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Posts posted by Thalahssalyst

  1. -snip-

    All people using Marelok / Zephyr / Typedo / Vectis / One Shotting things, Old conclave was based on coptering, a little parkour, but most on coptering.

    That rules you claim, exist just for people who want to do it, not for everyone, because one dude follow that "honor code" you cant claim all people for do it.

    I remember here, on pvp feedback, people asking for balance, for rewards, and I can say most of the "veterans" were asking for it.

    Now you have balance, rewards, more people to play, compared to old conclave, where a ghost town exist, this is really different.

    The only thing what make warframe pvp different, its the diversity on choices, what in old conclave you dont, Valkyrs was the most op think i never see in my life in a pvp game, the overpopulation from that warframe, was amazing.

    In old conclave, where you can use everything to play like you want, You were insulted by using X thing, or that... or this, O jisus, dont use your sword to kill because you are going to be blocked, kicked reported banned and (...)

    Old conclave was a game mode, just for a little portion of people...

  2. I agree, Mobility its unnecesarily fast. And thats why most of the people ask for nerf on melee weapons, because the current mobility let you reach really, really fast your target.

    Valkyr its Op, high defense high mobility, no chance if you have other weapons and no Lex/P, Latron/P, or a Gram on melee mode, u dont have chance against her without that weapons...

  3. Part with abils not fun for players who make kills on tdm or try to win capture match - cuz pvp is not popular. And I don't call "noob" players who kills me with with primary or secondary - so you're wrong. I chose braton cuz i don't stay and shoot i move all time - semi auto is bad on move. And i hope devs nerf latron accuracy - nobody likes campers.


    Warframe start as not pvp game - so what? If other games have nice pvp why warframe can't do same?

    Devs can make pvp more fun easy.

    For you abils are not fun, for you Latron/P its OP, and for u pvp is not popular.

    Im not saying pvp in warframe cant be good, just dont compare it with other games made for pvp, because right now warframe its Unique.


  4. -snip-

    So, you are talking about the combination between coptering and WoF...

    Use excalibur, Collect 100 energy coptering around, jump where enemyes are, InstaKill...

    Use Volt " " " " " "

    Use Frost " " " "

    With Ember, you are Still alive, when you see it coming, when you see she, his animation, you can avoid it, the difference, at least you survive or have the chance.

    Its just a different way to use it, a different mechanic, but with the same results,  same its with Obreron, he let you with 30-35 hp when he uses his 4th...

    The only thing I see frustrating, its the combo- first hability with Lex/P...


  5. Channel Energy first ;)

    Its really hard to avoid a melee user with this awesome and unbalanced mobility in warframe? Gram its really slot... i dont know...



    When you aren't a melee abuser it's actually pretty damn fun.

    I prefer to go with guns.


  6. What are u talking about? This guys who spam with abilities and have energy regen for kills can win pvp matches alone.

    Where fun for players who don't use abilities? its not really fun when low skilled players with 0.2 conclave k/d kills u with 2 buttons easy.


    Yes. This guys can't kill me with weapons and they take energy orb and kill me with 1-2 abilities easy cuz i lose more than 50% HP after one ability.

    Nothing stop you to go and take energy first if u know how to do. And you can have the same chance to energy regen if you want.

    The fun for players who dont use abilities are the fast mobility and Guns, the most awesome thing on warframe its the varitation on player choice, and people who want camp the energy have the same chance to do it, like you to kill him because you know what are he doing.



    It's a different game - Its one more different bad balanced shooter where even players who don't play shooters before can kill with abilities easy if this guys know orbs spawn places. 


    Its PvP game mode so devs must make pvp fun for all players.


     Why pvp servers empty? cuz pvp is bad balanced. Newbies who have nice aim and shoot it to the head can't kill enemy cuz enemy kill this newbies instantly with abilities cuz devs add to much orbs spawn points on map and fast orbs respawn time.


    You have fun killing with guns, and there is people who have fun killing with energy, and out there... far far away, people who enjoy melee alone. its fun how you say that, yesterday I saw you calling "noob" people who use Latron/P when you choose Braton... cuz bad aim (...)

    First of all, warframe never was a pvp game, now have his pvp mode, and its pretty balanced, I think you have not seen old conclave.


    Plis dont make comparisions with other games, because that they were made for pvp (pvp shooters)...

    Remove energy spawn, and again, people who want Melee alone, its gone.


  7. Totally agree with you, exception made for Maps. Maps are awesome. And also Gram still oneshots.

    Actual PVP is just a oneshot/headshot/ability/coptering spamfest.

    If mobility wouldn't be so ridicle, maybe things and weapons would be easier to balance.


    Lol Gram One shots? No dude, Gram its not Oneshot.

    The only thing that can one Shot its Lex/P... And its hard to do that because headshots.

    But yes, now pvp its a coptering spamfest...

  8. Compared to other warframes, she its not Strong and his Ultimate, its not an excuse.
    1 Skill dont deal a lot of damage compared with other warframes. (25 damage and a little DoT for 3 seconds)
    2 Skill (...)
    3 Skill really?
    4 Skill its the only viable hability and compared with Frost/Volt/Excalibur who are Insta Kill... 


  9. You are right, there is no reason to play with a buffed, Skana with his stance, you cant catch a coptering dude with his OP Bo P.

    You are forced to Choose a Bo P to be really fast and have a little chance...
    The balance between mobility and damage its not right. The reduction on energy spawn, and Channeling cost increased.
    All you see in this pvp its a Ping Pong flying dudes only with Bo P, and now Glaive Copter (I dont know about other melees).



  10. Hm yep, coptering need to be reduced on his speed and distance, but we have to wait.
    Parkour 2.0 its going to change the coptering, making pvp less speed based.

  11. First, the removal of Spin damage, making it based on Base damage, okay... Melee mobility tools coming again like before.
    General Nerf of melee Base damage, okay... Im done... Oh look Im still can go around Blocking... Stamina cost while Blocking increased... Okay

    Damage on melee reduced again... Okay :c

    Melee headshots damage removed... Okay, whats happening with you-.-
    Now are only 2 viable melee weapons for general Use - Kogake and Gram, Tempo Royale Removed, okay. MM only applied while melee mode (Sounds right for me).
    Now the people are complaining about the Gram damage and Stamina cost while Blocking, and the Knockdown on Kogake looks like the only way to stop a coptering dude if u want melee alone. General asking for removal/nerf/destroy/etcetc...

    Im not optimistic with coming changes on melee weapons, Im waiting to go with my excalibur and Nikana Dragon again, but currently it looks far to be balanced choice.

    I have Hope, DE dont make this a forced primary and secondary style and using your melee just for mobility.

    All we can do, its wait...


  12. Pretty funny coming from you - the most ardent anti-copter player in the forums.


  13. I was initially worried about Valkyr's high base armour as well. Just to put it into perspective though, RTK is the same with the latron prime (4) to take down Valkyr or Excalibur.

    But what about other weapons? 9 damage on some secondary... Boar damage.


  14. Second, all of her abilities are focused on melee range and she doesnt have any press 4 to AoE win like excalibur or volt (dunno about frost).


    I recently do few matches with her and is pretty well balanced with those low shields and mediocre abilties, its also stated that paralysis would have some kind of knockback but actually it does nothing but damage (it says X amount of knockback in the description).


    Also Chroma and Rhino are still perfectly viable, Chroma has his vex armor duration increased from 4 seconds to 100 (which gives you a damage buff btw) while still having more shields and 350 armor, Rhino still haves more useful abilities and iron skin.

    With the current fast mobility in warframe, no one have problem to reach an oponent... The damage on some weapons its not balanced with his armor, low shields or no, his armor its unnecessarily high, compared with current weapon damage.

    Im not complaining, Im giving a constructive feedback...


  15. After play a couple of matchs, all i saw are valkyrs.

    Their 600 armor vs 26-16 damage from braton prime, and soma p...it does little damage.
    Choose a rhino or Chroma now its a bad decision, his low speed its a disadvantage, and valkyr evades it.
    Armor capability, should not exceed 200 on all warframes, it its going to make a variation on choose.
    Choose a rhino because his armor with less speed, vs valkyr with excalibur speed and 600 armor, with current weapon damage, its not right.
    600 armor vs 9 weapon damage (dex furis etc)- soma, braton, BOAR...
    200 armor vs 9 weapon damage " " "


    Dont do the same mistake like old conclave, over population on the same warframes, evade the strategy.


    9 damage on automatic secondary weapons its not a good choice, u can clean a clip on frost with both dex furis and Vipers, and he is still running around happy... Compare it with Valkyr.



  16. You just need to learn how to avoid melee users, its not hard.
    The mobility in others melee its really fast compared to Gram...

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