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Everything posted by 0meg4x

  1. I love Dante and his Noctua weapon. I'm one of those that don't care about Tragedy builds so feel free to nerf it, removed it, send it to the void or do all 3 at once. Noctua's Projectile: After playing Dante for a while I feel like the delay until the projectile is shot makes it a liiiiittle painful to use Noctua because basically the only way you can hit your target is by using the homing effect. If you just shoot, the projectile will most likely pass between the enemy's legs and armpits because it has no width. So I think Noctua's projectile should at least have a bit of width since the projectile's visual appears to be bigger. You can look at things like containers and get the info of what you're looking at and yet not be able to hit it. Noctua's Hit Visual: When you hit a target upclose with the primary projectile you're basically blind because the visual effect is that big. Being blinded by the visual doesn't help with aiming either 😂
  2. If I hit an enemy with melee, my Helios Prime loses all of its overguard. Becoming unkillable for 0.5sec as if the overguard was broken.
  3. Has anyone noticed her Shield Satellites stop working at some point? It happened both times I took her to a solo Steel Path Circuit, at around 40 minutes (Stage 8/9).
  4. Melee gameplay is incredibly frustrating right now :'d
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