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Posts posted by HADES.JS

  1. it would be nice to get stalker prisma stuff but im not going to talk about primaries people forget about secondary too which why don't they make a prisma secondary weapon and for primary prisma drakgoon would be nice plus for secondary I would choose prisma cestra would be so nice like high fire rate and nice relode speed and damage too would be so nice

  2. 1.well nekros is dark he's just like death but first lets do some stuff that makes nekros fits in prime look or not try using prime accessories in nekros and see would it be good with gold or not


    2.if its not vote for umbra nekros and I vote for that







    NOTE: please follow the steps first so you could vote and please (no rude statements please) and thank you :)

  3. if rarity will decrease why would even making an idea for trading rare too? I mean for example cleaving whirlwind its a mod you got trade it this is rare mod and you got it another time soooo no difference same as well for rare stuff if they would make the rarity decrease they should do that to mods then regular rare blueprints right?

  4. People can just trade prime parts only well why don't we trade regular stuff too I mean for example a weapons blueprint only not warframe because that would make the game is much easy.


    (please discus this idea and issues about it and support yours issues with details too)

  5. so I was playing t3 capture earlier and a stalker spawn and he died he dropped a blueprint and its a rare one called Hate blueprint which I have been farming for it too my friend got it but when I wanted to get it it was stuck underground and I was trying to get it in some way PLEASE I NEED THE HATE THAT IS NOT FAIR ENOUGH

  6. I have an idea for some warframes which they would make them in the same place or might be better states like if there is prime why they don't make a prisma like the shade sentinel please support the idea and and choose your favorite and I shall choose with you






    NOTE:(its not only skin its a new look just like prisma shade sentinel which means increasing states too)  :)

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