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Everything posted by Therebil

  1. So first the first point I only kinda agree, I think a matchmaking system does remove some of the intentionality and investment in a run that can add to the satisfaction of beating the run (but it's only worth that effort if there's better payouts ex eidelon hunts). However the current system of the chat that never stops moving doesn't work well and is not user friendly nor does it make the experience very enjoyable. As for the pay to skip I do agree with the message it sends when you see it upon entering the game, and a ton of gamers are sick of seeing that because it shows the value of the game nowaday (And it's bad). However the issue of getting new players into the new content faster (or friends playing together) while avoiding the content islands (or skipping in this case) is a very very difficult thing to do (and something that I understand wanting to do well, you want new players in your new stuff it's probably what got them there). There definitely needs to be a lot of conversation on how to do that right, and you don't what what most mmos have where the new guys walks into the starting area and it's a ghost town (grain of salt here for the analogy but same idea). But you do want them to start there. Also shout-out to Rebecca, that was a hard thing to bring up on stream and the transparency was amazing. It's why I play Warframe, the devs communication with the community. I hope the conversation becomes much more constructive on the topic as the emotions wear off after the stream, and I also hope this doesn't scare DE away from keeping this communication up!
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