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Posts posted by Mallnaxus

  1. i didnt see any other topic about this 

    i was looking at helmets for wukong prime and i hovered over the mithra skin and backed out i noticed that when i exited the skin appeared equipped on wukong this didnt save and reverted i did it again but noticed the prime toggle button hitting it caused the skin to load fully and it saved so i was wearing the wukong mithra skin without owning it im assuming this will happen with other prime frames that have full body tennogen 

    to be clear i reset my wukong primes skin back to the deluxe after this 

  2. i dont know how to properly do this but i think this should be adressed i was doing the first sortie at 9:20pm california time and at some point the larkspurs main fire started rapid firing the alt fires projectiles causing aoe i dont know exactly how i did this but i hope that knowing the mission and time frame helps

    as a secondary issue i died as inaros using the larkspur at more then 400 max ammo but when i respawned the weapons ammo pool was reset to its base ammo pool unmodded

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