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Posts posted by FenrisHellhound

  1. That's quite incorrect. You can't just compare the stats of two guns that work differently. The boltor's armor ignore provides a large damage boost against many types of enemies. You can't just look at the damage and say 20 is better than 18.

    You should also mention you can only sidegrade if the weapon is in the same catagory.




    Vandal arugably being the sidegrade as not everyone can obtain it.

    (We could have fun debating its higher crit and polairty slot but another thread already did that)

  2. Change of plans,

    New objective,

    There's a patch on board the ship.

    Rescue the patch, and get in the game.

    Forget your current objective.

    It appears there's valuble patches aboard this ship.

    Gather the Patches and apply at extraction.

  3. I'm ignoring my gf for this! Well, not ignoring, but, well .. *Insert arbitrary explanation*


    If I'm a corpse by tomorrow, I want my funeral held at DE's headquarters.

    Denied. As a tenno you'll be ejected from a space ship into the sun.


    Buy her a Roller Plushie, she'll be stunned.

    I see whatcha did there.

  4. No, I don't want content withheld from me.   I want a game, not a tread mill.

    So basically any game that  makes you work for something is bad.

    And any game that hands it to you on a silver platter with gold trim and nice little mixed drink with an umbrella, is good?



    Son do you even videogame?


    Anyway edited.


    Mostly because I don't even want to go into how bad your idea of gaming is. In MOST games you have to work for things you want and EVERYONE WHO PLAYS THOSE GAMES is just fine with that.


    I like games that make you work towards what you want. It feels rewarding once you finally get what you wanted.


    Another edit.


    Drusus has it right. I like his idea a lot.

  5. Would kinda defeat the point of having it as a platinum weapon if they forced the rare blueprint to show up a couple days later just because of some server issues. Just think about how much better you will feel when you finally earn the reward that is The Glaive!

    Mmm, Yeah I see what you're doing there.


    Keeping items that are rare, rare. I like the idea. But without a in game economy where players can trade Cr for items or items for items, I don't see the point in keeping the rare items rare. Unless showing off like a rooster is cool to you. Then hey, power to ya. Just remember to use embers normal helmet when doing it.


    Since you know, it looks like a roosters hair-do.

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