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Posts posted by Alltaer

  1. The corrupted weapon you can get in Void Fissure missions and gives you unlimited ammo seems to cancel the syndicate proc on Synoid Simulor. don't know about other syndicate weapons. Also I am not sure if this is a bug or an intention, seems like a bug thought 
    As you can see, no Suda icon in the corner and the proc wasnt happening at all




  2. 1) Vaykor Syandana physics are sslightly broken since certain patch ( I dont remember which exactly) the upper parts of the tubes that were attached to the main "bag" part of the Syandana are not attached anymore, causing the tubes to fling wildly when mocing and clip through the main part of thy Syandana when standing in place

    2) Nezha noble animation bugs out when doing the idle animation, the Frame lags all over the place before going back to the normal stance AKA the Idle Animation ends


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