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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. Just now, Tellakey said:

    I might be missing something here. Where is it mentioned the Corpus made the Orbs with Eidolon Fragments?

    What I'm saying is that the Corpus can't have possibly acquired anything like Eidolon Fragments to allow the Orb Spiders to be immune to all but Void damage. This translates to, for some:
    Finally, a boss that doesn't require an Operator to kill.

  2. I don't see how the Corpus would've gotten their hands on Eidolon Fragments and used those to create the Orb-spiders since Sentients are a perpetual threat to all technology of a certain level of autonomy (i.e: Animo). That means the Orbs may have weak points which expose other weakpoints - I'd vote that they may behave more like Covenant Scarabs from Halo 3 than we'd anticipate.

  3. 2 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    [Separate seats deemed impractical]
    [Stealth attack by Archwing]

    Solution if DE changes nothing: Put the ship out of enemy line of fire, and/or make sure you bring a friend (or three) to keep the ship safe while you're out.
    If solo: Put ship behind asteroids. Deploy Archwing. Slip inside, maybe use the Landing Craft security jammer feature from the Liset, then knock out the defenses and mark the target before getting out and then sniping the ship from your hidden section.

    I wonder if the Railship variants (besides the Sigma Interceptor, which probably will have a few staple abilities - one of which (Helix missiles) was demonstrated on-stream which basically says the Sigma Interceptor is the Odonata of the Railships, meaning, perhaps, there's a Prime variant) will feature other, diverse abilities (perhaps there's ones that mimic Ash or Rhino functionally; going invisible then marking targets which are then hit by a virus which turns off life support and opens the hatch, effectively killing the fighters - a silent variation of bladestorm, really; then with Rhino, an 'invert shield polarity' where, for a time, damage adds overshields and another ability allowing the ship to project a temporally destabilizing seismic wave which acts as a Rhino Stomp, but in space - a pair of features you'd expect on a Tenno dreadnought manned by an old 8-Tenno raid party).

  4. While your idea may have merit if the Railship wasn't as big as it is and was more designed for single-user control, Railjack as a mode is more intended for teamwork. I suggest you get your Clan and frequent Tenno friends prepared by going over who does what and what happens when X happens.



    If I was to board an enemy ship and had 3 others on mine, they'd split up so one takes the helm and keeps the ship moving, another handles interior hacking, and the 3rd hops from turret to turret to keep the enemies off until I complete my task. Only when I've left the enemy ship and gotten back would everyone change seats so two would be on turrets, 3rd would set power to weapons and finish off the enemy ship before I take helm and pull us out, which would be when the 3rd member would exit that heavy gun port to reset power to balanced before doing a casual roam of the ship, then coming back. If the scene is clear, all crew would be likely discussing how to fit themselves for the next mission after voting on our next destination.


  5. I didn't catch it but heard claims that Steve said that Archwings would be harder to control within the storm. Not to mention Corpus probably have anti-air batteries everywhere - moreso than the Tusk Grineer did.

    I do wonder, however, at what height would Archwings have issues. Would us flying effectively mere meters above ground be comparatively safe?

    @Zavenosk, Steve said DE'll port over K-drives to Plains and is even considering making them deployable in normal missions (though barely any tilesets besides a Corpus Defense/Interception and Hijack tile would support this enough to consider use)

    To that end I'd be overjoyed further if DE reused their experimental Plains of Eidolon prototypes (AKA huge, seriously huge, tiles) to create semi-open world, randomly assembled, tilesets.

  6. Understandable, but DE pretty much made the quest itself and finished up the story for it mere months before it had to be released, and even then they had to delay it because of bugs and unfinished features, all-the-while they were actually working on:
    -Melee 3.0 (which nobody knows if it's really a buff or a nerf; what is DE up to with this?)
    -[PH]Vlad and [PH]Garuda
    -Venus Vallis landscape
    -The Old-New War
    -Fixing bugs
    -Other previously announced but unmentioned stuff, like the Clan Kingpin thing.

  7. I suppose DE can allow it, but it will be difficult on a lot of tilesets because of the lack of straight/large areas - much like trying to fit in Archwings.

    Maybe they'll finally get to making more 'macro' tilesets like the Corpus Hijack one or the early prototype for the Plains? I really would like some half-open not-landscape areas on each planet and in ship interiors where we can bring in our Archwing, K-drive/hoverboard, or even Railship.

    Another thing I'd like to see is tilesets linking back on themselves or having multiple routes to the same area, maybe with some doors you'd need to hack to access the alt route, which would be a stepping stone toward integrating Railjack, Archwing, and K-drive gameplay elements.




    You're in a hulking Corpus warship. You're using a K-drive to speed down a massive hallway which stores offline Razorbacks and your Tactical has had Ordis turn off security. You reach the Reactor and rig it to explode, but also put in a self-made secondary fuel cell to cause magnetic effects into the coolant system, and then you leg it on the K-drive back out. You return to the Railship via Archwing, shooting down fleeing Corpus gunships along the way, and get there just when the pilot has configured it for maximum firepower, and watch as a single heavy shot from all ship-borne weapons cuts a hole through it.

    Then your Railship drops a Void rift bomb before punching (AKA FTL-jumping using Void-space) out. Then the bomb detonates, drowning the sundered Corpus warship in Void chaos.



  8. You can't sell this weapon or Excalibur Umbra. My bets are two-fold:
    1: They're needed for future cinematics.
    2: People would regret selling them in the future.

    As for your dislike of Nikanas, I would suggest trying Blind Justice with it and focusing on using the block or charged attack movesets. Sure, it's not as fast as the spin2win meta which is the bane of many fingers and hands, but it's there. Not to mention it will turn you invisible on successful finisher kills, regardless of what Warframe's using it (meaning Inaros, Fatal-Teleport Ash, or any Warframe which can set enemies to an unalerted and finisher-exposed state, would be a go-to for this weapon).

    Like with Umbra, and the Operator, it is a thing you will have to accept. Expect future Umbras and their exclusive weapons to share the same 'selling resistance'.

    At the very worst, if one's account got hacked and the hacker was trying to sell everything then wasting all the credits, or trade the plat to themselves, one would still have Umbra and Skiajati.

  9. Excalibur Umbra operates on Specter AI functionality, meaning that he unfortunately makes a lot of mistakes, like not switching to a sidearm when his primary (i.e: Lenz) would harm him or wouldn't be the right thing (i.e: Paris Prime too slow; swap to Akstiletto/Vasto/Pyrana/Hikou Prime), not knowing how to parkour, or not using Exalted Blade as was demonstrated by him during the fights during the Sacrifice Quest.

    This should be another reason for DE to upgrade the AI of NPCs - besides the legged companion inconvenience and Lures being annoying by blocking your line of sight.

  10. The biggest differences you will find include:
    1: Your Orbiter is a little bigger.
    2: Everything looks new again, and Arcanes have changed.
    3: Running is slower than bullet-jumping (Crouch+jump) +rolling/sliding/aim-gliding (aim-gliding occurs when blocking with a melee or aiming with a weapon in mid-air; it's like bullet-time, but just for you).
    4: Lots of weapons and Warframes with unique functions that may not be easy to pick up initially.
    5: Frames you once relied on may not feel the same. Adapt.
    6: The Star Chart's progression has been made linear. Complete the Junctions to progress.
    7: Warframe has special Quests now that have content that is worth not telling you about until you complete it - starting with The New Strange, Natah, Second Dream, War Within, Apostasy, and currently-finally, The Sacrifice - because if I was to tell you anything, it would ruin the impact it would have on you (for better or worse).

  11. 49 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

    5- SW Battlefront. Two motherships on both ends of the map, two opposing teams who need to get through defence barriers of other team and destroy ship's core. Battles both on-foot and in space using Railjacks and Archwing.

    Minus the ground part in Conclave's case.

    @cghawk, Conclave is a thing, and Conclave is missing some less violent variety/non-combat ways to get Conclave standing for those who aren't interested in the parkour meta hell that is (Team) Annihilation right now or aren't interested in the laggy mess that Lunaro is.

    However, DE could reintroduce the old Solar Rail Conflicts in a manner like this:



    Gametype: Clan Rail Conflict.



    3 phases: 1 - Breaking the blockade. 2 - Forming a beachhead. 3 - Destroying the core. Completion of each phase causes a transition covered by a short ingame cinematic, not unlike how Sanctuary Onslaught transitions between zones.

    1. Breaking the blockade.
    The attacking Clan can bring 3 Railships to the fight, which serve as spawn points, mobile bases, and as siege weapons. The defending Clan will also be able to deploy Railships in retaliation, and so you must destroy or outmaneuver them, or do both to get past them. 

    2. Forming the beachhead.
    The attacking Clan must settle down their Railships at pre-designated locations. They can still be rotated and moved, but they cannot leave their designated spots. Each successfully landed Railship will begin to spawn Spectres. If no attacking Railship survives to reach this phase, the conflict is deemed a loss and the attackers must withdraw. The defending Clan, should any of their Railships survive, will be able to relocate them to try and stall the attackers' advance.

    3. Destroying the core.
    The attacking Clan, having held the beachhead long enough to gain ground, can now advance. There will be progress points which would open up new positions to move their Railship to, which would serve as a forward spawn point, at the risk of exposing it to enemy forces upfront. Once the attackers reach the core, they must break it's defenses and scan it. At least one attacking Railship and it's primary weapon must survive the trip to the firing position so it can fire a clear shot. If all attacking Railships are destroyed, regardless of position, then the attack fails.


    Gametype: Clan Digsite Conflict.


    Two teams of 8. Two ships. One piece of land. Resources.
    Deny the enemy team the resources this area offers while gathering your own.

    It's Excavation, but with Railships and an opposing Clan to deal with, as well as Grineer/Corpus/Infested/Corrupted/Sentient forces. 

    The map is divided by barriers that can be destroyed at the cost of resources channeled into the Railship's main weapon. 

    Whichever team has done the following after reaching a time limit, wins:
    -The most resources.
    -Destroyed the other team's Railship.

  12. The new content gives precedence for 3- no wait, make that 4 Conclave gametypes:
    1- Archwing racing (condition: unable to stop, can't exit sprint, can't shoot or use powers).
    2- K-drive (according to DE, that's what these hoverboards are) racing (condition: can't use weapons or stop moving).
    3- Railship racing (condition: starter ship only, disarmed entirely, cannot leave pilot seat).
    4- Team Railship Annihilation (squad votes on which Railship to pick, then gets to trying to board and destroy eachother).

  13. I agree, people are basing Skiajati's inferiority on the observable stats alone rather than the facts:
    -It can hit faster than other Nikanas; Blind Justice empowers it best with the block or heavy attack sequences.
    -Free invis on successful stealth finishers!
    -Based on my use of it, -seems- to have a bigger slam attack AOE than other Nikanas.

    As for mods, this is my build:

  14. I think the reason The Sacrifice was more of a cliffhanger than a full quest was because:
    1: DE was working on all these other things (Fortuna, Railjack, Old/New War), but they couldn't include them since they weren't ready.
    2: They, as much as a healthy portion of Tenno, wanted Excalibur Umbra in our possession. Consider the taming of Umbra as the bossfight, due to the difficulty that came with it.
    3: The Sacrifice was only created mere months ago in earnest; Damage 2.5 distracted them and the other content they were working on (see 1) was also being experimented with.

  15. -Our Orbiters are our homes; removing them and all the things we rely on that are housed in them is like going back to pre-Orbiter days. 

    -Railships are not stealthy or compact enough to slip through hostile defense grids. 

    -Landing Crafts such as the Liset are essential for rapid in-and-ex-filtration missions.

    -Adding manual control over where you go to instead of a Navigation system is a bit too much of a leap for DE at this time and is not the premise of Warframe.

    -However, I would not be against every station/ship mission having it's skybox/exterior/interior altered to permit Railship interaction and by extension allows Archwing content to be integrated into other modes, meaning more places to level your Archwing stuff.


    Example 1: Tenno scans windows on Corpus ship. Railship moves into position, gunner changes seat and barrages the window on command when the Tenno on the inside reaches the defense objective, trivializing the mission and causing the enemy to be stuck against their will (lockdown in effect preventing fighter launch).
    Example 2: Tenno scans reactor of a Galleon, sets up the fire-type sabotage, then returns to the Railship. Railship crew then fires a strategic shot at the Reactor, causing wonderful explosions.
    Example 3: Tenno disables each Hive of a Mutalist Corpus ship, and retreats before the Railship crew begins bombardment.
    Example 4: In the Plains, facing Eidolon Fragments at night; Railship positioned as a heavy sniper platform to break each Synovia and then finish off the Eidolon Fragment.
    Example 5: Conclave; two Railships duke it out in an asteroid belt. Would make for some interesting gameplay.


  16. Due to the length of my reply, it's in spoilers.



    0: The footage used is before they fixed Umbra's bigger arm crescents. This can be dismissed, however.
    1: Stalker at the Ceremony was already unable to act in response to the Tenno preparing to slaughter the Orokin leadership, meaning he had willingly been inducted into the Umbra program some time prior as to perhaps 'do better' at 'protecting' his Empire. Ballas however had other ideas, and so that was a lie.
    2: Stalker suffered like Umbra has, except he had longer to improvise, to adapt, and to try (and fail) to overcome us; he may have attained the other parts from successful hunts.
    3: After Second Dream, Stalker's powers become very similar to Umbra's; a Slash-dash, a radial knockback pulse akin to Javelin, and Exalted slash. He is also revealed to share the exact same Umbra bodywork as Excal Umbra, minus the crescents and Umbra base skin.

    4: Umbra, like Stalker, may remember more than what we've seen, but for both his and the Tenno's sake, they're not sharing that since they probably don't feel inclined to as of now; perhaps on a need-to-know basis. Furthermore, him going to missions we'd normally do and exterminating Grineer and Corpus as we would probably was his way of saying that he wants to help, but he was a bit 'stuck'. When we arrived by ourselves on Lua, he waited for us and made sure the place was clear before he confronted us. Physically, he was resisting, but mentally he was opening up to us.

    4A: Perhaps, as we saw into him, he saw into us. Once we chose the fate of the memory and fought our way out, we had connected. 

    5: Divergent concept; what happens if we acquire more Umbras, or more importantly, what -could- happen if Excalibur Umbra and Nyx Umbra (if she's next Umbra) were to meet eachother, and what could become of our mind and the Orbiter as our Umbra-crew expanded. Would we have to let them wander the ship themselves after a point, just so we don't burden our minds with theirs?

    6: The people who were subjected to the Helminth and weaponized and failed due to going mad weren't and aren't the Warframes Alad V and we know of and use now. 
    -Ballas called our Warframes golems in the 'voices' that echoed on Lua.
    -Hunhow thinks our Warframes are just 'metal puppets'.
    -Jordas/Golem calls them 'USELESS HOLLOW SHELLS!'
    -The Queens call the Warframes 'infested puppets'.
    -Alad V looked inside a Warframe and found... nothing.

    Even in the Old War, Warframes which were perfected throughout the Warframe Project Ballas spearheaded after Margulis' demise were also empty husks. The Primes were the Orokin-Era 'release version' of each Warframe design, which featured superior fashion and a pair of armaments befitting their designated way of combat. The 'common' or 'cheap' Warframes are the low-cost versions created in large numbers when the Primes took too long or too much to manufacture, making the Primes more of a symbol - a sort of regal uniform for important events.

    7: Umbra was a mighty Dax. His son, a Dax. Teshin, a Dax. Stalker... has to've been a Dax (Low Guardian could be a Dax rank, perhaps?).



  17. You've got the timeline wrong, and @(PS4)D4rk50ul-v2, Warframes cannot be dominated by Sentients unless their form incorporated a Sentient element to an extreme (see Chroma's Effigy, which is actually a badly deformed Conculyst).

    This is the timeline as I see it:
    -Early Prototypes (random, non-specific golem bodies, pure Infested; Tenno tried channeling power with them, it didn't work, but they were able to control them regardless).
    -Proto-Warframes (Helminth-clad chitin-meat golems, still relatively useless, but gave Tenno something to start with).
    -'Un-clothed' Warframes (bare-skinned precursors).
    -Primes (decorated release versions, mass produced during the height of the Orokin Empire; still golems, but like Amps they focus Tenno power, and fashionable).
    -Low-cost (less extravagantly decorated, cheaper variations intended for mass-production, but can fulfill their roles with the same effect as their Prime counterpart).

    -Umbra (a side-project by Ballas intended to be punishment for those who got in his way, or as a reward for the most zealous; Stalker has to be one of these because of his inability to act at the Ceremony and how he reacted to emotionally to the situation - unlike the hollow golems, there are Dax inside, cursed or blessed with remembering a specific moment in their life; Excalibur's was the moment of his transformation, the game of Komi, and being used as a sword to kill his son; Stalker's was the Ceremony and our vengeance for all the wrong the Orokin had done).

    This is the longer version:



    Infested golems > Transference Surrogates (powerless frames used by Tenno to interact, pre-Warframe Project) > Umbras and Primes > Low-cost variants > The mindless combat shells we throw at our enemies on a daily basis.


    Mindless monsters molded in crude humanoid shapes forged from living beast-flesh thrown at Sentients as combat forms. Some of these were willing subjects.


    Golems, but driven by Tenno minds. Ballas described them in a similar manner. I'd imagine these forms would try to visually mimic the one controlling them to an extent.

    [Unspecified types]:

    Pre-release versions of Warframes that failed to meet specifications and thus were refactored into a new Warframe, recycled -partly or entirely-, preserved due to potential which would be unlocked later, or destroyed due to absolute failure to meet requirements. These may never be known publicly because it would embarrass Ballas.


    Release versions of Warframes during the Orokin Era which are simply perfect. They remember nothing.


    Dax who either signed up or were punished by Ballas, transformed into sapient Warframes with memories preserved, with one given excess weight; a burning memory of a tragic or maybe glorious moment (though the 'glorious moment' is down to speculation). This description has me thinking Stalker could've been one of the willing ones who underwent this procedure.

    Building one requires it's original components and detailed scans and analysis by Cephalon, as the blueprints essentially do not exist anywhere besides Ballas' Vitruvian 'diary', and even then you still need the original's remains to restore them.


    Cheap versions of Primes that function rather effectively, in spite of the low-quality materials used. The original versions of these - which were able to act by themselves - have all since been destroyed, by themselves (Inaros, Limbo), others (Mirage, Atlas), or by Synthesis as was with Chroma.

    All Low-Cost and Prime variants found in blueprint form as of present. Regardless of what Warframe it is, the fact stands; the Helminth template used for their instincts allow them some measure of self-control, be it the automated reloading, counter-stagger, auto-blocking, getting back up, or even breaking apart a blade that was causing problems.


  18. In this spoiler is a list of people, and things that happened.
    There is no Lotus, only Natah.


    -Margulis was disintegrated before a green/jade light, so the Orokin woman who instigated the Transference program to give the Tenno forms to integrate into society with is dead.
    This was obviously declared several times, most obviously during Apostasy.
    -Ballas took over this and turned us into weapons with Warframe 'golems', with Umbras being a pet project of his using Dax elites as the core component.
    This is heavily hinted.
    -Natah must've gotten Ballas' attention at some point using the Lotus fragment which took on Margulis' appearance, seducing Ballas.
    Like the Doom Slayer making a pact with Hell to bring his Son back at the price of his entire people, Ballas sacrificed the Empire for Margulis - or rather, Lotus.
    -Lotus' Sequence was then restrained with the 'Crown' which may hold secrets. Wondering what happens if we put on this helm?
    This helm seems to be Lotus' backdoor. I also wonder what else we can do with it. Can we disrupt Natah with this?
    -Ballas (since Apostasy) was instructed to release the Lotus fragment from the restraints by Natah.
    This was when we got her helm.
    -The Sentient form which encompasses the Lotus we remember IS Natah.
    This was discovered by the Vitruvian entry text translations by skilled Tenno.
    -"They will say you are riven, and want to reclaim you. I will not be able to stop them." - Hunhow, Natah.
    Perhaps, somewhere in his vast consciousness, Hunhow wanted Lotus to care for the Tenno. If he thought ahead, he could've ended this war by declaring a cease of hostilities between us Tenno via Lotus and the Sentients as a military force.


  19. That's what the Tenno believe but in truth it's more like this:


    -[Unnamed Tenno mother] (deceased; a liar?).
    -[The Father] (Void-borne; lost body to Zariman incident; calls us 'Kiddo'; motives uncertain).
    -Ballas (gave us Warframes, our way of combat, our way of life; for what bad he had done, we owe him for giving us the means to save the present from the past and future).
    -Margiulis (caring for us when none would; deceased from Jade Light).
    -[Unnamed Sentient Mother] ( "Gaunt, drifting beyond the bleak star." claimed to be 'dead', but in truth she merely evolved into a space station; she and Hunhow are our enemy).
    -Hunhow (father of Natah, sovereign harbinger of the Sentient retaliation to the Orokin plan to strip Tau of resources; a preemptive response to say the least; he and his... wife(?) are our enemy; why do they hate us so?).
    -Natah (the daughter of Hunhow and [Unnamed Sentient mother] who swore to destroy all Orokin, us included; without the crown, Lotus may revert to this self).
    -Lotus (fragment of Natah which resists this oath, due to her desire for children, and so we became her children; a lie incarnate, an accident).
    -Ordis (the (in)convenient friend/assistant/ship handler, loyal to his base precepts).
    -Maroo (the scavenger we saved, and aided in figuring out what something was, only to learn that it was a Sentient 'all-clear' message).
    -Teshin (he who clings to the old ways through ritual combat; last Dax; could be called a brother to some, others may not forgive him so easily for his forced loyalties to the Orokin).
    -Excalibur Umbra (our guardian, wishing to avenge his son, nearly succeeded; perhaps greatest of all the Dax of his time; how will he react to other Umbras?).


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