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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. So, when i have reading all of the comments here, i have a conclusion (i think):
    You dont like people who use "special skills" from warframes, that makes the uniques in choice, and different gameplay, is not something that you can abuse in a easy way, is not like someone is spamming 4 every 10 seconds, or every 1 minute, did u know how energy spawn work on game? where it spawn? counter the player, because you know how to do it, the mechanic on weapons, on mobility, and on choices, let you make the experience in the game, something unique.
    I really dont think DE its going to make 4th skills just for pvp, it means a complete rework on the system, and nerf on the damage in 4th skill, there is not going to be "why i have to use it, if i know its not going to work"...
    Pvp in warframe still is Fresh, its in constant changes, and i really hope, DE dont make the mistake, on removal the 4th skil, what makes every different warframe, how can i say ehm... "unique" its to abused, special...
    Is what let you think: Today i want to play with excalibur, because... Or, what if I use Frost?---
    So, the best word can i say is: Adapt, Learn how to counter, how to play, enjoy the unique mechanic that let you choice between DPS or mobility, that let you make experiments with the gameplay, what makes warframe "special"...

  2. And here we go in that side of the Community that says "Just don't do it. I like it and I want to."

    The most commong General Forum phrase of every topic of broken things.


    As I already said once, if Invulnerability were in the game, you would just say "Don't use it" and use it freely.


    That's not how it works.

    But, i dont understand why are you asking for a removal on something that you dont like, "deactivated" its like "remova it all" i dont see difference, because you are asking for it, you want the players dont use it anymore... 

    You are asking for the removal on the most simple and amazing game mechanic in the game, that let you make different choices on gameplay, and different ways to play, but we all have the same chances to avoid and counter it and use that mechanic...

  3. I'm gonna agree with Gr3vi3r on this one.


    I say that DE should simply remove all abilities except for movement abilities. I just don't find it fun to play with a pull spam mag, or a freeze frost, or whatever you want. It simply not fun. 


    Sure you can argue that "abilities make WF special" BUT not in pvp. Its simply no fun nor requires skill. If you want to use abilities that "make warframe special" go play PvE. 

    Why i have to play pve to use skills, what if i want to use it in pvp too? Why just "movement skills"? 

    Is different tastes, if you dont like people who use skills, you can counter play them, avoid, dodge, fly like a missile...

    I simply dont understand on why or how this is going to make warframe more "skilled" if we dont have diversity.

  4. You don't read what I write do you? You quote and write random things.


    I don't remember anything like "Remove ALL skills".


    So, wanna argue about actual words or about imagination?

    You say about the topic title? or how many times you have edit your texts on base what i say?

    About "skills needs to be deactivated" just, dont use it, problem solved, you are asking to deactivated it in general? There is a problem...

  5. Frost, Volt, Valkyr 1 hit, Ember.


    Basically every 4 can oneshot.



    You are the kind of player that like current PvP state and doesn't want it to change.

    Im here to help improving it.


    We have different povs about who's a scrub.

    You are the player who want a simple and something casual in shooters? So warframe is not for you...

    I dont want just to shoot pium pium, also i like diversity and differents way to play, and i like the people who can do that, is what makes warframe unique in terms of gameplay, freedom of choice.

  6. After Energy Surge it's all about having a Volt and spamming 4.



    The simple fact that you can't PvP without modding Handspring proves that they are not legit weapons.

    Wrong, I dont use Volt, not everyone who choose a warframe its going to use skills.

    So, because we have that mod, the weapons are wrong? "Heavy weapons, and Kogake" its something that stuns you, and prevent to "copter away while laughting like a manic"... I dont see a problem about the stun, its something what you can prevent and dodge, you just need to learn when and how do that...

  7. Some skills were not meant for PvP, also




    I don't like abuses.


    It's the same as defending Kogake even if I have an Handspring, implying its mandatory to play and it's the same as defending every other thing that gets nerfed the day after.


    It's not me that have to adapt, it's you that need to admit it.

    What i need to admit? The movement speed in bo/p its not fast to dodge a kogake user when u see he coming? 

    Is not abuse, i dont see (still) a player spamming 4 every 1 minute, because they cant, the energy is already limited in comparation when 2.0 comes...

    Coptering ever was a problem, now just are more visible... And they are not "fixing my gamaplay" they are fixing in general.


  8. I do not say all of them.


    But how unique is to copter around and spam 4?

    And how hard its to counter a player and prevent him to use skills? Everyone can copter, but not everyone does it, same with Skills...

    You have the same chances to use skills like other players, just a different way and choice to play.

  9. No, skills its what make warframe choices unique, and with diversity.


    And about yours points, you have the same chance to do that, and prevent the player who its going to do that, because you dont like a different way on how players play, that is not an excuse to ask for a removal, adap, learn, counter play...

  10. Latron series are all exactly the same RTK on all frames as before, just the second last round leaves the target with more health. Last round still kills.

    Now that you are here, i have a questions, why u decide to dont make changes on warframe armor values, with all the evidence on how valkyr its breaking weapon choice and balance?

    Another question, when we are going to see elemental mods? ...

  11. If we compare some statements about excalibur, and valkyr about community opinions:
    Valkyr its good because she have melee skills some usseles skills and Ultimate skill... Thats why she have 600 armor and about 60% damage reduction on most of the weapons... Really high speed compared to other tank warframes... So I dont see disadvantage because people choice she for "no warframe skills usage"... I forget, his shields are down in 0.12 seconds... less maybe?
    Excalibur its good, he have 65 armor, medium speed and stamina drain, his skills are for mobility and CC, his 4 can one shoot like his 1 ability...
    His second skills let you scape, his 4th let you scape, about his first warframe skill, dodge more? About his mobility skill, comon, we all know that its useless with the current way on how melee works right now...


  12. They already have say, the proyectile speed, recoil, ammo, etc etc, its not going to change, just the damage, same with warframes (I feel sad because valkyr population its becoming more and more and more highter (balance?) so...)
    Now with IPS, its going to be worse than before on weapon choice, no one its going to choose anymore a soma prime because ammo and fire rate, just a Boltor/P and high puncture weapons just for valk... because on every match, just valk...
    I find the problem with 1 shot weapons, in general was a problem in close and long range, why? The fast mobility let you reach the target in a couple of seconds, so the proyectile speed is not a problem when you are un 1 mt of distance between targets... (same was happening with strun whraith, but valkyr survive to 5 shots so...)
    I understand your point, i was thinking like you when all the "veterans" and "unexperience" players come here asking for a nerf on damage in melee weapons like "men the fast mobility dont let me be fast to evade a melee user"... 
    About warframe skills, its unique and tactic, everyone its going to fight just for energy... And, i dont think DE its going to make more changes (like rhino IS) they choice the more easy and fastest way to make change, DMG buff and Nerfs, no recoils, no ammo, just damage...

  13. 1-shot is supposed to be high risk, high reward.  Melee is still pretty risky because you can't block while attacking, and most rifles will KO you while you're in the air going for a slam attack.  Tempo Royale definitely needed to be removed until each aspect of its combos was looked at.  That's similar to some other weapons, too, actually.


    The Daikyu has a travel time, charge time, an amount time it can hold charge.  If you decide to run into close quarters against a shotgun, you better hit or you're pretty much dead.  If you go into melee range and the enemy is blocking with melee, your only option is to try to run, which removes your bow's charge if you copter or aerial melee.  If you try to snipe, there's a good chance you'll miss if your target knows how to keep it moving.  With ammo the way it is now, you only have 10 tries before you have to go looking for ammo.

    Ehm, im sorry but i think the 2 weapons need to work on same way, like high risk-reward, I never have see the problem with tempo royale, that stance was that make "viable" the weapon (im not say is not right now)...

    About Daikyu the travel time was something little, with the mod that make the proyectile fly on high speed (i cant remember the name)...


  14. And im Barack Obama.



    Theres a difference between 1 shotting melee channel with tempo royale and a bow which has projectile speed, 3 second draw time and limited amount of time to hold the draw.


    Whatever man, now that I think about it, its silly to ask for a ranking system, DE is making pvp to appeal as much as possible to all the casuals.

    DE wants A person with 500 hours to have the same amount of kills as a MR1 newbie who joined a game 2 hours ago.

    I dont see difference, You have to reach your oponnent to kill him with melee, like a projectile on non hit scan weapons.

  15. Called it. I knew it. It doesnt matter how much skill a weapon takes, a couple of noobs will complain about 1 shots and it will get nerfed.


    Keep listening to the 0.3 kd player feedback.

    That was what I think about who have come here complaining about melee weapons, o yes, i forget, "veterans" they were...

  16. Nothing wrong with 1-shot weapons.


    We're also now looking at situations where 600 armor isn't going to matter much in the face of weapons designed to take down heavy armor targets.

    And how its supposed to work it?

    If there was nothing wrong with 1 shot weapons, i dont understand why the people was coming here, asking for nerf on melee channeling.

  17. I am beginning to think you are asking for a valkyr buff...

    Unless valkyr's raw stats outweigh these "shoddy" ablities. 

    In which case, all frames need a look at because their stats were balanced for pve, not pvp.




    Coptering and air melee need to go

    Welcome to warframe, where 600 armor its balance, melee are a mobility tool, and 1 shot weapon its fine.

  18. We had Chroma already, and I did the calculations to make informed statements and create loadouts that balance out the strengths and weaknesses of individual weapons. And you should, too, instead of crying nerf. I actually try to respect people's opinions when they're based on facts.

    Because we dont have a lot of statements on valkyr and how op it is...

    Im sorry but im not crying, im trying to understand how people see balanced the problem we have right now. One shot things and 600 flying armored warframe... but well...

    I think, I never created a topic asking for nerf, just making questions on "why this is like this" or "what if..."

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