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Posts posted by PhantomRen

  1. 17 hours ago, Atsia said:

    I'd like a cleaner trading UI, but the best thing to expect is them just linking warframe.market. They've already said they're not gonna do afk trading, you'll have to interact with other people.


    4 minutes ago, Drejzer said:

    If they want to keep the interaction between buyer and seller then fine.

    The problem is, there's already no real interaction between players. On paper you'd think there is, but in practice that's simply not what happens. No matter what DE or anyone else thinks, the vast majority of players across all video games with a trading system simply want to get in and get out as fast as possible when trading. Genuinely nobody cares who you are when you trade with them. If you complete a trade with me I might give the customary "Thanks" or "Enjoy" or "Have a nice day" but that's just standard procedure. To me it's the equivalent of an automated customer support email. Most people who act polite in trading do it not because they actually care, but just because that's what's expected and being nice raises the chance of getting positive reputation. It's all just business, and businesses don't care who you are. Their goal is to make money. There's no sunshine and rainbows and the magical power of friendship when you trade, either you get over here and trade with me ASAP or I'll do business with someone else. That's why this whole "Interaction" and "Community aspect" of trading is complete and utter nonsense. And I think DE needs to open their eyes to reality, because having a central trading hub like a Grand Exchange or an Auction House is the golden standard for MMOs these days. There's data out there to back up the fact that having a system like this is VERY healthy for an MMO. Not to mention Warframe would be dead without trading, and I'd even argue that the game would be more lively if we had a real trading hub. Because if you look at other MMOs with a proper trading hub, you'll always see lots of players hanging out there, trading and socializing with each other. Honestly, DE is shooting themselves in the foot at this point and letting the wound get infected by refusing to accept change. Yes, it might be their game, but they are genuinely missing out on many opportunities to both improve the game and make more money.

    • Like 3
  2. I understand that not everyone will be on board with this idea, but bear with me here. Every other successful MMO out there that has a trading system also has this: A place where you can easily put up offers to buy and sell items, allowing you to passively participate in commerce as you continue to enjoy the rest of the game. World of Warcraft and RuneScape are prime examples of this, they're both very old and very successful MMOs. The problem here is that trading breaks the flow of the game. It can be very annoying and time consuming to both buy and sell things, even with the use of trading sites. More often than not you'll go out of your way to message someone in-game, only to find out that they're either offline or already bought/sold the item with someone else. Sometimes you'll even get no response at all even though they're logged in. Very annoying.


    Some players might be worried that prices will change due to the convenience of an "Auction House" or "Grand Exchange" but this is normal, and prices are bound to stabilize right away. As far as I'm concerned, warframe.market is already this game's Auction House/Grand Exchange except much more inconvenient. There's no reason to use Maroo's Bazaar for trading when trading sites and trade chat are all you'll ever need. This is why I propose we add a place where we can instantly buy and sell items across the game, just like you can in World of Warcraft, RuneScape and countless other successful MMOs. There's no real "community aspect" to trading in this game, the vast majority of players simply want to get in, buy the item they want and get out. That's just how it goes in gaming these days. People value their time and business is meant to be fast, efficient and reliable. So why can't Warframe's trading be fast, efficient and reliable too? Because right now, trading is the complete opposite of those three things.


    I also believe that players should be able to access this trading center of sorts from their Orbiter, perhaps after a quest and some other requirements to make players work hard for the extra convenience. Because the pinnacle of the MMO trading experience involves standing outside an auction house crowded with players, frequently checking and managing trade offers, having conversations with nearby players and overall having a fun hangout where you can socialize while accumulating wealth. This might have been what the developers envisioned with Maroo's Bazaar, but believe me when I say it simply didn't work. Maroo's Bazaar is honestly for people who haven't heard of trading sites, going there to trade is like the equivalent of using Skype in 2019. Either way, I would love it if we had a central trading hub. Set up an item you're selling for a certain price, another player can search for that item and buy it, then both players get sent the items and platinum earned through their inbox. It's fast, clean and fun. Real auctions can also be a thing but that's optional.


    Edit: There could also be an event that players have to beat in order to get this set up, since I doubt the Corpus or Grineer will be happy with the Tenno making a big, centralized trading hub that could potentially dominate the market. Completely optional though.

    • Like 10
  3. 18 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

    200 plat *per frame* is still a substantial amount of plat unless you're an extremely lucky riven roller, and many normal frames are incredibly easy to get, even if it relies on a boss dropping the right component, you said it took you 7 days to get all those frames building, but for their normal variants it'd take a few hours(to get all BPs) for all of them, save for equinox due to her needing double the components through double the rng

    i do however agree that some frames need change in how their normal variants are acquired, some examples include nidus, octavia(20 minutes per attempt for one of her components, seriously?), mesa, equinox and a few more

    200 plat is nothing. I think you're misled because you lack critical information and you're very unaware of just how easy it is to make platinum in this game. You don't need to trade riven mods to make plat in this game. There are so many things you can do. The easiest and most common method is opening relics and selling prime parts. Also, a few hours? Please. There are some normal frames out there that can take days just to farm. And at that rate it becomes more time efficient not to actually farm for them, but to farm platinum to them buy them from the market. At least you agree that some frames have parts that are stupidly tedious to farm for. And that's the problem here. Because I know that people will start complaining once the most annoying to farm frames get primed, pointing out how it's easier to get Ivara Prime or Octavia Prime than their normal versions. It's absolutely inevitable.


    22 minutes ago, Blexander said:

    1. No, there is no reason for regular frames to be easier to farm, no matter how hard the boss fight is. It's not like you have to farm Saryn to be able to progress. Keep that word in mind "progress".

    2. Primes are only better than regular frames by a minor %. A regular Chroma can do the same job Chroma Prime can with minimal difference.

    3. Primes aren't easier to farm. With Prime farming, you have a chance to get 5 other drops, instead of the pool of 3 items (excluding C rotation frames like Khora and Harrow, because that is actually cancerous and I hate it).

    I don't see a point in making farming regular frames easier just because you got the prime. It ruins the grind. It's all luck based anyway. Just admit you're lazy and don't want to spend more than a day farming. Hell, you can buy the frame with plat pre-built. There, problem solved.

    You claim that regular frames shouldn't be easier to farm than their upgraded prime variants, you claim that primes are hardly any better than normal frames (which isn't true, but there are some exceptions) and you claim that primes aren't easier to farm. That claim about me being "lazy" and not wanting to spend more than a day farming is also a big yikes. Did you not read the thread or see the image I posted? Guess you're just another one of those players who loves playing Devil's Advocate and saying silly, controversial, factually incorrect things to get a rise out of people. I'm going to concede because subjecting myself to ignorance is a waste of time, so have fun believing whatever you want.


    25 minutes ago, kgabor said:

    Tbh. almost everything in this game is easy to farm

    It's just that some frames, like Equinox, Hydroid, Atlas, Mesa, Khora, Gara, Saryn, Nidus aren't anything special to make the farm worth it past the mastery points, i personally found the farm for Harrow to be worth it because i like the frame.

    I mean that's the point I was trying to make, congratulations on being the first person in this thread to genuinely understand it. Eventually I'm gonna get everything because Mastery Rank is one of the reasons I still play this game, but in the meantime I wish acquiring certain things wasn't so tedious. Besides, people stop farming for certain frames as time passes, especially when a prime version comes out. And nobody farms for those frames anymore, it sucks having to solo lots of tedious content just for 6k mastery points.

  4. 1 minute ago, TKDancer said:

    uhm no? unless you have a ton of spare plat, no

    a few are easier, like equinox and mesa, others, specially vaulted ones, are not

    I hate to break it to you but you didn't read the thread. Again, prime frames are cheap these days, even vaulted ones. And making plat isn't that hard. Were you not there when vaulted frames costed 300 to 700 plat? Nowadays all prime frames cost 100 to 200 plat even if they're vaulted, generally cheaper if you buy the parts individually and some frames cost less than 100. It's really not that hard. Because of this, it's harder to farm for normal frames, because they generally cost 300+ platinum. Some are cheaper but all the frames that are annoying to farm cost more than 200 plat last time I checked.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Didn't read much. Actually stopped at "prime eventually".

    Every prime is easier/faster/cheaper to get than its normal counterpart.

    If you're going to choose to participate in a thread, please don't post in it until you've read everything. Openly admitting that you didn't read is shameful. With all due respect, how are you going to understand the point of the thread, the message it conveys or any sort of well-structured discussion/debate if you don't read? If one simply reads a title and lets a knee jerk reaction speak for them (which a lot of people do nowadays) then there won't be any healthy discourse.


    2 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

    I do agree that grinding isn’t quite fun, but that’s also what makes it Warframe. 

    However, I also disagree with you that it’s unfair and should be easier for players. I mean, If players don’t like grinding normal frames and to do the missions to acquire said frame, then they can purchase them with platinum as they please. Don’t really see the issue here.

    Warframe has a lot of grinding in it, but that's not the sole identity of this game. Something tells me you either didn't read my post or you're stuck in the mindset that change is bad. Just because an issue has a workaround doesn't mean the issue is solved. It's like saying to make a city more fireproof rather than putting out the fire. There are plenty of frames out there that can only be farmed in dead content such as Atlas, and this is meant to be a co-op game. I could list every example but having no choice but to solo content that nobody plays just to get something you want isn't fun. Who's gonna want to farm C rotations in Orokin Derelicts? Or defection missions? Or Spy missions that no one does anymore, or listen to Vay Hek screaming for 5 minutes straight just for the chance of one component, when other bosses are faster? Putting a bandage on a problem doesn't solve it. You refuse to acknowledge the issue simply because it doesn't affect you. Sorry, but that's genuinely quite ignorant. Shortcuts and workarounds don't fix problems, they simply ignore them.


    1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

    Maybe make the prime frame requiring the non-prime instead of orokin cell for the craft, so the prime on is no longer easier to get ?

    That would only make things worse. And I'm pretty sure that DE has said at some point in the past that they don't want primes to require non-prime components to craft. The game's been out for so long that it goes against their design philosophy and it would cause outrage if they did that. Besides, imagine what Equinox Prime would be like if you needed normal components. Or Ivara Prime (once that happens) and other frames.

  6. Right now there are a lot of frames that are incredibly annoying and tedious to acquire. Frames that ask you to do missions that nobody plays anymore, or to do C rotations in very specific areas. It's not fair that these frames are so difficult to acquire, especially when they're going to get a prime variant eventually. And at that point, why would you bother getting the normal version over the prime version outside of mastery points? Primes are meant to be straight upgrades, that's how it's always been. There isn't a single prime frame out there that doesn't have increased health, shields, armor or energy compared to the original. All primes have at least one of their base stats increased compared to their regular variant, which is what makes them appealing. And prime frames are very easy to farm for. Here, let me show you something.




    This took me roughly 7 days to get from scratch. I had 0 platinum and none of the components or relics for these when I decided I wanted these 8 frames. All of them were purchased with platinum. Now this might be hard to believe for some people, but making platinum in this game is easy. I'm not here to reveal all my secrets, but I can assure you that most of my efforts in acquiring these frames in such a short period of time were simply opening relics and selling prime parts. I did some radshares here and there but ultimately they all failed, except for one of Wukong Prime's components, which I had enough platinum to buy anyways. It also helps that prime frames are much cheaper nowadays. Prime warframe sets go as high as 100 to 200 platinum at most, and you can get them cheaper if you buy the parts individually. Even vaulted frames are cheap nowadays. But the reason why I'm showing you this isn't to brag, it's to prove a point. If I can get 8 primes in a week, you can surely get at least a few primes in a week, even vaulted ones.


    Let's get back to the main point here. The fact that certain normal frames are hard to farm for is unfair for newer players who want to try new things. It's also punishing for older players who didn't farm them when they came out. It's even worse for returning players who want to experience content they've missed but have nobody to play it with. That's why I strongly believe that whenever a frame gets primed, the normal version should be much easier to get. Keep the resource costs the same, just boost the drop rates. Maybe change the requirements for the frames that can only be farmed in dead content. Or better yet, add their components to syndicates or even the Nightwave shop. Even if DE doesn't listen to my idea, I'll still try to farm for these frames I don't own. I'll make more plat and buy these frames if I have to, because as an avid trader I want more mastery points. More mastery ranks means more daily trades and syndicate standing, which means more opportunities for profit. Either way, feel free to debate me on whether or not we should make normal frames easier to get once their prime version comes out, only if your argument isn't "dude it's hard LOL don't change it, we all have to suffer"

  7. Kitguns refuse to be sorted properly. Here's a picture showing that Rattleguts is my 5th most used secondary, you can tell because the sorting menu is visible.


    And here's what my Arsenal looks like when I sort secondary weapons by usage:


    No kitguns in sight. It turns out that my Rattleguts is all the way at the bottom of the list, which is very inconvenient.


    Please fix this bug so that I can properly sort Kitguns by usage, and check to see if other modular equipment has this issue as well.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    You are playing her wrong because you are stuck in the past.

    Not really? I've experimented with many different builds in my time, I don't see why you're assuming such things because I simply stated that a traditional Nyx build focuses on duration and range. Both of which are excellent ability stats to have on Mind Control. And what right do you have to say that other people are "playing the game wrong" simply because they play differently than you? I think you're missing the point of this thread, I only made this since it seems that many players are vocal about how "useless" Nyx and her rework is. I wanted to give my two cents as an experienced Nyx player while helping others better understand that she's a fun niche frame, not someone meant to be "top tier" or "meta-changing." Regardless, my point still stands. No matter what you build on Nyx, there are better options. Doesn't matter what your stats are, what abilities you focus on, none of that matters. I'll say it again: For the very few things that Nyx can do, others can do those things way better. Better damage, better defense, better utility, better mobility, better team contribution, better everything. That doesn't mean Nyx isn't worth playing, it just means she was powercreeped very hard because other frames have more potential than she ever will. By the way, I hate to break it to you but Chaos doesn't stop enemies from shooting you. Sure they'll be stunned briefly and start shooting each other, but you're just as much of a target to them as everything else. Armor stripping isn't a valid argument when Corrosive Projection exists, shield stripping isn't a valid argument when Magnetic (Along with Toxin and Gas) damage is available, Simulacrum isn't a valid argument because it can't simulate a realistic combat scenario and level 160 enemies are unreasonably strong. Don't pull the "Level 160" card when that's not a factor in this game's current content and you know it. Maybe if you do a very high level endless mission you can find those, but endless missions are meant to scale infinitely anyways. Finally, when I said "You're pretty much relying entirely on mods and arcanes" I meant the good ones. Vitality and Steel Fiber? Seriously? That's your argument, huh? You've genuinely never heard of Quick Thinking, Adaptation or anything else but the most bare bones defensive mods? Slot efficiency matters which is why Nyx has weak survivability and time to kill matters which is why Absorb is a weak ability. Psychic Bolts also only affects a maximum of 6 targets, don't forget that there are other frames out there with better armor stripping abilities that can also do damage and affect way more targets. Do you want me to list every frame that's better than Nyx just so you can either cry about everyone being "overpowered" or tell me how I'm somehow wrong for knowing how to play the game more efficiently than you? I'm not stuck in the past, no offense but I'm willing to bet I have a higher Mastery Rank than you which means I've done a LOT of experimenting with this game's wide variety of equipment. I don't only play Nyx anymore, I just play her when I'm not busy leveling and upgrading other frames and equipment. Or when I'm not doing serious content. With that being said, please adjust your attitude, stop making assumptions out of others and have a nice day. You're generalizing me with other people that you've had negative experiences with and you're aggressively shoving some kind of agenda down my throat because you took things the wrong way.


    Edit: I forgot to mention one last thing. "Viable" isn't an argument either. You can do sorties while only using your Operator, sure it's "Viable" but it doesn't mean it's very effective. I can turn my computer on and use it, doesn't mean it's the best gaming PC on the market. Every frame is "viable" and you'd do well to use that word less because any seasoned, educated person will know the difference between "Viable" (AKA "Usable") and "Effective." Because your argument is basically like saying a wrench is "Viable" at hammering nails, when we all know that an actual hammer is best suited for that kind of job.

  9. Ever since Nyx got a rework, I've noticed many displeased players saying negative things about her. I figure it's time that I shared my two cents on the matter, due to how much dedication I've shown to her. To put things into perspective, I'm a veteran player who has played pre-rework Nyx for hundreds of hours. Aside from my Founder's status, I've played the game before profiles started tracking stats like equipment usage as well, so I have more hours of mission time under my belt than what my profile might suggest. Nyx is a Warframe that I deeply adore and have strong feelings about. I was essentially seen as that weirdo who would only play Nyx back in the day. Because honestly, Nyx has never been very popular and has always had competition from frames that can do any of the few things she can do, but better. Nyx might be a fun, unique Warframe, but that's just it: She's fun. Her damage output is outclassed by many other offensive frames, many of which have far superior survivability. The same goes for her defensive potential because you've gotta ask yourself: "Is Nyx really worth picking over the other defensive frames? Is she really worth playing when there are better options for protecting the team?" But before we continue, I'm going to give my thoughts on her abilities as well as her passive.


    Evasion (Passive): I'll be honest, this passive feels really underwhelming. See, on one hand most Warframe passives aren't anything impressive. Some are great, some are practically nonexistent. But on the other hand, there were greater expectations for Nyx's passive considering her old passive was detrimental to her kit. I'm genuinely not sure what they could do here but I'll admit it's nice that she has something to boost her survivability. She has a tiny amount of base armor (15 normally, 50 on Nyx Prime) and none of her abilities bolster her defenses or help recover her health. Mind you I'm not necessarily asking for these things, but the fact of the matter is that Nyx is squishy. You're pretty much relying entirely on mods and arcanes to stay alive. Normally I'd say this is fine but the best defensive mods and arcanes aren't cheap, so it doesn't feel fair to expect everyone to have such luxuries. For now, I'd say we should focus on the rest of her abilities because there are many strong, useful frames out there with weak or even practically nonexistent passives.


    Mind Control: While I believe the changes are a step in the right direction, this ability still needs some fine-tuning. When they said they adjusted the AI, I expected mind controlled targets to stay within close proximity of me and fight with me, not near me. Sometimes it even feels like my mind controlled target is off fighting in another plane of existence, failing to position properly or fight who I want them to fight. The solution here is to make Mind Control boost the movement speed of affected targets while making changes to the AI that make them fight even closer to you. Yes, when I mind control something I expect it to hug me. Seriously, the amount of times my target fails to attack the enemy due to their poor positioning makes Mind Control genuinely frustrating to use half the time. By making targets fight closer to you, it allows you to have more control and potential while also making the ability feel more interactive. A movement speed buff of 35% or so would be ideal, then make it so mind controlled targets will focus on staying within a certain radius of your Warframe. Ranged units should stay close and melee units should focus on the threats nearest to you instead of wandering off and doing nothing. The rest of the ability is fine, believe it or not. Noticing my mind controlled target actually getting kills and pulling weight for the team is great. Some players complain that the bonus you get for damaging the target within the first four seconds isn't enough, but this simply isn't true. Teammates can also contribute during those four seconds to make an even stronger ally, and from my experience I still see my targets doing work even when I'm the only one that boosts their damage. Mind Freak appears to do nothing though, I'm not sure if this is a bug but I really don't notice the augment doing anything.


    Psychic Bolts: Well, we took an already worthless ability and made it... Almost potentially useful? See, the problem with traditional Nyx builds is that you're going to heavily favor duration and range. This means you'll have to sacrifice strength to achieve an optimal build. Not only that but it's rather annoying that you have to hold the button down to cancel it and acquire new targets. The idea of giving Nyx more potential as a debuffer is good, but the execution is poor. All you get from adding ability strength on Nyx is more Absorb damage and a stronger debuff. But it already has an 80% armor and shield debuff at max rank. Either scrap this ability entirely or just make it better. If we're going to keep it, I suggest giving it the following changes. Raise it's maximum amount of targets to 10, allow players to quickly recast it to change debuff targets rather than holding the button down, give it a nice amount of base damage and make the bolts also explode for 25% damage in a 5 meter radius around targets. Psychic Bolts were useless before and I can argue that they're still useless now. Do something, anything to make the ability worth it, aside from making it easier to recast.


    Chaos: You know what they say. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's more or less all I can say here. Some people are disappointed that Chaos received no changes, but personally I think the ability is fine as it is. Chaos Sphere makes the ability even better and it's worth the mod slot. All I can say is don't change Chaos but if you do, don't make it worse. And be careful you don't make it too strong either, it's a genuinely balanced ability and a core part of Nyx's identity.


    Absorb: Alright, so not much has really changed here. The changes are supposed to make it better at dealing damage, I suppose. But I never notice it killing anything when I use it, let alone damaging anything. It's always been a slow, underwhelming ability that requires a long setup time to do anything. And it has poor synergy with Chaos because when you use Absorb you want enemies to shoot you, not each other. Assimilate is also a mediocre augment because like I said earlier, there are simply better frames than Nyx out there. Ones who can be practically unkillable, if not actually invulnerable while having far superior offensive and defensive capabilities than Nyx. Seriously, open your eyes and it doesn't take an expert to realize that Nyx has been powercreeped to hell and back and back to hell again ever since her release. I wish I was exaggerating but seriously, why play Nyx when you have so many better options? Especially ones with superior utility and mobility. But I'm not gonna lie, I enjoy using Absorb as a niche defensive ability. I like standing next to objectives and using it as a shield to make sure said objectives don't blow up. And I don't use Assimilate because having the ability to save a dying objective (excavators, cryopods, terminals, etc.) is really nice. Absorb has come in handy countless times for me in situations like this, both back in the day and here in the present. And I'll be completely honest, I'll be sad if I lose the ability to make certain objectives practically invulnerable. Saving an objective in a pinch feels so satisfying when it happens. All I can say for Absorb is keep the ability, but consider finding ways to make it a little bit better for those who don't use the Assimilate augment.


    And that's just about it for my feedback. In conclusion, the Nyx rework is most certainly, undeniably a step in the right direction. It's not perfect, it still needs a bit of fine-tuning and polish, but I can safely say that Nyx is finally playable. I can feel good about playing her for more reasons than just her design. And for once in many years I'm actually having fun with her. But the truth is, Nyx will always be a mediocre frame unless they give her an overloaded kit. She's fun but not meta-changing and I think that's how she should stay. A fun, niche frame that's still good in certain mission types. This is gonna be a hard pill to swallow for some of you out there, but it's the truth. Mind Control and Chaos are the core of her identity and plenty of players out there still enjoy Absorb, both with and without the augment. That isn't to say that Nyx doesn't have potential, nor does it mean you can't excel in endgame content with her. You just can't expect her to be top tier or popular like other frames. Take it from someone with hundreds upon hundreds of hours with her: Play what you like, but don't be upset when what you like isn't the strongest thing out there. You either play with the best tools, play with what you enjoy or find a balance between the two. Because no single weapon or frame will excel at all content on their own. This is a game that heavily encourages you to build different equipment for different content, because what might be seen as "top tier" in one area is nowhere near as effective in another area. Now please stop bullying my wife, Nyx and I have been together for over 5 years and if you can't appreciate her beauty, there are plenty of other frames out there for you to enjoy. I'm committed to her no matter what, even if there are stronger or more appealing frames. Mark my words, someday I'll have twice if not three times as many hours on Nyx Prime as I do on regular Nyx. I love her dearly.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 minute ago, Wevi said:

    yeah they did pick it up from there and they still havent changed it from their site.


    but the meme didnt stick around long after. plus the influx of new players over the years just kind of made it vanish.


    Holy hell it's all coming back to me. And you're right, it did quickly become a forgotten inside joke. Still, it's a great meme for the few that understand it. I had more faith that the people on these forums would know but they don't know as much as I thought they knew.

  11. 1 minute ago, Wevi said:


    you're name is on fireden so i know where you're from.

    Oh, I used to lurk and post there much more often in the past. These days I hardly go there, maybe once in a blue moon to see if there are any interesting pictures to look at. I could swear that "sleek coding" was said on an official stream and quickly became a meme though, I don't have any intention of lying to you. Maybe my memory's off but still. I like that meme.

  12. You don't need a high MR to be a jerk. You should really learn Correlation VS Causation. Another example being having a high MR doesn't necessarily you're good at the game. You can literally just farm Hydron or any other good mission to level everything up to 30 and eventually get to 25MR without even doing sorties or eidolon hunts.

  13. 1 minute ago, Wevi said:

    first you tell me where you learned the context of that word.


    Long ago in a distant land, where Tenno sought after things like "Fusion cores" and "Artifacts," even before the meaning of "Sleek" came into existence, I was a mere Loki main slowly learning the ways of speed. These were the days where Jackal was the only boss with invulnerability phases, and the Grineer had just one voice line: "KILL EM." It was a magical time full of mysteries and wonder, it was the Closed Beta era. From what I remember, I heard the term "Sleek Coding" from either a live stream or video, I can't remember which it was (Confident that it came from a stream) but it was from an official source. It quickly became a meme, because it sounds about as silly as "Blast Processing." It was also used to describe how buggy the game was, so instead of "Spaghetti code" we use "Sleek coding." I played long before Update 8, as said update is around the time I stopped playing. Came back around a month ago and I've already got the hang of things, thankfully. I could tell you more stories of our ancestors, but your Master founder's badge along with your expertise in the sleek ways shows me you are a powerful and wise one. If you don't believe me, I can tell you more about the past. Remember how goofy Infested Ancients used to look, and how Toxic Ancients would spread poison clouds everywhere? I remember. I have seen things that the Tenno of today couldn't possibly comprehend.

  14. 3 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

    53 built items waiting to be collected... oh good lord.

    That number has gone down over time but I still have quite a few items left to claim. That mastery rank isn't gonna level up itself, right?

    4 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:





      Reveal hidden contents



    ...What? Survival missions get boring after a while. You can't blame me for wanting to entertain myself while I play, can you? Totally wasn't looking at anything Valkyr related

  15. 2 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    The ways Limbo can troll are limited to a number of forms of: banishing allies when they dont want to be banished, banishing enemies your allies are trying to kill, using Cataclysm to "banish" and take control of a large or important area which your allies want to use, and using Stasis when your allies are both in the rift and don't want their shots frozen.

    Most of these issues revolve around Limbo biting off more than he can chew via Banish and Rift Surge and taking control of too large an area, all of these issues are fed by excessive range in my experience.  The issues that aren't caused by too much range are caused by: people who will find a way to troll regardless of what is done, people who are inexperienced with Limbo, accidents, newer allies who don't know how to play alongside a Limbo on the most basic levels, and sometimes the allies of Limbo who go far out of their way to get rustled by Limbo or frankly cause trouble as part of some sort of "sweet justice" personal crusade against Limbo users fueled by their own self-importance (I could tell you stories).

    That all sounds very interesting, yet unfortunate. Again, I'm no expert on his mechanics but I feel that if my suggestion were to make it into the game, it would get rid of a huge amount of frustration that players have with Limbo. I'm not saying having your shots frozen is the only issue, not only because I asked what other issues were as well as the fact that I was just given proof that Limbo can be troublesome in other ways, but still. I don't know any simple solutions for handling the rest of Limbo's trolling potential. And because you're mentioning range being a crucial part of these other issues, I fear that we might be getting closer to "Nerf Limbo" territory. And I don't want that (Because why should everyone suffer just because some people are jerks) but if any knowledgeable individuals would like to discuss that in this thread, it's fine by me.


    1 minute ago, PsiWarp said:

    A good start. It would alleviate Stasis-related grievances for teammates who wish to utilize their guns. Although this is an extra functionality to preserve your team's sanity, it does result in a buff since Stasis also freezes rift-bound enemies in place for up to 91.8 seconds. A counterbalance measure is bound to follow, whether in the form a base duration nerf or other mechanic changes.

    Still, I applaud the simplicity of this idea. Not only would it put the control back to the other players' hands, it would also reduce the amount of Stasis breaking from too many projectiles being suspended in the Rift, especially those generated by Sentinels (I love you Artax, but you're not helping!)

    Thank you for your kind words. Well, the reason why I see it as less of a buff and more of a quality of life change, is that technically the people who say "Just use melee" are right. After all, there are a handful of melee weapons out there that can annihilate crowds of enemies. Although... I think if we talked more about that subject, we'd end up delving into the "Slide attack meta" and have a discussion about how overpowered that is. Still, the fact that stasis forces allies to use a specific play style that they won't always be prepared to utilize isn't fair, and if making this change means Limbo has to get nerfed or tweaked in a very slight manner, then I suppose it would be for the greater good. Besides, Limbo players that use this annoying stasis build tend to bring extremely powerful melee weapons anyway, running around and annihilating enemies both inside and outside of the rift. Duration sounds like a good way to go on about this though because 90 seconds of stasis is a bit extreme. My point remains though, and I strongly think what I've brought to the table will be an excellent way to start handling the issue. Here's hoping DE is willing to acknowledge and test this idea.

  16. Whoa, it seems like this thread is off to a great start! We're all having some nice, healthy, civil game discussion here. That's great, and I'd now that I'm back for a few more moments I'd like to say a few things in response. I am by no means an expert on Limbo. I've never played or built him before. My knowledge on him is limited, although I have looked at his page on the wiki a few times. If there are other issues with Limbo when it comes to trolling and making the game more frustrating for your teammates, I wouldn't exactly know. All I do know, is that I've been on the receiving end of consistent frustration by having Limbo players make enemies nearly invulnerable, forcing me to use a specific play style (One that I'm not always prepared to utilize) when I can already kill enemies easily with my primary and secondary weapons. If Limbo can troll in more ways than one, it would be nice if we can tweak him further, but for now I believe the most common issue and source of frustration is how his time rift or whatever stops players from killing enemies. One person was confused with the context of my suggestion and how it works, so I'd like to clarify this here.


    34 minutes ago, NeoSmile said:

    does it mean whilst aiming/shooting or after shooting activate by aiming

    How my suggestion will work is essentially both ways. If you shoot bullets and other projectiles into the rift, whether you're inside or outside of it, the projectiles will freeze as usual. If you press the aim button after that, your frozen projectiles will then continue traveling their path to damage and kill the enemy. But if you're holding down the aim button while inside or outside of the rift, and you fire your weapon into the rift, anything you're shooting won't become frozen. This way you can hold down the aim button to ignore the bullet freezing mechanic, or only press the aim button after setting up lots of projectiles. So basically, Limbo and his teammates get to decide whenever they want to have their projectiles frozen. You can either kill everything like usual, or mark the frozen enemies for death while you fight enemies outside of the rift during missions where you defend an objective. As usual, the goal is to make Limbo less frustrating to play with so he feels less like a troll character, without nerfing, buffing or reworking him. I'll continue lurking the thread and reading posts, as I'm sure there's a lot more I can learn here.

  17. I'm sick and tired of getting rude, uncooperative Limbo players on my team that troll everyone and make the mission more difficult and frustrating. Listen up everyone, DE has removed abilities and interactions that could be used for trolling in the past. Remember old Mag, who could pull teammates over and over again? Well back in the day, most Mag players were nice people for a while, until more and more started trolling by yanking their teammates and the ability was eventually reworked. They also removed the ability to proc radiation on yourself, which is another huge way players could troll their teammates. And here's how we can change Limbo in a way that COMPLETELY removes his trolling potential 100% without nerfing him, without making him less fun to play, a change that will make everyone like Limbo 10x more than they currently do. One simple solution that can change EVERYTHING.


    Change Limbo so that when bullets, projectiles and so on get frozen in his time rift, players can force their bullets/projectiles to resume traveling by using the aim button.


    Now while this change sounds simple, I am by no means an expert on coding and developing video games. But this is the only way we can fix Limbo without making him worse. I don't want a warframe to get nerfed just because too many people troll with it, but if this change goes through I guarantee NOBODY will ever complain about Limbo ever again. He'll still be useful, he can still create a big bubble where enemies can't move or attack, but players will still be able to kill enemies and enjoy themselves. It's unfair how players are forced to use melee weapons to kill enemies in the rift, not everyone enjoys that play style or wants to have to bring a top tier melee weapon with them at all times for the off chance they find a Limbo. There is absolutely no reason to disagree with this change, unless you're a troll, because it benefits both the people who hate Limbo as well as those who enjoy Limbo. Let's change Limbo from a troll frame to a nice defense frame. Put an end to trolling. With this change, both Limbo and his teammates will be able to enjoy the unique mechanics of his time rift, and players who just want to kill enemies can simply look down their weapon's sights and shred enemies without being hindered. It's not a buff or a nerf, it's a quality of life change that's sure to generate plenty of positive feedback. Most of us can kill the enemy in one or two hits and we don't need a big time rift stopping us from doing our jobs.

  18. Nah


    Just no.

    Care to explain why? But really, let's be honest here. Trinity's skills aren't that great aside from her 4th skill. I'd like a decent explanation as to why my rework is bad.



    I'd shoot down the idea to rework Trinity, but with the upcomming Frost change, I think Trinity's Blessing will soon be changed as well...

    If that happens, then Trinity will be quite underpowered. I think it's better to give her a rework than to nerf her.

  19. I've come up with a complete rework for Trinity's abilities. The reason why I want these changes is because Trinity's 4th skill completely outclasses her other abilities, and the rest of her powers are quite underpowered. Here are her new abilities:


    Skill 1: Blessing (Replaces Well of Life)

    - Energy Cost: 75

    - Restores 15/30/45/60% Health and Shields to all allies on the map

    - Will not exceed 100% when using power strength mods.


    Skill 2: Energy Vampire

    - Energy Cost: 75

    - Casting this ability sends out an aura to all allies on the map for 5/6/7/8 seconds that allows them to gain 10/15/30/40 energy every second when attacking enemies with a limit of 50/60/80/100 energy gained per cast.

    - Power strength affects the amount of energy gained per hit as well as the energy limit per cast.


    Skill 3: Reflect (Replaces Link)

    - Energy Cost: 50

    - Casting this ability gives all allies on the map a special shield that blocks 10/20/30/40% damage for 3/6/9/12 seconds, and damages enemies for the amount of damage blocked.


    Skill 4: Revive (Replaces the old Blessing)

    - Energy Cost: 70/60/50/40% of your maximum energy

    - Instantly revives a downed ally within a range of 10/20/30/40 meters. Leveling up this ability lowers it's cost. (Does not revive dead players.)

    - Cannot be affected by power efficiency mods.


    Tell me what you think. Some of you might not like the changes I've made to Blessing, but I assure you that it's still an amazing skill, and doesn't make Trinity any less effective at her role. I'm confident that with my changes, Trinity will enter a new, more refined and efficient state of balance. Every skill is now useful, meaning Trinity is no longer "Spam 4: The Movie."

  20. I believe that if we were to take advantage of cover mechanics, not only would Warframe be more enjoyable, but it would open room for stealth gameplay. The general idea is being able to use terrain to hide behind or use as cover. Here are the basic mechanics of cover:


    - Ability to hide behind terrain, structures and walls (lowering chances of getting caught)

    - Terrain can be used as cover, making it harder for enemies to hit you while giving a bonus to armor

    - Blind fire (when a person fires a weapon from behind an object and does not reveal themself, also lowers accuracy by a bit)


    And now for some stealth mechanics. Whenever an enemy dies when a Tenno remains undetected, enemies come to investigate the scene and may start to search for you. When this happens, an "alert meter" comes up, telling you how alerted the enemy is, ranging from undetected, to caution, to alerted. The bar also shows a percentage, which displays the chances of you getting caught based on your actions and position. This isn't actually a chance of them finding you, but rather how close they are to activating the next phase. If you stay out in the open for too long when entering the alert phase, the enemy will activate the alarms and get you on their sensors, thus ruining the element of surprise and bonuses for completing a mission while stealthed. However, if you manage to re-enter stealth while eliminating the area's threat, the bar slowly drains back to undetected.


    We could also introduce stealth missions once we get the mechanics rolling, and maybe even make a new type of assassination mission where stealth is key. The boss will be alone in an isolated area, while the Tenno stealthily defeat all guards in the stage so they'll have no trouble taking care of the boss. Or even stealth raids, where you have to pillage enemy bases without getting detected.

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