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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Weapons used to make other weapons essentially cease to exist, Catalyst included.

    You wasted your plat by buying the Nikana outright when you could've gone into a Clan, rushed the key, rushed the Nikana blueprint, and then bought a Catalyst by itself.

    The only times I ever bought a weapon outright was:


    -Hunhow's Gift. Warning, Second Dream spoiler-related thing.
    -Accidental purchase of Ankyros.
    -Intentional purchase of Javlok, due to Speargun hype.

    In future, don't buy weapons outright if you can get their blueprints via Clan Dojo Research, specific Missions or Quests, or otherwise have a less expensive route.

  2. Just now, DJ_Vauban said:

    All I know is that Kuva survival isn't worth it by itself but apparently a mix of those and floods is better? .w. Switching between floods and survival I mean

    All I know myself is that Kuva survival is a good alternative if/when the tilesets the Kuva Siphons/Floods are on aren't what you want to do. I don't really aggressively farm for Kuva now because I have no real need to make anything that needs Kuva right now, though running it beyond 3 Harvesters (which should be roughly 5 minutes) is not the best course of action.

    Unless you're trying to get that one Riven roll, I don't see the rush.

  3. 2 hours ago, Death-Samurai said:


    Sacrifice is 3rd Cinematic Quest. Second Dream and War Within were previous Quests with the Cinematic things. Apostasy is the prelude or ingame teaser for Sacrifice.

    After Sacrifice, DE can begin to expand on the Origin System's lore and current events using that Quest structure.

  4. 1 hour ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    [Subconscious Void-mind fragment]

    This theory is relatively plausible, but again, Silvana said about how the Warframes themselves had rather violent minds which could be the cause for the skewered 'representations' of The Father and Rell. We as Tenno have been relatively hardened, but with the Lotus disconnected we'll have to investigate this anomaly.

    Based on current knowledge I can bring up a list of terms we can call it, besides the 'Wall-Man'.
    -The Father / Father's Echo.
    -Void Self / Void Subconscious.

    ...All of these possibilities could be true for different Tenno, however. I mean, think about it further for a moment; could we manipulate these Void counterparts in ways we previously never comprehended, ranging from altering their physical/biological/mental being to just using them as extra bodies to stand on activation plates to synchronized activities.

    If he doesn't appear in Sacrifice, then there's no doubt that he'll appear in a story relating to Z10-0, if/when we ever get the chance to revisit the ship, if it's even still around.

  5. My current hypothesis as to who the 'Man in the Wall' is, is The Father's memories and persona preserved in a Void-energy state, like an unrefined version of Corrupted Vor. This also explains why he needs our body as a template for his manifestation - since his actual body has both been lost to the Void and destroyed literally and he probably has no idea what his former body looked like at this point. I cannot connect The Father and the Orokin Executor responsible for the Warframe Project*.

    Chains of Harrow-related content in these spoilers. Also contains the end-*. In actuality, I did this so you don't have to scroll as much. 



    This has me thinking that if we could jam him into a Spectre of a Warframe, he could be of use beyond just greeting us in an unintentionally spooky fashion.

    On the side, being raw energy and trying to invade an already occupied Warframe (Rell, trying to survive within Harrow) is probably what caused Rell to lose control of Harrow, and Harrow to go absolutely insane which sent some of Red Veil mad in extension. Perhaps two Transference streams - The Father's disembodied one, and Rell's equally dismebodied one (since he shifted himself into Harrow as a means of Continuity) without proper preparation had caused such an issue.

    We, however, have many Warframes and swap through them on a frequent, if not regular or irregular, basis, and aren't stuck inside one, which probably gives him some freedom to be sane enough to greet us in the way he has been doing so since he was freed from Harrow's maddening prison.




  6. Soul Punch from Nekros, then Tigris Prime the Hek out of them if that's the case but how is it possible that Zaws are this effective in Conclave?

    DE needs to run another balancing pass on Conclave next time they add anything to it.

  7. Just now, Somisan said:

    What if my friend is the host and unfortunately got dc ?! you dont have to be stupid or troll to sadly make this happened !

    Then it's his internet connection that is the problem. To prevent repeat incidents, refer to my suggestion to set up the session first so you would be the host.

  8. Fixing that would require a highly complicated rework of the host migration system itself which is a risk given that DE's working on Sacrifice, Venus, the Tau system, and who-knows-what-else and thus are stretched incredibly thin.

    Host migration basically reloads the mission due to a number of complex processes occurring behind the loading screen.

    In the meantime, I would recommend setting up a session on Invite Only, then invite people from Clan or Recruitment who want to run Onslaught, so that you are host, meaning no host migrations. It's a little bit of work, but it's worth it until you find a different Warframe and Melee weapon.

    Otherwise, I recommend levelling Energizing Dash from the Zenurik School and running with that for Onslaught and missons where you need energy to operate. If your Warframe is Nidus, sticking Rage and maybe Hunter Adrenaline too should make you able to have almost infinite energy so long as you can tank the damage.

  9. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)Aress said:

    Thank you. It’s been like 4 / 5 hours now. Thought it was  glitched. 


    21 minutes ago, Celthric317 said:

    Understandable. One time I waited one and a half day for it to finish. 

    While waiting for that one Invasion to finish, consider Fissures, fishing, mining, Index, Alerts, Sanctuary, endless missions, and hunting down any items you don't have.

  10. When the Invasion ends (when the bar is 100% red or blue, meaning the Invasion vanishes). You'll get a message from the faction you supported with your reward when that condition is met.

  11. The brown-painted Zanuka Hunter would theoretically have the biggest chance of showing up on Jupiter, beyond the blue 'pet' Zanuka Alad owns...

    Assassination bosses could do with a revisit or a Quest which leads to them getting an upgrade, much like what happened with Stalker.

  12. Nova Prime wasn't the only Warframe to miss the PBR treatment. Rhino, Nekros, normal Nova, and many others, are also in dear need of a slight visual revisit.

    In fact, I'd be remiss to alert you to the fact that Burston Prime is visually broken, and it and Latron Prime deserve a visual revisit, in addition to fixing Tiberon Prime's left hand placement.. 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Magicfingers said:

    forgive my ignorance, but i don't understand...how can they be frozen, yet not frozen?

    When Rift ends but projectiles were fired or remain in a rifted state (theoretically).

  14. I suggest we have these 'minigames' in an actual Tenno/Corpus/Grineer-style tile/room in the Dojo, where people visiting or part of the Clan could access these terminals and play them, or as buildable objects to deploy in-Dojo.

    Also, I agree with the fact that Relays could do with a big expansion - perhaps that red door could open out to the rest of the Relay, involving a myriad of different shops and an Arcade where NPCs and Tenno can be seen playing (perhaps Syndicate members would also be there, just for the immersion). I mean, we've never seen a shopping mall-style location in Warframe before besides Cetus and empty Orokin places.

  15. Just now, ShadowExodus said:

    I think they meant that sentient comes from the design and the abilities are inspired by certain aspects of vampirism but I see where you are coming from. But still waiting for the final verdict on what they show because Rebb mentioned there might be lasers in his 4th ability.

    I could easily see Vlad's replacement power(s) involving Teralyst abilities - like I suggested with the Gantulyst beam. His 4th may involve the Teralyst 'rain of destruction' bombardment move where it fires a blast skyward... Wonder how that'll work indoors, though. Maybe he could have an Exalted beam weapon (turning Gantu Beam into an Exalted sidearm while simultaneously allowing any 1h melee to still be used, borrowing animations from Focus Powers and arm-mounted weapons like Gammacor)?

  16. Just now, ShadowExodus said:

    Why doesn't his power set fit his theme? And they're work in progress either way. But hell no would that 4th ability work. You'll have players avoid using it simply because you sacrifice all energy. 

    Fixed. Replaced 'all' with '100'. Like I said; Sentients so far have never shown the ability to put people to sleep and that Vlad's more of a 'Warframe with Sentient energy coursing through him' than a vampire-frame based on his visual style alone should give a different orientation as to what powers he should have.

  17. Vlad's power-set currently doesn't fit his theme. I've posted my suggestion on how to enhance him, but I'll mention it here:
    Vlad/Revenant is his placeholder name. Based on his visual form, his powers should take cues from the Eidolon Fragments (Vomva, Tera and Gantu -lyst variants specifically) due to his theme being 'afflicted with Sentient energy', an inversion of Chroma's 'wearing a malformed Sentient form to empower himself'.

    Details in the Spoilers.



    Base stats:
    Passive: unchanged.
    Afflict: Add a Vauban-style toggle system where this Warframe can swap between Afflict, Eidolon/Sentient Pact, and Gantu Beam.

    Gantu Beam: This Warframe raises his left arm as it turns orange, before firing a sustained laser which will slow him a little. The beam's damage is based on all damage mods from all weapons equipped in addition to Power Strength, Duration (for status effects afflicted, which are entirely random) and Range (which affects the width and length of the beam; the longer the beam is active, the larger the beam, the more energy is drained to sustain it, and if enemies take damage from it, the damage will also gradually ramp up until it is out of energy). Visually, it's a Gantulyst beam, but smaller. This would be an excellent way to expect all that energy he stacked up. Unlocked at Afflict level 3.

    Sentient Pact: Renamed to Eidolon's Pact and moved to being a swappable power. How it would work now would be a toggle; it drains all the shields he has, and converts them in the following manner: 100 shields = 1 Pact, with a base stack of 5 Pacts. Strength mods will lower the amount of shields required for a stack of Pact. When he's out of shields or the toggle is turned off, the Pacts are applied. Unlocked at Afflict level 2.

    Mist form: Turned into a duration ability, not unlike Chroma's Vex Armor. No longer renders him immune to damage and afflicting people requires dealing damage with melee or Gantu Beam when this is active. Moves to Second Ability slot.

    Hunhow Retaliation: A duration ability which causes all weapons equipped to deal randomized elemental damage as well as proc all the damage types dealt all the time, and increases reload speed. All ammo spent during this ability's duration is refunded over a small timeframe after the ability expires. During this second phase, any damage taken is reflected at the enemy and multiplied by damage mods in addition to power strength, but is not negated (since we've still got Pact). Is new Third Ability.

    Eidolon's Revenge: Sacrifices 1/2 health, [100, was 'all'] energy, and all shields to grant a moment of invulnerability but he cannot move (collapses in a half-ragdoll fashion to one knee). He howls/roars in agony as the Sentient energy is expelled from him, causing all nearby enemies to drop to the floor from the loud sound and a magnetic/radiation proc which remains on the enemies until they die or are themselves afflicted. Allies are also affected by the magnetic proc, but it's effects are inverted; you gain energy rather than lose it. Is new Fourth Ability, since Mass Sleep cannot and does not fit with the Sentients.

    Generally, this would give [PH]Vlad a lot more utility than just another Crowd Enslaving Warframe (we already have Nyx and Nekros, in addition to crowd manipulators like Vauban, Inaros, and Zephyr).



  18. Legacy-looking UI theme:


    I believe one way for DE to make a 'legacy UI' is to have a theme/setting that is stripped of all it's decorative uniqueness, and have the background just transparent enough to see outlines of things like your Warframe in the pause menu, with all the text and lines being the kind of white-on-transparent-grey as it is now. To perfect this concept, we'll need to see the new UI without any of the cosmetic themes on it.



    As for mods, I really hope they don't go and nerf any mods. The most they should do is to alter any channelling/charged-attack related mod so it works in the new system, and most of all they shouldn't remove damage scaling with combo counter as that would lessen the worth of using combo extension builds beyond a Weeping Wounds + Condition Overload setup in the worst case scenario. In general, I agree with your worries about it.



    Oh, and speaking of Focus, thanks to the code on the Sacrifice Hype page, I've been able to use Elite Onslaught to rack up my Focus pool and unbind two of the five Waybound nodes I want to unbind, including: Ammo capacity, Ammo regen, Armour, health regen, and either Energy Capacity or Energy Regen for Operator if I remember. Ones in bold are ones I've already unbound.

    Little bit Raid-related:


    On the Raid subject, Onslaught's ability to load in completely different areas presents a possibility for the ability to load subsequent missions in without having to actually have a loading screen, though whether DE will devise a solution to the networking barriers that are swaying them from working on this or rely on a system like the fan-hosted Conclave servers is yet to be seen. In the meantime, as a solution for such an itch, perhaps the creation of Dungeons (essentially, 4-man Raids) would be worth exploring?


  19. I'm interested with the concept, but it's complete execution won't be possible due to some tilesets being too small for Capture, and Sanctuary Onslaught operating on 1 tileset + random enemy as of now.

    What could be done is that half of the Relics in Onslaught as well as it's Khora/Vandal rewards can be carried over to this Sanctuary mode's loot table.

    As for variants, and other modes I threw together:



    -Sanctuary Space (Elite) Onslaught, where you are in an Archwing, and it operates like normal Onslaught, except you're in space.
    -Sanctuary Flexibility Test, which is this test where you do a variety of fragments of missions, like Defend an objective (Defense (Sortie version), Interception, Mobile Defense), Assassinate (which would be the Warframe Specters Simaris would synthesize based on YOUR loadouts!), and whatever other gametypes that only require one tile (such as very select cases of mini-Spy missions or Rescue).

    Sanctuary Arena modes, which give people a way to get used to PVP gametypes without having played them, or at least a way to sample them:
    -Against a team equal in number to the amount of Tenno on your team, up to 4.
    -This enemy team is comprised of Specters of actual Tenno who played in the other gametypes who have Conclave loadouts.
    -These gametypes operate with Conclave conditions and loadouts.

    A Sanctuary mode which would involve your team, a massive circular room which has objects that can be moved but spawn randomly from below and above, and random enemies coming from all directions (enemies would be only of two different factions).

    A Sanctuary mode which would mix Conclave into it; two teams of 4 are tasked with killing a certain amount of enemies in a certain amount of time in 3 different Zones. The 4th is a randomly picked Conclave map, and Conclave conditions are imposed on arrival (forcing people to swap into Conclave loadouts). This mode is only available to people who have at least one Conclave loadout.


    You may not like all the ideas, and I understand, however if Veterans want a challenge, then some of these modes should help them prepare to face the most unpredictable and daunting of any challenge: Conclave.

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