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Everything posted by 45neo

  1. Not meaning to dog pile but... I mean, your original post doesn't necessarily give an absolute expression of an opinion contrary to the title leaving people to only take you at your word as the title is a blanket statement of your opinions of the update... it is kinda click-bait for the warframe is a game that can do no wrong stans, or even just people tired of warframe is bad now complainers. If you do not like this attention I respectfully advise you to change the title to reflect your accurate opinion such as "The story of update 35 is like an artisan vase"
  2. Does a falling tree on earth make noise if no grineer is around to hear it? It indeed could not. If a kavat in a box has a 50% probability of being alive or dead depending on the spin of a particle when observed then it is both. Befuddling concepts that become simple in the framework of eternalism, endless possibilities to harness, but the whole of the void is too vast to manipulate. So we attempted to master creating our own rift, an in-between space. The manipulator of that space failed, but we can still control the fast probabilities of eternalism within our reality, or did we try that already? Meet Schrodinger, a brother/cousin warframe to limbo lost in a superposition of both existence and non-existence. Where Limbo disappeared into the rift, a space created to be an in-between space mimicking properties of the spatial separation of the void where limbo is created to be its master; Schrodinger is similar but created with more of an aspect of the superposition of eternalism utilizing old studies of quantum mechanics to make it a reality and create a more present manipulator of alternate probabilities and realities. The project was shut down with it unknown whether or not it was ever completed. Leaving the existence of Schrodinger unobserved and outside of reality, until some brave explorer can alert the tenno to its rediscovered existence. Design Mostly grey colours in theme with Schrodinger's muted existence within reality has a somewhat cat-like visage as an homage to the real-life Schrodinger's cat name that he gets his namesake. Schrodinger, to add some common theme with limbo, Schrodinger has a flowing cap-like robe to give a subtle impression of a magician in the vein of an escape artist like Houdini. Another detail is that around Schrodinger's he experiences phasing causing warping effects that can slightly distort his limbs as though they are partially fading into non-existence. Also could have some void-like warpings to denote the potential in-universe ties between the void and the quantum (rendered using ai, took a lot of iterations to get a good conceptualization) Passive - Reality Phasing Schrodinger has a base 10% chance to phase through attacks evading all damage, when unobserved (invisible to enemies/enemies not alert of Schrodinger) this chance increases to 50% A technical note would not be the same as regular dodge mechanics as it "phases through" sources of damage even negating AoE damage, however, this would mean it does not stack additively with dodge, thus this can not be used to achieve 100% air-born dodge chance 1st ability - Rend (cast) Schrodinger tears forward with clawed hands sending forth slices of energy that pass through enemies and change their particles' waveforms to collapse into non-existence deleting part of the enemy and leaving them vulnerable to future attacks without being aware that they ever were attacked. This ability would deal moderate amounts of damage on first contact, if enemies are already damaged it would deal a portion of their missing defences and health as additional damage. Additionally, each hit increases enemy damage taken for a short duration allowing multiple hits of this ability to scale to deal massive damage with each successive hit. When enemies are killed with this ability their bodies are deleted preventing other enemies from spotting a body on top of the ability never becoming alert, if not already, even when damaged by this ability. Synergizes with the 2nd ability to deal damage to enemies that are entangled if the slices pass through an entangled character 2nd ability - Quantum leap (cast) Schrodinger blips a moderate distance forward in the direction he is looking in. Any who are in a certain radius of Schrodinger's starting position, path, and destination become quantumly entangled causing a portion of the damage Schrodinger or entangled allies receive to transfer to other entangled enemies, Schrodinger can also use the entanglement to cause his abilities to effect all entangled enemies so long as one enemy or entangled ally is within the abilities range. 3rd ability - Permutate (Cast) Schrodinger lets out a soft growl that creates a short-range pulse around Schrodinger, Within this range probabilities are recalculated in Schrodinger's favour causing a variety of utility effects - Jams enemy weapons for a short duration -Hacks robotic enemies for a short duration -Causes flying enemies to drop -Enemies with jetpacks not flying are sent ragdolling -Dead bodies generate another loot roll favouring resupply drops like ammo, health, and energy -Melee enemies become blinded for a short duration -Terminals in need of hacking are hacked -Enemy abilities are turned off temporarily and active abilities/grenades in range are deleted -Kickstarts Self and ally shield regeneration Synergizes with the 2nd ability to have a very small AoE around entangled characters if at least one is in range of the initial cast 4th - Existential Paradox (channeled) Puts Schrodinger in a superposition where his existence in reality is faded causing Schrodinger to disappear from reality in the perspective of his enemies. This removes all alertness to his existence and turns Schrodinger invisible for as long as Schrodinger does not re-alert enemies to his existence thus collapsing his state fully back to reality. This can also happen if an enemy is looking at Schrodinger from within a close distance (inversely affected by range). The ability when active continues to channel draining energy very little energy, keeping Schrodinger invisible until an enemy is alerted by or "sees" Schrodinger. An additional bonus to being in this state is it doubles the range of Schrodinger's entanglement AoE from quantum leap. Been a while since I last created a warframe concept, This one takes on a unique blend of themes to create the ultimate black panther, cheshire cat, Houdini, quantum warframe. Adds a new alternative pick to the stealth warframe category that retains a decent amount of utility and killing ability for squad play. Admittedly the concept, while great, could use some input on the 4th ability Existential Paradox, and the 3rd Ability permutate; are there any additional effects that would make sense to add to these abilities? Let me know below!
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