully there are not too many run-on sentences while the end is kinda not good from writing at 1 am for me where I am at. Oh well hopefully this is what you meant by a story or something. I know I definitely kinda sped upped in some areas with not as good details as in the beginning. Also goodnight all for now.

    Edit: Fixed one word to make it sound better.

  5. Um is the Day of the dead skins not view able until purchase? Also I got a Day of the dead skin which I have no weapon to use it for yet or not anyways would have been neat to see more of the naberus back item knees/legs or a full skin for a certain warframe or that on glitch cinder skin that has been circulating around the forums as a skin to be equipped on all warframe.

  6. Anyways, one good reason I think is logistics wise is that the "bigger" the body the more resources it would be required to build and maintain. It would be easier to give a unit or a person the same type and size of clothing to cut down the expense. I would guess since the tenno were some sort of military force then that normally a military force would want a body that is in top psychical shape in a sense. Tenno are also possibly portrayed as being a special force like the rangers or whatever the military unit that goes in enemy territory and cause havoc. Since there are spaceships and we enter through vents almost all of the time, I would assume the creators would want a slim body as some of the post above stated to allow the warframe to enter ship without a hassle with the vents and still maintain the element of surprise. The other thing is that from what I learned from the lore on the Orokin is that they like their Greek statues and a warframe created by them not in sync with their taste would be shunned upon or something. Well that is all I have to say and hopefully I did not go overboard and all.

  7. Well the whole void ships and what happens to everyone is still somewhat a mystery. Did the orokin tap into the void and found a way to put their original "soul"/ copy it so that when they die the void orokin built thingy majig spits out or mends the broken soul together along with their bodies aka the key might be related how the orokin elite managed to come back to life.

  8. Also would be nice if the AI are able to use and activate the elevator. Imagine the troll that the AI can do, but I want my elevator music and a chair to sit in. An elevator is not a true elevator without some kind of music.

  9. well I am too lazy to go post an image of my frost with my candy cane prime and latron Prime, but pretty much blood red with the whitish neon green in the bottom left of the neon green section with dark green for the mistletoe I think. Eh oh well.

  10. Yep, I now make room for thief's wit so that I cannot miss a single breakable loot container of any type and also use it for finding sculptures too.


    Edit: PS: It also highlights fragments so it is easier to go hunt for them.

  11. I suspect was wanting to keep the lotus near him to somewhat an extent remind him of good old days with marghulis and/or tenno only let the lotus close enough without doing something funky something to them. Maybe the tenno make them see something psychedelic and have them snake away to the medic ward while the lotus was able to overcome this "funkiness" and have the tenno recognize that this is marghulis. (I wonder if my reference is too bland or not oh well.)

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