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Posts posted by (PSN)official_79

  1. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

    Why would you ever buy expensive what stalker and hunhows gift bundles if drop chance wasn't abysmal?  So no, blueprints need to be random and rare.

    But yes, his mods should be unique. Like blind justice. No molten impact etc. that drop somewhere else.

    Hunhows gift gives you a very awesome armor set, its worth buying even if you have war. What stalker is simply overpriced imo

  2. I cannot tell you how infuriating it is to get a molten impact or heavy impact multiple times in a row with no blueprint.These mods have no place being there when most players have gotten hundreds of them. With the shadow stalker being such a rare and powerful boss A blueprint should drop GUARANTEED. And none of that disporportionate percentage crap either, each blueprint should have an equal chance of dropping. Getting dread back to back is nearly as worse

  3. Not sure if syndicate melees are going to be added any time soon, but here are some suggestions. Some of these weapons I picked because I believe they are unappreciated/outclassed by just about everything else

    1. Vaykor Amphis, this is a weapon i've always liked the design of and I think it would make a nice addition to Steel Meridian's weaponry

    2. Kelos/Rakta Silva and Aegis : This weapon by far has one of the most intriguing designs i've come across, however its stats are mediocre at best. I think either a mod or syndicate variation would help it greatly (and yes ik Boltace would be a more consistent choice but do we really need another addition to the boltor family?)

    3. Kelos Gram : for some odd reason I believe this weapon fits in with the Arbiters of Hexis, not too sure though

    4. Sancti Redeemer : Again this choice oddly fits, but for some reason this weapon seems just so perfect


     Well these are my 4 ideas. and if they are going to make the MR requirement higher than it already is (around MR15 should be fair), these weapons MUST be worth getting.

    What weapons do you think should get that special syndicate treatment?

  4. Why is it that every other explosive weapon completely murks you when its too close yet the tonkor is exempt of this?

    Personally i'd rather just have explosive weapons deal no damage to the user, or atleast have it capped to around 75 because as of now, I have no reason to choose the kulstar or secura penta over tonkor specifically because of the self damage. 



  5. Didn't think much of him when I first starting using him, since the only time I would use him would be for desecrate.

    But after doing a dark sector survival I really began to appreciate his kit, the only downside would be the timer on 

    shadows of the dead, but even that helped out as I could time desecrate for health orbs and life support

  6. does anyone know the chances of ivara parts dropping? i've done atleast 30 runs for the chassis alone, but I got the main blueprint and helm first try(beginners luck I suppose) 


    also any recommendations on where to farm her chassis? ive been trying Aegaeon so far, and its getting really repetitive with all the runs ive been doing

  7. The fact it can be literally impossible to kill him if he happens to show up while you're levelling a set of weapons is unacceptable.


    If I happen to be able to dodge well enough / drop enough pads to sustain myself indefinitely in combat against the Shadow Stalker, I should have the chance to kill him through attrition.


    Invulnerability periods plus damage reductions plus regenerating shield is a perfect trifecta of requiring you to bring at least two reasonably well modded weapons with different damage types...


    Last time I killed him alone, it was only because I happened to be levelling an elemental weapon alongside a physical one and was already partway into it. And because I was Trinity. Even then, I had to leave him sitting around while I cleared the rest of the level for several full loads of ammo to whittle him down with a gun that he'd adapted to, desperately trying to break through his shield between invulnerability-guaranteed recharging to tap him for 10hp hits enough to win out.


    Even more reason to just Draco out your weapon levelling. It's arduous to level weapons alone (unless it's high-tier guns or you throw catalysts onto it), and now you run the risk of situationally unkillable assassin showing up and making you let him kill you. Meanwhile, Draco's levelled your weapon in 2-3 waves and even if he does turn up, you have allies to help pile bullets into the S.Stalker to attrition your way to victory, even if you're all on gimpy little mastery fodder guns.

    It makes sense for him to kill you with low level gear(cuz he stalks, waits for when you most vulnerable, then attacks) 


    Killing him through attrition would seem like an interesting strategy, possibly what separates a skilled player from an inexperienced one, if he didn't have the ability to teleport you right next to him I suppose

  8. Noticed that cloud walker can pass through laser grids without penalty, this makes sense for corpus missions, as there are such huge gaps for the mist/air to pass through, not so much with grineer magnetic fields tho.


    Is there a reason why this doesn't apply to spy vaults? I guess because it would make the defenses trivial at best, but loki already does this with vaults(and enemies) already with much more efficiency (invisibility, clone teleport, and significantly faster movement) 


    And also why does it constantly drain energy and have a timer? whats the point?

  9. Before the update, stalker was fine IMO. Whenever he showed up I felt a constant sense of......dread  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    He could show up, say his lines, and go after me.


    If he caught me with a low level frame, or without a high level weapon, I'd die without the slightest chance of victory.

    However, if I was fully prepped for battle I could defeat him with the feeling that it could go either way.


    But with this new stalker, I feel as if he was designed for players with completely maxed out loadouts (maxed primed mods,buzzkill, etc.). 


    I've only faced him two times, so I can't truly be sure whether he is overpowered or not. But I cannot even fathom how newer players without all the best/maxed out mods can even stand a chance (which I think might be the point :P)

  10. Man that must suck, too bad I bought wukong and I'm grinding for my clan research, he's worth all the time. Seriously though just be patient why do you have to rush to get him now? He's not going anywhere

    I understand that, things take time. my only problem lies in the way of obtaining Nitain Extracts, its really bothersome 

  11. With the release of Wukong I was eager to try it out, I planned on farming it with my clan (storm) and by the time I was able to log on I saw all resource requirements were met except for one, Nitain Extract. I had no clue what this was or how to obtain it, and after looking on the wiki I found out it was only obtainable through a specific alert. This was an issue for a few reasons


    First, an individual can only obtain one extract per alert. Now this wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't 3 new, VERY popular games that are sucking up everyone's attention. If I were to guess theres probs around 12 active members or so, and as of me making this post we are almost done with the main research, we still have the 3 parts to go


    Second, alerts are very inconsistent, most people don't have the time just waiting for it to show up, this is just like Vauban farming all over again, people with short windows of playtime end up missing it a majority of the time


    IMO this could've been done better, I was thinking that Nitain extracts should drop an ALL alerts with a 25% chance, with an added 25% for every clan/alliance member in your group. This would allow people with Huge clans, but a majority of inactive players to be able to actually farm it more consistently, and provide incentive for clan members to work together. Right now its more of a waiting game, and I'd rather farm alerts with my clan buddies instead of waiting for RNGesus to answer my prayers.


    Not sure how solid this idea is, i'd really appreciate some feedback. Cheers!



  12. Hey, I noticed whenever Oberon uses reckoning on the Manic Bombards, they become stuck in the air for around 10 seconds, I noticed this first during the Tubemen of Regor event and just recently in the simulacrum, anyone else experience this?

  13. Been thinking about this for the past few days, though not all that necessary, I think it would make modding for primaries a whole lot easier and add a lot more diverse builds


    Slot name : Magazine slot


    Dual Mag - Reload speed decreased by 30%


    Extended Mag - Magazine increased by 20%


    Penetrating Rounds - 25% armor ignore OR +1 Punch through, idk which to pick


    Pickpocket - Enemies killed have a +30% chance of dropping loot


    I'm sure overtime I could think of more ideas, this is all I got right now.


    What do you think of this? Would it be too OP? Is it just straight up unnecessary? I'd appreciate any type of feedback







  14. If it were left alone then it would essentially render the rework pointless. Saryn was reworked specifically for miasma encouraging lazy, skill-less gameplay. pretty much saryn was a "press 4 to win" frame and DE doesn't want that.


    In other words: Suck it up buttercup

    Understandable point there. But what about Vauban? I've seen multiple t4 survivals go on for hours with Vauban just using vortex, thoughts?

  15. What if instead of changing miasma, they left it alone during the rework?


    That way all players who built up their Saryn specifically for a Miasma build, wouldn't be forced into changing their playstyle, and whoever wanted a more active build would have the option to do so.


    Everyone ends up happy, right?


    What are your thoughts?


    PS : Never actually played Saryn, only got her for mastery

  16. A little bit after I started playing warframe consistently I kept hearing again and again how Limbo was terrible/useless, but I could never truly grasp what they were saying. 


    Limbo sounded great to me. Infinite Energy? Hell ya! Invulnerability? Hell ya! All at once? Hell ya! how could anyone think this is a bad frame?


    But after finally playing him I couldn't help but think all the energy I could stockpile didn't have much of a use, and his 3rd ability seemed useless, and a personal damage buff doesn't seem to make sense with a utility warframe


    After a while I thought of an augment that could possibly make him more useful : 


    Dimensional Warp - Rift surge augment - Allies inside the rift can attack enemies outside of the rift with a 1.5x damage buff. To compensate, Allies will no longer gain energy, and lose their invulnerability, but will ignore 50% damage while Limbo himself will ignore 75% damage.


    With my busy schedule, I've only been able to play Limbo a short while (only rank 21 lol) so I understand that my opinion isn't as credible as other player's opinions are. So please, give me your feedback so that I may be able to make even better ideas.





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