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  1. Everyone was playing Dante because he was new, not because he was that broken to begin with, I feel like the usage stats we're just extremely big but he quite literally has just been around for a week, feels way too early to nerf or make conclusions, genuinely feels bad for the people who bought him for Platinum or even worse, the 15$ bundle. Also Crowd Control was just already massively disadvantaged if you are playing a kill frame which basically has been every single new frame release, there was seriously no need to beat a dead horse and destroy CC even more.. -- Edit: Dante being released a week ago on average means that most people if they played and did not have other responsibilities in real life or a job got him only like 3 days ago because of craft times, excluding all of the people who might have rushed or bought him, he got nerfed for basically 3 days of stats for frame usage.. if you have a job then this playtime is even less.
  2. The new lighting is way too dark for it to be disabled forcing you to use the dynamic lighting option which is quite taxing on hardware just for the game to look actually bright, there is no more middle ground for these settings where the previous lighting worked, looked, and illuminated properly. Lighting looks completely off and wrong considering my Novas colors are white. Enabling Dynamic lighting fixes this problem but it is extremely taxing on performance just to be able to see your Warframes and orbiter's colors properly, same happens in the arsenal as well with it looking very washed out There is also an insane amount of fog thru-out the orbiter for no good reason at all with it disabled making it look extremely blurry and out of place. I do not want to turn this setting constantly on and off when i return from a mission just for my orbiter to look normal. Edit: same for operator faces and eyes with dynamic lighting off. Skin color is very buggy and sometimes its just completely dark like in the image above and sometimes its way too bright and unnatural Its supposed to look like the image below:
  3. So just use normal Excalibur then if you feel like its a nerf? i really don't understand this complaint, when its basically the same frame and it doesn't have the passive like you stated yourself..
  4. Literally nobody asked for more Platinum, majority of the complaints were about how the pack is bundled making you purchase Regal Aya along with the skins when for the majority of the people who have played for the past 10 years don't want it because they really don't need it. Biggest complaint was not being able to buy the skins separately in a cheaper bundle(s), which you still did not address at all. This is just bare minimum add-on which accomplishes nothing for more fair pricing of the bundle.
  5. Don't worry, they will magically fix it after the double resource weekend passes :^)
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