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Posts posted by xXEmnioXx

  1. I don't really have any materialistic wishes for the rest of this year.
    However, I wish that all of you people, and everyone who doesn't visit the forums, has a great rest 2016, despite how rough it's been to some people, and a happy new year.
    I hope that whatever you might wish for, someone comes and fulfills you that wish, so that you might just spread that spark of generosity.
    Have a fantastic time, everyone.
    You're all great people somewhere, and you all deserve to be happy.
    Lots of love from this one weirdo in germany~ 
    EDIT: In case people want to make gifts to someone, I wouldn't mind having some additional color pallettes.
    The more possibilities, the better. 
    But do consider others before me, please.
    Any gift helps a great cause and gets donations towards charity.

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