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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. 4 free revives per mission, and the ability to trade for plat. I could list others, but these two are massive and often overlooked.

    Revives before U18: 4 per Warframe per day, with more via Sentinel Sacrifice/Regen build and maxed Arcanes on everything. You could even pay for extra revives, which was a shady practice but Warframe was young, and this is why I build myself for as much survivability on all Warframes as possible.

    Trading: If you don't have the finances, you can trade fish, Prime parts, cut Eidolon gems, and numerous other things, to others, for plat.

  2. If DE unleash Sacrifice today/tomorrow, if it's ready that is, they get the rest of the week to spew out hotfixes and won't have to stay in on the weekend. If it releases when Limbo Prime does, then they will have little to no time to fix it before figuring out how to open a two-way Void portal between home and Tennocon.

  3. 1: Being unable to use Focus powers after War Within, and losing Focus 1.0 nodes when Focus 2.0 was introduced.

    2: Tenno being unable to deal the incredible amount of damage they, according to lore, were capable of.

    3: Corpus trenchways in Archwing are a pet hate, especially because Archwings are not designed to go into confined spaces like those. DE needs to make them bigger or give more tactile movement to navigate them with less bashing into all surfaces.

    4: Javlok (and spearguns in general) being unable to be thrown without needing to be reloaded, and dealing less damage than desired.

    4a: Lack of a Javelin weapon type.

    5: The inability to use some Stances with other weapons, I.E: rapier stance on sword type weapons, machetes, etc...; hammer stances on heavy blades and vice-versa, polearm and staff stances on eachother, and Split Sword using alt-fire to transform into a dual-blade.

    DLC1 (AKA 6): Plains being smaller than expected and receiving no size expansions as of this moment.

    7: The huge Grineer tower and underground areas being un-enterable and being almost never used.

    8: The Fallen Sentient known as Eidolon being somehow 'invisible' to Hunhow despite it's dead body being literally all over the Plains and the sea around it.

    9: No signs of Sentient dropships or quadrupedal heavy Sentient units as of this moment. Will be proven wrong very soontm.

    10: Corrupted not using unique dialogue or Prime weapons.

    11: Limbo Prime being before Chroma Prime. I understand why, though, since Limbo needs little to no change based on what DE's been saying.

    12: No Hydroid/Zephyr Prime trailers.

    13: Gantulyst and Hydrolyst not having unique sounds unlike what was heard in the Shrine of the Eidolon teaser.

    14: Variants being removed from Conclave despite being a nice addition, and no server search list being available to better find Conclave matches since the current search engine for Conclave dumps you in an empty lobby or a lobby full of Conclave veterans with no inbetween.

  4. Did you not read about UI 3.0?

    The virtual cursor and the 'rewiring' of all the console controller keybinds for UI was in preparation for unifying console and PC UI controls so that when UI 3.0 ships out, DE can then dispose of UI 2.0 over time (since, based on what information is out there, UI 2.0 is a pile of spaghetti code and that means any changes could kill that UI).

    Steve, among others, was also likely inspired by how some games had a virtual cursor (like Mass Effect's star chart using the ship as the cursor, so to speak, or, more recently, Destiny (2) with it's 'innovative' UI).

    In length and in short, the current UI state is 2.25, 3.0 will look familiar, but very different. Check this Twitter for evidence. It's in the spoiler due to the formatting and sheer size of Twitter embeds.




    • Like 1
  5. This would be possible if Microsoft and Sony were to stop being so religious about their numerous restrictions and other things, ranging from platform exclusivity to strange behavior regarding other console populations being visible via titles such as Fortnite, which accidentally did it at the press of a button.

    On the note of different game builds, there is currently a glaring discrepancy with PC lacking the convenient D-pad, shortcut controller keybinds, and UI fixes which the console builds currently have. If PC was to have that fixed, and then have a separate build designed for those who wanted to cross-play (which would update when the certification process on the actual console builds is done).

    This cross-platform build could be a toggle on the login screen which would cause your account to roll back what it obtained beyond the cross-platform build until the future build is available. Only issue with the account rollback/roll-forward would be syncing up both and adding the extra stuff you obtained on the cross-platform build to the PC 'perpetual beta' build and vice-versa when said future build becomes available.

    It would require an investment from us all, however, so DE can get more servers to handle this extra payload.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Althial said:

    Eidolon frame. 

    [PH]Vlad is a Sentient Energy-afflicted Warframe. Chroma is closer to an actual Sentient/Warframe amalgamation because of his Conculyst-like Pelt.

    As for OP:
    0: Excalibur is a Starter frame. These changes would likely confuse experienced users and new users alike.
    In this spoiler are my ideas for any changes I'd like for Excalibur. 


    1: His passive enhances melee weapons of the sword variety, though it including all bladed weapons, like rapiers, tonfa, heavy blades, and nodachi/odachi/2h_katanas would help.

    2: That variant of Slash Dash could just be 'hold 1 to charge through enemies, gibbing any enemy that Excalibur's Exalted Blade passes through with finisher damage; if they don't die, they suffer massive puncture, impact, and bleed procs' which drains extra energy to power up. Current Slash-Dash could do with being able to chain (like Rhino's Charge or Atlas' Landslide discounting energy on subsequent casts and increasing damage up to 4x).

    3: This alternative 'radial javelin' concept is intriguing, but I think should be reserved for another Warframe. Instead, take Radial Blind and Javelin and have them as a swappable pair of powers like Vauban's 2. Give Excalibur a new 3 which allows him to drain his energy, making his shields reflecting damage to attackers and making him recover much faster from knockdowns and staggers. If this and the previous suggested change are too much for Excalibur, then these changes could be applied to Excalibur Prime and Umbra. The reason his new 3 does what it does is based on how the game starts, with Lotus overcharging the Warframe and making it able to spam powers and take essentially no damage. In addition, as an alternative to the 'swappable like Vauban's 2', Radial Blind could be the 'tap' mode, and Radial Javelin could be after a very short chargeup period (Excalibur raises the blade as if to cast blind, flips it before it goes too high, and then slams it into the ground).

    4: As I said on the end of my 3rd point, the changes I suggested here could and probably should be applied to Excalibur Prime and Umbra, mainly to make Umbra a little bit more unique. Then again, Sacrifice is imminent and I expect Excalibur Umbra to be the complete-at-end-of-Quest reward and Ballas' sword to be a thing to farm for, much like Orvius.

    If you haven't opened the spoiler and read it all through, then what I'll say next will make no sense:
    Maybe reserve this rework, be it mine or yours, for his Prime and Umbra variants exclusively?

  7. 0: This post would benefit from adding spoilers and titles to segregate the content herein.

    1: Directly invading public gameplay with no upper 'Solar Conclave on/off' button is a terrible idea.

    2: This would ruin Invasions as they are now and make them very difficult to run. Connecting to them for some would be impossible.

    3: Clan Dojos are not constructed with intrusion countermeasures in mind. This change would require giving Clans a 'war Dojo' or those planned Tenno Railships - a means to prepare and a place to invade.

    Personally I wouldn't go with this route. Such drastic changes would obviously make a lot of people go a bit mad and quit, especially the easily enraged console users. Right now I cannot figure out how to iterate, but the first step is to give Clans a Conclave presence and extra rewards for bringing a team of Clan members to a Clan VS Clan Conclave match.

    An extension on this can be found in the spoiler below. 


    Before I continue, I just remembered a similarly crazy idea about how to make Clan bases work. It begins by adding a Void Portal tile to the Dojo which would unlock the ability to 'key in' a tileset, go to it, clear out the enemies, and build over the area by placing Tenno defenses, Clan Specter patrols and so on.

    Clan Base progression: 




    The tilesets used in this new system would be modified to the point where all buildings in the tileset can be dismantled or modified, as though the entire tileset's structures were built from prefabs, much like Halo's Forge maps. Some buildings which are inset into the tile cannot be entirely scrapped, but their insides would have extra geometry in the event you, for instance, destroy the little corridor behind the giant Corpus door on the snow base tileset. Resources obtained from destroying objects in these tilesets using Clan Gear (laser-cutters and so on; stuff that can also be used in the Plains and, inevitably, on other Landscapes) are yours to keep or can be donated to the Clan Vault in exchange for credits. 

    Stage 0: Build a Void Portal room.
    Stage 1: Clans can choose from existing outdoor tilesets which have a Void Portal tile available. Only Clan members can enter the Portal room.
    Stage 1A: The next step is to send a team through the portal and find the command center of the tileset. They have to hack it and override the local system, making new 'passwords' using the Cipher system of that faction.
    Stage 1B: The Clan must purge the area of all remaining enemies, which are numbered and marked on the radar thanks to hijacking the command center.
    Stage 1C: If the Clan doesn't want the area, they can return to the portal and close it, but if they cancel the closure, they'll be able to continue to progress to build the area.
    Divergent path 1: Raiding.


    Continuing to connect to random tiles and killing everything, then hijacking the command center to find survivors and kill them, taking all the supplies and leaving by closing the portal, which takes an hour, would mark the Clan as 'raiders' by the enemy factions. Their Assassins would appear as soon as possible and as often as possible in your missions, even if it is futile for them.

    Note that you can only have one Void Portal permanently locked to a tileset. This number increases based on Clan size, but it is optional.

    Path 2: Base building and holding ground.


    Stage 2: Once the position is held, you can help the Clan clear out the place and build using prefab components grafted from existing tilesets and would've-been tilesets - such as a Tenno Clan base. The Clan can begin a full-industrial makeover of the place. 
    Stage 3: Once the position has been built to the point where the following structures exist (Reactor, Barracks, Command Center (already exists due to being hijacked), and Vault), the place is eligible for being invaded by opposing Clans. The smaller the base, the weaker the defenses but the less resources it would have; the bigger it is, the tougher it is, the more grofit it holds.
    Stage 3a, divergent path 3: Armistice Zone: If the Clan chooses not build a Barracks and Vault, the place can be made open to everyone as a social space which acts like Maroo's Bazaar. A small tax of up to 500 credits can be imposed to access the location. The place is immune to invasions.
    Stage 3b: Not building a Vault makes the place less enticing to loot, but will make it easier to claim for invaders.
    Stage 4: Clans may pick a fight with eachother, challenging eachother to come up with the most difficult base configurations.

    Divergent path 4: Invasion. 



    1/3: You can invade an opposing Clan by using the Void Portal to open a Fissure near arrival point of the Clan base, and then deploy Archwing. The intro cutscene is your Clan members landing like Sentient Fighters thanks to the Archwings.
    2/3: You must kill, sneak, or otherwise find your way to one of the three main structures and either sabotage or destroy them.
    2a: Sabotage:


    Reactor: It's a ship reactor from the related faction's ship reactor tileset. Orokin, Tenno, and Sentient would get their own variation of the theme with different ways to sabotage it and proc different elements. The sabotage process is a 1:1 copy of the ship variant. Destroying it would cause the base to operate on the Portal's power source, which currently is the Clan Dojo, meaning the base's doors become manual, alarms don't work, and lights are dim.
    Barracks: You can take the ammo from their weapons and misplace the weapons on opposite racks, or even just put the fuel cells in the center and rig a problem for the Clan when they check it out. Blowing it up causes the Specters to resort to melee weapons if they can't get ammo.
    Command Center: You can hack it and place the sector on lockdown, forcing the Clan to try and get it back.

    3/3: Destruction of all 3 structures causes the area to be unavailable for invasion if the attacking Clan managed to breach the Vault. The vault would contain a hefty sum of resources related to the planet the tileset is on, as well as a unique thing, like an Arcane or Corrupted Mod. This vault is guarded by a Synthetic Teralyst and cannot be breached without termination of the Teralyst. The Teralyst will forcibly call upon Specter reinforcements as each limb is destroyed. Due to being simulated, it isn't impervious to normal damage but the limbs act as hardpoints and Sentient Adaptation modifiers. Is immune to Sentient Adaptation resets via Void Damage; limbs do not adapt to damage; loss of limbs renders it unable to become immune to damage types. Once all limbs are destroyed, it will forcibly teleport all allied Clan members to it, and they have to be killed until they can't revive before the Vault will unlock.

    4/3: The Clan that owns the area is capable of retaliating throughout all 3 stages of a given Invasion and is able to bring up to 16 Clan members. The invaders can bring up to 8 Clan members only. The base will never be unguarded and is patrolled by a mixture of Specter patrols ranging from Corrupted Prime infantry (a mixture of male/female Corpus/Grineer troops using Prime weapons) to Specters of Warframes and simulated creatures, including a Synthetic Teralyst.


    Also, the Void Portal can be used to access Clan-exclusive missions which could be related to the Kingpin system.

    All Clan conflicts should be put through the lens of Conclave in the following manner:
    -When Tenno or their summon does damage to an opposing Tenno/Tenno-summon, it would be to Conclave scaling and ignore mods besides fire-rate, accuracy and reload mods.
    -All health/shields/armour of a Tenno or their summon would be to Conclave scaling and ignore mods, when receiving damage from an opposing Tenno.
    -Mind control or enemy domination powers will only make an opposing Tenno open to damage from their own team.
    -Freezing powers will only slow opposing Tenno.
    -Powers will scale to Conclave scaling when used on opposing Tenno.

    -Non-Tenno/Tenno-summon entities can be killed as normal, as if Conclave scaling was off.

    Reminder: Clan 'Railships' were subtly hinted at in numerous devstreams, which originate from Tennocon 2017 footage. Also, Dark Sectors 2.0 is not abandoned, they just have The Sacrifice, Venus, and the Tau System on their hands and got distracted with Damage 2.5. Also, Frame-fighter and Stalker 'override'* (latter was shown in Tennocon 2017).

    *This can be the debut for the Clan Conflict scaling tech where Stalker's weapons and health scale to Conclave values when enemies attack him. His powers would randomize after a random number of uses, and he would have cooldowns on them, but have infinite energy. He would operate on a 'salvaged' version of Parkour 1.0 and would be able to perform wall-slides (wallrun + crouch) as well. Also, Tenno-driven Stalker would be only able to attack Tenno who have 'Solar Conclave' enabled.


    This may seem like a pile of random ideas at first, but I hope they give you a better idea as to what I personally would like to see regarding all this. Not to mention, Warframe is marketed as a cooperative game and so if normal Tenno who don't know what an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst is or never check the forums encounter another Tenno who spawns as an Assassin, then there will be much rage on the forums, hence why it would be best to try and relegate it to Clan-specific content like this.

    Also with DE making more props to remake existing tilesets inside a Dojo, the Clan Base concept is much more viable and may give some flashsides to Minecraft servers which have Clan conflict mechanics or something of a similar nature. On the plus side, it means that Invasions don't have to be in a Clan Dojo so Clans don't have to make their Dojos near-impossible puzzles with false pathways and misleading teleporters.



  8. Melee Amp:



    A melee amp from Cetus would be logical, though I expect this melee amp to basically be Exalted Blade, which would actually make sense considering that each Warframe was built around the afflictions - the raw powers - we Tenno have. The cost for such a weapon however would be time, resources, a limit on how effective the weapon is at certain ranges, and that we'd be unable to use Void Beam or Void Blast while it is equipped since it would be an amp.

    Edit: However, said amp would benefit from Void Blast and Void Beam related Focus nodes.

    However, like @Kurokoz said, The Sacrifice has a very small chance to bring an unexpected Operator-related expansion to the table (given the Quest itself is explicitly about the Warframes, much like how the Second Dream is explicitly about the Tenno Operator or how War Within was explictly about the Tenno's past for the most part).

    As Cephalon Sark would say, sometimes, in the Index - "Restrain enthusiasm for that Capitalization?"

    Divergent note:


    I've unlocked the following Waybounds:


    Unairu: +200% Operator armour.
    Vazarin: 4+ HP per sec regen for Operator. Considering getting the other Waybound from this School which adds even more health.
    Madurai: + Amp/beam regen rate. Considering getting the other Waybound from this School which adds more capacity.
    Working on:
    Zenurik: +90% energy regen for Operator. Considering getting the other Waybound from this School which adds more energy.
    Once this is done, I would then work on unbinding Naramon's Waybound nodes so that I can freely swap between whatever School I deem necessary, besides Naramon for melee xp and combo decay delay or Zenurik for the free energy restore thing.



  9. I agree that Void damage needs to be more destructive. I have a number of solutions which, by the end of me typing this all out, will be in a spoiler.


    Void Damage should firstly have a stacking effect of making enemies vulnerable to it. Subsequent Void damage adds to a combo multiplier which does not instantly disappear, but instead gradually drains - like a Chroma's energy when Effigy is deployed. This multiplier stacks Void damage until the all enemies affected by it die (using Saryn's latest spore damage tech).

    Secondly, Void Damage should proc random status effects upon a successful combo of, say, 3 hits. This will make firing amps' normal modes an equally effective choice. Disclaimer: continuous Void damage weapons must fire in small bursts to achieve combos.

    Thirdly, Void Damage should bypass all resistances, except absolute immunity (i.e: Rhino's Iron Skin during it's initial cast timeframe, Hydroid's puddle form, and all equivalents).

    Fourthly, Void Damage for continuous Void weapons, including 'natural' Void Beam, will ramp up. It starts at a base damage, and multiplies based on both the 'ammo' 'consumed' and the amount of time the beam has stayed on target. This would make innate Void Beams a very powerful choice, but amps would have a lot of utility and flexibility.

    Fifthly, Void Damage has a long damage over time which grows as long as the enemy is taking Void damage. When they stop taking Void damage, the timer for the DoT begins to count down. If you sustained the beam for a minute, the damage will amplify over that time.

    Sixthly, Void Damage should be innate to Exalted/ability-based weapons and powers as a base damage type which can only be modified by power strength, but the damage these abilities would do against a Teralyst would not be enough to take out it's shields due to the fact that a Warframe's powers are diluted and focused thanks to Transference.

    Conclusively, while this may seem overpowered, we're Tenno. Our Warframes and existing arsenal already kill everything; our Operator however is a fragile thing that must learn to unbind waybounds and stack some Magus Vigor before they can stand a chance of survival, and their Void Beam (or Amp)/Void Blast fails to give us the impression that we're using a power that is difficult to control and neigh-impossible to master as the Lore currently indicates.

    Edit 0: This would also mean that all Void damage from Amps needs to be tuned down, significantly, to make such changes feel reasonable.


  10. Bursas are like Halo's Covenant Hunters or Destiny 1's Cabal Phalanxes; the Bursa's riot shields, even like the Grineer Shield Lancer, are immune to all damage (except punch-through weapons).
    To solve this I can list a myriad of options:



    Excalibur's 2, Rhino's 4, Inaros' 1 and/or 2, Chroma's 4 when it roars, Nidus' 3, Vauban's 3/4, Atlas' 3, Volt's 4, Loki's 2 (sneak behind them), Ash's 2 then 1 or 4 (stealth + augmented shuriken + bladestorm), Hydroid's 3/puddle mode because it can't swim, Nekros' 2 or 4 (let the Shadows draw it away), Gara's 3 or 4, Frost's 4, Ivara's zipline (go above it), Valkyr's 3 or just 2+4, Harrow's 1. There are many other methods using other Warframes, however.

    If your Warframe lacks the means to stop the Bursa, then consider bullet jumping to a high vertical surface, wall-latching, then spraying down at it.

    If you completed War Within, you could press 5 and then use the crouch-linked ability to get behind it and then surprise it with a surprise attack from behind by pressing 5 and then hastily unloading all ammunition into it's back. Alternatively, if you've done Eidolon hunts, you can otherwise use that Amp to do some damage.



  11. @TARINunit9, even so, the mechanic is major enough to be locked behind a quest - like Howl of the Kubrow. 


    ...Though the idea of weapon-sharing between frames could be thrown out for, basically, carrying two loadouts to one mission (i.e: Gara and Frost; Gara for the wall, Frost for the dome which adds another layer of protection; or Saryn and Chroma to make maximum use of Saryn's spores and Chroma's spectral scream to melt enemies due to how effective spores are). 


  12. 19 minutes ago, Tenno607 said:

    does anyone have a good orikin style excal fas[h]ion frame?

    The current Prime-style fashion for Excalibur varies quite a bit depending on what you can get your hands on. If you want a wannabe-Prime, then Excal has a few skins that get him closer, and there's armour that helps close the gap further. However, the simplest Orokin/Prime style you can go for is to try and exaggerate Excal's basic colours, swapping his red colour for a yellow.

  13. 1 minute ago, TARINunit9 said:

    That's just normal gameplay

    Details compressed into spoiler.
    Nutshell: 2nd Warframe as companion.



    At first it may seem so, but then you'd see your Warframe in the transmissions instead of your Operator with a Specter-ified voice (with two versions; one sounding more feminine, and one being the typical masculine tone, dependant on the Warframe's gender). It tries to go Operator, and feels... nothing. Next objective becomes 'sit down and contemplate'. So you sit in a particular area, positioned to be obvious for yourself. Then the scene cuts to your Operator heading to Navigation to drop themselves in via another Warframe (which you control).

    Then you arrive at your former Warframe and Transference in. You greet yourself and end up planning the route ahead.

    At the end, you get to employ a secondary Warframe instead of a companion, which revives with you (if you and it go down), can be revived (like any companion), can and will try to revive you (if it has AOE denial powers, it will use them, like Excal's radial blind or Frost's ice globe, before reviving you), and can be Transferenced into (meaning you can bring two Warframes to one mission; however, this secondary Warframe will borrow your weapons if you're not using them (i.e: swap to sidearm, secondary frame swaps to your primary, and so on; if it's using a weapon you need, the swap time is about a second longer due to what's happening).



  14. 29 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    [1: Eidolon is Eidolon.]

    [2: Margulis = Margulis or clone?]

    [2a: How did Lotus become Lotus?]

    [3: What happens when Lotus is disconnected from Margulis?]

    [3a: Vanguard of the Sentient Invasion.]



    1: The Fallen Sentient of the Plains is called Eidolon, at least based on what I know. It would make sense that all fragments of a Sentient would have their name as a prefix unless the fragment is not unique to the Sentient. I am terrified of the prospect of Hunhow raising Eidolon from the dead, since Sentients are mechanical.

    2: Margulis pre-execution was Margulis. Then she was executed. Whether they disintegrated her body or not is up/down for speculation but the idea that Ballas gave Margulis a clone and had a Tenno use Transference to bridge Margulis into her false body to stand before the Orokin and have her execution occur is very plausible I'd say.

    2a: Perhaps Margulis (actual) went to Natah because Natah wanted to talk, and then the two decided to merge because Natah wanted to be a mother, not a murderer. Lotus was essentially born, and Natah had been 'killed' in the process. If Natah somehow still exists, she'd probably side with us due to wanting to be a mother, even if we already have/had Margulis and Lotus beforehand (meaning if Natah and Lotus both come to us at the end, Natah would be a sister-figure while Lotus, being the wiser, continued her motherhood).

    3: I believe currently Natah does not exist anymore, since Margulis-Natah became Lotus and Lotus is the disembodied element. Her true Sentient self may ask us for help to fend off Hunhow soon since she is no longer protected by Margulis.

    3a: Hunhow may already be doing this. If he hasn't raised Eidolon from the dead by now, this would be what he's doing. He's in the role of Sovereign (Reaper, Mass Effect 1). The other Sentients may be rebuilding beyond the outer rim as we speak, and could be preparing to converge on us right now, and are just waiting for Hunhow's call-to-arms signal.



  15. 23 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:


    Hydron is obsolete. (Elite) Sanctuary Onslaught has replaced it as Draco Prime.

    As for OP wanting to remove all flat-damage boosting mods, how about, instead, adding:


    -Primary/Secondary Stance mods, which merely skewer a weapon's stats to crit or status or both (+ crit chance and dmg, or + status chance and duration, fits in a stance mod slot for all primary/secondary weapons, perhaps with other mods that increase fire rate and reload speed or something along those lines). In truth, this is just an excuse for +14 or so capacity. 
    -Two more weapon mod slots per weapon, via Exilus installation after Catalyst installation.


  16. I think Ballas would pull an inverted Transference disrupt, which disconnects us from ourselves (meaning no Operator for [X] timeframe or until [E] condition is met), forcing us to be just our Warframe, which would be very interesting to experience in spite of the terrible reality that we may have at least 3 revives (one revive + Arcanes, Sentinel Sacrifice not included).

  17. 9 minutes ago, tucker_d_dawg said:

    Have you seen the code base? do you know this for a fact?

    ...and to have NONE of that information transferred or saved during a host migration is just wrong.

    No, and I'm merely speculating, and I agree  with the point that none of the information is preserved (likely due to how the mission reloads as soon as the migration event occurs wiping all active powers, status effects, and so on). I don't know what else happens during that, but I'm sure there's a way to integrate the Relic Reward slowdown code to replace having to reload the mission while the migration happens which, I believe, should solve this loss of data. However, the sacrifice here would be having no way to reload the mission to fix any number of additional bugs one can find, like that one bug where the Mobile Defense objective didn't spawn or was despawned.

    Hence why if such a measure was successful, the choice to reload the mission should be available to 'refresh' the code and by extension rectify the bugs that had manifested.

    Again, I'm only throwing around guesses here but I hope this concept would find it's way to DE so they can shelve the 'game reloads every host migration' system as 'game reloads when squad votes for it to' (which would require all squad members to vote yes) and to fix this issue.

    Not only that, but it gives people time to communicate and plan how to handle a given mission when [person] is disconnected or similarly unable to maintain a connection, plus if the former host's fast enough, they should have the option of rejoining if that rejoining-a-disconnected-session feature works properly.

  18. 1 minute ago, Firetempest said:


    That pic is missing:


    -Hunhow watching in horror in the background.
    -Teshin delivering things.
    -Darvo and Clem.
    -Alad V with a Zanuka Prime (crafted from buying our credit/Ducat-sold Prime Parts) as a gift for Ballas, which would intrigue him.
    -The Stalker, who's trying to hold back War which would be doing the 'sapient cursed sword that wants to kill everything' trope.

    As for OP, if your kin have abandoned Warframe over UI changes that have received fixes, then they don't care about Warframe at all. Besides, UI 3.0 is imminent and when that comes the UI should be much better. Your kin should know that the controller-cursor idea was inspired by Bungie's Destiny (2) UI system and due to a drive to unify UI controls so DE doesn't have random strands of code everywhere.

    Use the next Primes, Umbra, and Ballas' Sword to make them envious (which should possibly bring them back). If that fails, find the next best thing to compensate for their terrible mistake of leaving Warframe mere days/weeks/maybe_nearly_a_month(?) before the third Cinematic Quest comes out.

  19. 3 hours ago, WSPY said:


    I suppose the solution to the problem lies in how Peer-to-Peer matchmaking works, and what DE could do (after Sacrifice and Venus are out and fixed of any and most bugs) to remedy the situation. Starting with finding a way to make all the connections try and reinforce eachother (meaning, in a way, everyone's host, so that when a Host Migration happens there'll be no loading screen, just a Relic Reward selection-like slowdown while the former host's information is being salvaged, however when there's that one bug (i.e: Sanctuary Onslaught conduit nullifying-on-spawn bug which makes you unable to use any powers for the mission until you die), an option for the squad to vote to reload the mission should exist).

  20. 5 hours ago, [DE]Saske said:

    Currently the UI does not support these additional slots. 

    This implies that I should go do some Conclave soon so I can fit in more configurations, when the UI does support said slots.

    "These puppets will not stop me; I will attack in many forms." - Hunhow, Second Dream.

  21. List of weapons DE hasn't thought of yet (or so I think?):


    -Spear-crossbows (speargun, but crossbow instead of gun; silent, throwing the entire weapon causes it to fire it's flurry of arrows in mid-air, causing them to fly outward in a spiral of arrows once the spear impacts, impaling all enemies hit to surfaces).
    -Javelins; spear, but no gun, and with a quiver. Primary compliment to throwing knives, and adds a functional niche between the full-automatic rifle and bows.
    -Singular versions of throwing sidearms (or a mode where you can make it so, so that you can dual-wield with them).
    -Corpus gunship Osprey gun mounted on arm.
    -Tenno arm-mounted cannon.
    -Throwable axes.
    -A rifle that shoots homing missiles or a beam weapon which reflects off any surface, and enemies after passing through some. Gains range on each successful reflection-from-surface. Could be a Cephalon-related 'rifle'.
    -Sentient Concu staff with a Batta cannon built into the top side. It's a staff-type melee, yes, but it's alt fire uses speargun shooting animations (fires Sentient energy bolts, with longer-charged shots draining energy to enhance damage).


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