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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. The Nikana stance could do with having the fast movesets from Blind Justice since those to me feel the most Conclave-friendly given the frantic movement there is in Conclave.

    Conclave in general needs a proper balance overhaul, since people are complaining about the following in the spoiler below:


    -Opponents are flying around with maximum parkour effectiveness.
    -Running is too slow.
    -Ignis Wraith is too effective.
    -Zaws are too effective.
    -Certain other weapons outclassing others, ranging from starter weapons to Lato Vandal.
    -Opponents operating with what can only be called an 'aimbot level of skill'.
    -No Conclave Server search list so those of us on PC who lack the means to keep up with these godlike opponents can have a fair fight and a less frantic match.
    -And that numerous abilities are useless. In fact from personal experience most Warframe abilities are useless.


  2. All Warframes do that 'T-pose'-esque freeze when you exit them, but I agree that Umbra could do with something else. Maybe DE should make this a customizable element of every Warframe, to give them a pose from a list of poses for them to snap to when they go into standby, ranging from the collapsing one to the first bit of Inaros Noble idle animation?

  3. Warframe: Make sure Primed Vigor and Rage are part of this build or else you cannot sustain your attacks, regardless if they're channeled or not.




    -Get rid of Berserker, it's a waste of space in my opinion.

    -Keep Sacrificial mods due to Umbra Polarity being irreplaceable.

    -Add a V polarity to add Condition Overload.

    -4 dual-stat elemental mods for more proc chances.

    -Life Strike at maximum for when you need a heal.



  4. You can't undo what has already been done. We on PC had to adapt.

    Think however of the benefit this can bring; look at Excalibur for example, and his Exalted Blade. Now, put Rage and focus Excalibur on health, and toss Life Strike on the Exalted Blade.

    The result is being able to quickly summon the blade, and hit an enemy with a channeled attack to regain all lost health, then put it away so you can kill some more and then use other powers freely.

  5. 22 minutes ago, DaemonFleur109 said:

    You are mistaken. All warframes are created through humans (and cloning for mass production). its just umbras have memories with them. 

    Still feels like more umbra warframes would null out excal umbra, but i guess its better to know that all warframes wont be umbrad

    Umbras are the only ones who have a Dax within; all other Warframes, starting with the Prime/Orokin-Era-release versions and ending with the cheap versions we've cobbled together, are built purely from blueprints, meaning they remember nothing as they were not resurrected like Umbra and his potential future family - if it could be called a family - has been by literally taking his remains and gluing them back together using Vitruvian data and the Foundry.

    It's no different than taking, say, scans of Kela De Thaym, cutting her up, then taking her remains to your Orbiter for reconstruction, and then she's in a bit of a weird spot.

    To that end, common and Prime Warframe bodies are merely Infested golems with Transference bolts, armour, and the equivalent of an Amp grafted into them; Alad V explains this during Second Dream, citing that there was 'nothing' inside. This also makes more sense than growing an entire human. Ballas, Hunhow, and the Queens also clarify this pre-Sacrifice.


    To top it off, the more Umbras we gather, the more of a literal crew we end up with having to handle. Imagine what can happen between and Excalibur and a Nyx, both Umbra. Actually, don't. That would just be too... intimate?


  6. Ballas' private Umbra line of Warframes are limited, likely because of how few 'best Dax' survived the trials-in-disguise-as-battles against the Sentient. Excalibur Umbra was, based on the visual information and general information Ballas and Isaah provided, a very high-ranking Dax, probably an equal to Master Chief due to his autonomy and freedom to act, until Ballas caught him.

    The spoilers shall elaborate.


    The reason a Warframe would retain memories can only stem from the fact that we would be reconstructing it from parts we've recovered from their final resting place. For Umbra's case, we scanned and took back sufficient parts to substitute all of his core components, meaning we didn't need to:
    -Grow a 'useless hollow shell'. -Craft systems, chassis, or neuroptic components. -Wait 72 hours for both to be properly put together.

    This also can apply to Mirage, Inaros, and other Warframes - even Chroma, before they were destroyed and only their blueprints remained.

    Blueprints cannot retain memories; pre-built parts and bodily remains can.

    Also we gave Umbra some Kuva during his reconstruction if you examined the component requirements.

    Each Umbra will likely have a different reason for being and may be a side-quest with the same structure as The Sacrifice, and each Umbra could come with a new Umbra-exclusive weapon; I wonder if the next will be throwing knives?

    Also, if DE goes with Nyx Umbra, we'll likely get more Dark Sector callbacks.

    One other thing: DE explained that the Primes are the original, Orokin-era 'release version' of the respective Warframe, meaning that Valkyr Prime would probably have been a weaponized variation and the modern Gersemi was a custom variation made by a Tenno separately, in a similar vein to how Stalker (who I am now believing was a Dax since his Codex entry states he could not shout during the Ceremony when he noticed the Tenno were about to act; by then he probably was turned Umbra by Ballas willingly but didn't realize Ballas' plot; this also explains why he willingly sided with Hunhow rather than trying to attack him and how come he had some of the Umbra Chassis cosmetic elements).

    Umbras thus were an experiment on Ballas' part, and any Warframe we find now is a cheap Tenno version of the Prime (since they also existed during the Old War, it could be said that when the Prime Foundries were destroyed by the Sentient invaders that the Tenno began to revise the blueprints for greater numbers at a smaller cost, reserving Primes for ceremonial or special tasks where flair is required).

    Not to mention, as one last thing, that if Umbras can't toggle off their Umbra cosmetics then their Primes will likely be staying, at least for the fashion, but also since:
    1: Primes have more flexibility in how they are modded. 2: Primes have Void Orb passive. 3: Primes will remain immune and stay where they are rather than getting caught up in weapons fire. 4: Primes have to be obtained and levelled to get more Mastery XP meaning skipping them and their non-Primes is a bad idea/practice; it would be like going for Chroma Prime without levelling Chroma, then going back to build Chroma later.


  7. 8 minutes ago, Dukethumper said:

    Holy Crap, i used to main Chroma for so long, and if this became the new chroma i would play him again, this is the vest idea i have seen to fix Chroma, if DE announced only this at Tennocon i would be happy

    The way I see Chroma is that he has taken the body of a Conculyst and made it his coat. To that end, his abilities should partly reflect Sentient combat abilities, such as infinite aimgliding, but at a cost of energy due to the pelt having no Sentient source. [PH]Vlad is the inversion of this; a Warframe who has literally siphoned Sentient energy, perhaps from a Fragment of Eidolon, as to attempt to empower himself.

  8. 1 hour ago, (XB1)ResidentRecon89 said:

    For your Forma question, no, the forma you use on a Frame, Weapon etc. it would be a one and done thing. Once you forma all slots, you then can change the polarity at will when you want to put a specific mod with a specific polarity.

    I mean all the forma we've used to re-forma slots before this change is implemented if ever.

  9. 1: What about all those spent Forma? Would like a Forma refund if such a system is implemented (for when I re-polarize slots). Alternatively, remove the Rank reset that typically came with Forma use.

    2: Resistance mods of these types, as well as their elemental counterparts, already exist as Arcanes. Maybe do some more Eidolon Hunts?

    3: This already exists in the form of wall-latching; if DE was to enable endless wall-latching so long as the floor is within a single jump's range, would that suffice?

  10. 11 hours ago, Talonflight said:

    You keep mentioning that its "forcing" people to opt in, when I've stated multiple times that it isn't forcing anything. If they don't want to play PvP, they can play Solo or Invite Only with a premade party.

    People are not known to communicate. All I'm saying is to have a secondary public setting above public which enables the Open PVP features.

    Warframe is advertised as a Co-op 3rd person shooter. Tossing PVP all over it without giving people the option to run publicly without the PVP elements is a bad idea.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Lijka said:

    I'd take anything, really, though preferably a toggle in the Options called "gtf off my ship"

    For now, though, pressing ESC (or, if using a controller, the menu/pause key) and using that fast-travel system just so you don't look at him at all while preparing for whatever's next will have to do. Personally I treat him as that one guest who unintentionally spooks people every time he says 'hi'.

    Would really like the idea of setting Umbra loose and watching Him run around going "Kiddo, why is this guy after me? Kiddo? Kiddo, this isn't funny!" or something similarly amusing as Umbra chases him with Skiajati drawn, or just hearing Him quietly, faintly, almost breathlessly mumble "Kiddo, tell him to let me go... please?", and when you find him, you find him dangling from Umbra's grip at the neck - a mirror to the Stalker holding the Tenno up in the same fashion.

    I mean, if we can't kick Him out, he'd better be a good butler and make sure intruders like the Stalker don't get away with putting tracking devices on our ships or something.

  12. 2 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    I'd recommend a XBox 360 controller for Windows.

    I use a wired version of it which forgoes a battery cell for a permanent wire with a USB connection point on the end, which I believe was discontinued but maybe unofficial variants are still being sold?

    As for OP, I don't know if that controller type works and you might want to ask someone such as [DE]Steve on Twitter about widening compatibility for other controller archetypes. For now, consider acquiring a wired Xbox 360 controller or a controller type that has been confirmed to be Warframe-compatible until DE enlightens us with a clear answer.

  13. The Codex itself needs a bit of a cleanup and revisit so that there's more lore to read, more stuff to look up or find, and just more information - like the tips from loading screens or what Forma, Exilus, Reactors/Catalysts do, among countless other things people want to know about ingame rather than having to go elsewhere and get spoiled in the process to figure out manually if they can't ask others who've understood it the questions.

    Nutshell: Agreed.

  14. The Donda does not affect this literal Void Demon. The only current solution is to just ignore it and use the in-Orbiter fast travel system rather than walking anywhere.

    Based on how it addresses the Tenno as 'Kiddo' and how the Tenno, in War Within, recites a line from The Father saying "Something's out there, Kiddo, watching us...", it could be The Father in a disembodied state, and the Warframe (Harrow) could be to blame for the violence caused.

    To that end, an optional means to contain Him, even if it means having Umbra patrol the ship or trapping him in a Specter and space-venting him if that's your thing, should be something that DE should honestly consider working on since some of us would rather throw him off the ship, or otherwise make his appearances predictable (i.e: Ordis reporting where he is on a minimap so you could avoid or confront him), or even just have Umbra scare the Void-life out of him by strangling him at every opportunity for his own amusement.

  15. 2: If that's happening to Operators, can a similar thing be done for Landing Crafts? Can we link specific appearance configs to specific loadouts so we won't have to swap to a Prime theme every time I select my Prime-themed loadout?

    4: DE is working on that. What we've got is but a fragment of UI 3.0, and to me it's got some issues I'll go over later.

    5: Agreed; more sorting options would help.

    6: @[DE]Steve claimed that they were ditching the Diegetic UI trait. I will sorely miss it as the Diegetic element of the UI was one of Warframe's more innovative concepts; they shouldn't remove it, they should reinforce it. DE will likely continue to phase out the Diegetic UI element if nobody cares, and it'll be like UI 1.0 all over again - though I never really experienced that.

    7: Some skins do not allow the Prime/Umbra to turn off their unique attachments. This is also why Excalibur Umbra's fashion strength is heavily restricted.

    UI 3.0 issues:


    -Nameplates/words are not enabled by default for Inventory management.
    -Diegetic UI element is missing on pause menu. Why are DE removing a feature that gave Warframe a unique sense of immersion?
    -UI is in a 2.5 phase, where it's still transitioning. This issue will resolve itself.
    -Square icons are too small for rectangular images. Revise scale of squares to fit rectangular images, thus giving room for additional information such as everything we could see with UI 2.0's inventory management and the such. Doing this would help DE save time since they wouldn't have to make 2 icons for every item.
    -UI sometimes becomes very, very transparent when closed while using a trading terminal, causing the trading terminal UI to also go invisible, forcing the trade to have to be cancelled and restarted. The ability to control how transparent the background UI elements are should be ours, for more customization.
    -The Vitruvian-theme UI looks slightly desaturated; would like control over this.
    -The 'Legacy' theme does not properly reflect UI 2.0's clean, straightforward style.
    -Will there be a theme which is just simple white/black and black/white with no special sounds or decoration?


  16. Why skip to damage 4.0 when damage 2.51 hasn't even come out yet? That's like Windows 8 skipping Windows 9 for Windows 10 all over again.

    -Giving every mod a version with a lower/upper limit and not being able to reclaim the credits and endo spent 1:1 on the lower version(s) will only increase the grind, and make it exploitable due to the highest rarity being acquirable by just being taxi'd to the highest-level missions to, in a futile manner, try and help out against unkillable enemies that can only be killed with the highest rarity mods.

    -Umbra mods are Umbra variants of mods exclusively for Umbra Warframes/weapons and thus they should only be obtainable by obtaining the Umbra Warframe/weapon related to them (see: Excalibur Umbra + Skiajati). They should not be obtainable separately - that would be like making Primed mods obtainable beyond Baro.

    -Primed Mods should remain where they are in the obtainability spectrum as Baro/Login specific things, or else all builds will only consist of Primed/Umbra mods.

    -Post looks rushed and key points are difficult to pin down.

    -After reading this through, I've lost the plot. This isn't Damage 4.0, this is Mods 3.0, and the current state of Mods is relatively fine as it allows for variety and evolution without having to ditch the entire system - like how the first mods were essentially the ancestors of Rivens.

    My concept for Damage 2.51:



    Physical types:
    -Slash remains as is, causing bleeding effects.
    If enemy is shielded, the bleed effects will not occur; if enemy is armoured, the bleed procs are slower; if enemy is moving, bleed procs go faster.

    -Puncture should gradually reduce enemy armour, and after enough procs have been stacked, enemy armour is permanently reduced by a fixed percent.
    No armour? Subsequent procs deal increased damage and reduce enemy damage output.

    -Impact causes enemies to freeze mid-animation (light stagger, delay, causes slight slow effects).
    No shields? Subsequent procs begin to trigger Puncture and Slash*.

    *Mechanical enemies need different bleeding effects, unless they're Specters or Warframes - surely they'd have pipes somewhere?

    Elemental types:
    -Procs can stack for increased damage and duration, instead of proccing separately.

    -Procs that successfully destroy enemy shields or armour expose the target to more damage from those elements?



  17. While I agree that Chroma's current powers are lacking, and DE's attempt to give him team viability somewhat confuses his position, the way you reworked him is, in my opinion, lackluster. 

    1: Removing his 1 is a bit much, and replacing it with his passive is even worse. Now he has no passive. What is his passive now?
    2: Vex Armour relied on 'broken math' to simplify DE's reason for nerfing him to worse-than-Rhino-ness. That isn't going to fix it.
    3: The pelt actually does as much damage as his 1, it's only usefulness is to be a meatwall which can knock over and stun enemies.

    I propose my solution, which at it's core preserves what Chroma has, and adds to it.



    Chroma Revisit.

    Passive: Sentient Adaptation.

    While pelt is equipped, gain stacking resistances to 1 damage type and become immune to that type's proc until another damage type surpasses it.

    Spectral Scream:

    -Tap to scream at the enemy, causing them to be stunned and exposed to elemental damage which is multiplied from all sources.

    -Hold to enter/exit Spectral Scream:

    --Weapon fire key causes Chroma to exhale his currently chosen element. Has Condition Overload built into it and damage increases as long as Chroma is dealing damage via a combo counter which will degrade when damage isn't being dealt (the lifespan of this combo counter can be increased by duration mods).

    --Tapping will scream again, like before. The 'stun scream' duration increases with duration and strength mods.

    --Aimgliding is infinite and unaffected by gravity, but sustaining it beyond the natural duration will drain Chroma's energy to keep the wings active.

    --Melee key will buffet the enemy, knocking them back, down, and ragdolling them at 10 energy per buffet.

    Elemental Ward:

    -Recasting while active increases range and heals Chroma if he has missing health.

    -Holding will cause Chroma to swap to the next element, and his energy colour can be customized on all 4 elements, however Chroma will be self-nullified, and all energy spent will be refunded; abilities will not work for a second.

    Vex Armor:

    -Recasting increases the maximum buff and refreshes shields. If shields are maxed, double them; trying to re-double shields is impossible.

    -If Chroma takes no damage during the time this ability was active, the energy spent on it is refunded.


    -Hold to deploy as before.

    -Chroma cannot enter Spectral Scream's weapon mode while the pelt is deployed, and will not change element until the pelt is reunited with him.

    -Tap to cause it to scream. Screams from the pelt are free, but have a small cooldown. This is replaced with the 'go here' command augment.

    -Using Elemental Switch will not affect Chroma himself while the Pelt is deployed; the pelt instead changes element.

    -Pelt damage ramps up as it receives damage.

    -Hold, or interact with pelt, to retrieve.


  18. I agree with @Sin1989's idea of a bounty board on each Relay with special rewards. Besides Relays serving as:
    -A public meeting space.
    -Conclave, Sanctuary, hand-in-Syndicate-medallion stations, Ducat conversion facilities, and Darvo Deals.
    -Simulacrum, MR practicing, Baro.

    Which somehow are at all Relays. Changing that opens possibilities. In this subsequent spoiler is a bit of an extreme suggestion which can be forgone or reiterated as others desire.



    Conclave could be thrown into the MR8-locked Relay, while the Syndicates could be moved to the MR4-locked Relay (which becomes unlocked at MR3 instead) and only be present there.

    With these changes at play it becomes possible to add new vendors and features to the MR0 and MR8 Relays, like an Arcade or randomized vendors that sell things you could dump your credits into or even just a series of winding, wide street-corridors giving you a view of the civilian life within the Relay and opening up seemingly mundane tasks like 'take this crate of sandwiches to Konzu'.



  19. While this is a bit too far of a wish, I have an alternative proposition, composing of 3 core changes:



    1: Re-add Archweapon parts as loot in Archwing to incentivize playing Archwing but keep Syndicate means of acquisition.

    1A: Additionally, revise most of the mods, introduce non-Archwing/Archweapon mods, and rebalance stats globally for Archwing content.

    2: Add more simple Archwing missions (AW Exterminate, Mobile Defense, Interception etc...) to ease progression. Or create new hybrid missions where you can exit the enemy ship with Archwing, or use Archwing/Archweapons inside locations at the cost of limited mobility and a large hitbox.

    3: Widen/enlarge Corpus Trenchway tiles because they are too narrow with the current Archwing camera and speed, not to mention the many things you can get stuck to and have no way to pull out of.


    -More ways to get Archwing weapons.
    -More Archwing missions of the simple varieties for better level progression.
    -Bigger Corpus Trenchway tiles, since that tileset to me is the only one which is of notable inconvenience.
    -Enhance mods/base stats and introduce non-Archwing counterparts (including several weapons, like Ogris, Quanta, Lenz).
    -Revise enemy scaling. 

    Items denotated in italic are of greater importance.

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